It's freaking obvious

Alien Couple's Tug-O-War Of Emotions

Chapter 24 (Business Trip) - 2ne1 bigbang bom choiseunghyun top topbom aliencouple - chapter image

Like a deer caught in the headlights, Bom stood bewildered as she stared at her three bandmates who are grinning evilly now.

“hehehx ..Annyeong girls. I’m back.” Bom smiled awkwardly and waved hello at them. Her hand grabbed the handle of her luggage as she shifted sideways, attempting to escape to her room.

“Andwae..Not so fast, my fellow Park sister.” Sandara slung her arms over Bom’s shoulder and then maneuvered to the plus cream coloured sofa, with CL and Minzy following behind. CL cleared and said “As the band’s leader, I have every right to know everything. As your sisters, we definitely should know everything. So no matter from which aspect, you have to tell us everything. Unnie, speak now.”

Bom blinked her eyes, as she racked her brains, willing it to speed up and form some explanations for the girls. Shrewd Sandara wagged her finger at Bom. “Bommie, stop trying to think of explanations, just repeat what ever happened and leave. nothing. out.”

Inhaling sharply, Bom said “Alright, here goes.” She started telling the girls what happened last night.

“Omo, so Top oppa hugged you? And you guys kissed!!” Minzy squealed as her voice went a few octaves higher.

“Se7en oppa must be scaring the hell out of Top oppa now.” CL sniggered evilly before continuing “I heard from Jiyong oppa that Top oppa has the hots for you for a super long time unnie. Ji says Top oppa will always mention things about Bommie unnie now and then.”

“Yeah, I heard that from Yongbae too. Top actually threw a tantrum once when he watched Bommie gushing over her frog prince on 2ne1 TV. And he actually replays the part where Bommie munches on her corn sneakily on 2ne1 TV” Dara commented.

“Ehhh…?” Bom’s cheeks started to heat up again as she turned her head back and forth as the girls continued to tell her what they had heard from the bigbang boys.

“Can’t believe Top oppa is so sweet! It’s so obvious that he likes you unnie, he wanted to be more than friends!” Minzy squealed as she continued to fantasize about the budding relationship between her favourite unnie and oppa.

“Aigooo. Aren’t you girls overreacting? Nothing is happening yet.” Bom covered her warm cheeks with both palms.

“YET, unnie. Which means it might happen.” CL said teasingly.

“And I have a feeling it’s pretty soon.” Sandara added on cheekily.

Bommie’s phone rang and the girls’ eyes all zoomed in to the screen.

“Oooh, it’s Top oppa.” Minzy snatched Bom’s phone before she could get it.

“Yah, Minkki, return it!” Bom pounced on Minzy, wrapping one arm around her neck, the other straining to grab her phone. Minzy was holding it high up in the air. CL immediately sprang up, slid the phone out of Minzy’s hand and opened the message. Dramatically she read it out “Bommie, did you have a hard time getting drilled by the girls? Hehex. Remember to have your medicine and go tio bed early alright. I don’t want you falling sick again. And don’t eat all the cupcakes that you bought for the girls! Goodnight noona! I will come visit you tomorrow.”

“I don’t want you falling sick again.” Sandara imitated Top’s voice before squealing “Kyahh!That’s so sweet! And Top is already calling her Bommie!”

“Aish, you girls! Do you still want your cupcakes ornot?” Bommie asked in mock anger, her cheeks practically burning from the sweet embarrassment.

“Of course!” CL and Sandara grabbed a couple and prepared to leave the apartment. Before they left, CL mimicked Top’s voice and said cheekily “Bye unnie. We will visit you tomorrow.”

Bom smacked her forehead and groaned.

“ding dong ding dong ding dong...” The incessant ringing of the door bell cause Bom to groan. Turning over, she flipped her comforter away as she walked sleepily out of her room, her eyes half closed. “Minkki~ Where are you?”

Without much consideration, she opened the door and a blurry Tabi came into her view. Her fuzzy brain began to clear as she gradually realized the state she was in.

Top chuckled when the door opened and Bom stood there in a tank top with her new fave “Poong  Poong” on it and a pair of tiny shorts. Her fingers were trying to comb her tangled tresses. “Annyeong noona. I thought you fainted at home. I have been ringing the doorbell like forever. Breakfast for you!” Top slung his arm around her shoulders as he proceeded in and shut the door.

“Where’s Minzy?” Top asked, looking around. This is not his first time in Bom’s apartment but he’s still as curious as ever.

“Ehhh…I have no idea too.” Bom yawned. “Minkki..Minkki..Are you home?” Bom called out in her cute, animated tone as she walked over to open Minzy’s bedroom door.

“Minzy went for a run.” Top said as he picked up a pink note that was lying on the table.

After washing up, Bom was sitting opposite Top, feeling awkward as Top prepared her breakfast for her. “Kamsahamida Tabi” Bom said as she concentrated on stirring the porridge. “Mmmm…”Sounds of satisfaction echoed as Bom scooped a spoonful of porridge into as she shook her fists comically, just like how she normally does when she eats something nice.

Tabi gazed at her, mesmerized.

What surprised him was what Bom did next. She scooped another spoonful and brought the spoon to his mouth. “It’s super nice. Come Tabi, ahhhh.” He obediently opened his mouth as Bom fed him the porridge.

“Unnie, I’m back!!” The door was thrown open and Minzy came bouncing into the room. Top and Bom fumbled as they both leaned back on their chair, Bom retreating her hand hastily and tucked a stray hair behind her ear before saying brightly “Morning Minki! How was your run?”

“Good. Morning unnie and Top oppa!” Minzy wriggled her eyebrows cheekily. “I should go and bathe now, you two have fun.” She said suggestively as she skipped back to her room, leaving the two of them speechless .

Bom’s three days of rest passed swiftly. Top popped by diligently to deliver breakfasts. News travelled fast. With Minzy as on site reporter, soon, bigbang and 2ne1 are both aware of Top’s breakfast delivery. The boys had been teasing Top mercilessly. When Top reported to Teddy’s studio for recording, the first thing Teddy did when he saw him was to ask cheekily, “Yo Top, where’s my breakfast?”

On the day which Top and Gdragon had to fly to Singapore to perform in the F1 concert, Top video- called Bom when he was waiting to board the plane in the airport. He smiled when Bom’s adorable face appeared on the screen.

“Annyeong Bommie noona..”Top waved and continued, “I’m waiting to board the plane now. I’ll be flying back once the performance is over. Should we catch a movie then?”

Bom’s brows furrowed, before replying “Ehhh…I think I’ll be in Japan already. Nolza concert, remember.”

“Aigooo..When will I see you then?” Top asked. A booming loud voice sounded from Bom’s side. “YAH! PARK BOM! Are you skiving again? How are you going to show your tiny waist to your fans!” HwangSsabu shouted.

“Mianhae..I’m coming over already Ssabu-nim.” Bom called. She turned back to the screen and said “Mianhae, Tabi, I gotta go, Ssabu-nim is going to kill me already. I’ll text you again.” She combed her bangs with fingers, an action which she always does when she’s embarrassed. “Rock the stage like you always do. Hwaiting!” She raised her fist up.

Top laughed and replied. “You too, noona. Listen to Ssabu-nim and work hard. I’m looking forward to seeing your tiny waist when I come back. Annyeong.” Top ended the call, smiling to himself until he sensed someone staring at him. He ly to see Jiyong shaking his head.

“Man..You guys should just get together already.” Jiyong commented, exasperated.

For idols, especially the popular ones, days do not have an actual ending. They go on and on as the list of schedules rolled over the hours and minutes. Top and Bom hardly got to see each other after Bom’s three days of rest.

When Top came back from Singapore, he went searching for Bom in the YG building eagerly only to be left disappointed when he heard that the girls had already left for Japan for their nolza rehearsals. Just as he was contemplating if he should fly himself over to attend the concert, YG summoned GD and him to his office.

[In Japan]

“Aigoo. I’m so tired.” Bom plopped onto the sofa of their resting lounge, her cheek resting on her hands as she looked at her girls slumped on the chairs and couches while she laid on the main sofa piece.

It was the last lap. After the energy draining rehearsals, it would be the final stage, where they would be embraced by their fans, where their screams and shouts fueled them, giving them strength.

These few days, she had been memorizing lyrics and dance steps. Whenever she paused for a break, Top will come to her mind. It has been sometime since they have met and she found herself missing him. “Hul! Has Papa YG notice something? Did he purposely separate the both of them?” Bom can’t help but wondered.

“Let’s get some rest. We still got rehearsals for the special stages at night before wrapping up for the day.”  CL said.

“Aigooo. I’m supposed to do ‘I need a girl’ with youngbae. But why isn’t he here yet?” Dara wondered?

“Ehhh..Mine is ‘Oh yeah’, which means Tabi and Jiyong should be here, isn’t it?” Upon realizing it, Bom perked up immediately.

“Ohhh, Unnie, you must be missing Top oppa..” Minzy teased. Just as she was about to continue, the door was flung open and Top came barging in “What’s up! We 2ne1” He shouted.

Annyeong yorobun!! I bet lots of us have been watching the YG concert fancams lately and rofl-ing over Bigbang's IATB performance. I have to say the boys are priceless especially the one and only Tabi! I still have not gotten over his "bam ra-ta-ta-ta ta-ta-ta BANG", his two arms vertically spreading open pose and him "fly to the left, fly to the right" dance steps, nearing the end. Oh my goodness.

Am probably going to include this family concert in this story too.

Well, this chapter basically is about our favourite couple being lovey-dovey and they are this close from getting together. The other bigbang boys and 2ne1 girls will take up more of next chapter. As much as I don't wish for it to happen, it's nearing the end though.

I sincerely thank all my readers, those who are there all along and the new ones, for supporting this fic.

Kamsahamida <3

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ChiramKoreana #1
Chapter 12: update please author-nim. Badly loves this fic. :)
fauxreality #2
Chapter 12: I keep coming back here waiting for your update :(
fauxreality #3
Chapter 12: Please update :)
fauxreality #4
Chapter 5: Hi im just reading your story now and i must say that it's onenof my favorite because it seems real. Please continue writing ! You're very goood! ❤
Chapter 12: Hahahah...I wouldn't want to miss that opportunity too...hahahaha
Omg!!! You finally updated!! I seriously love this story! I was jumpin in joy when I saw this story updated!! Ahhhh
Thank you so much!!,
gjie2cute #6
Chapter 12: Omg bom hahahahahah thank you so much for the update i hope you have time to update the story regularly
update soon
cheer-123 #8
Please update again soon. I hope 2ne1 really does perform "Fantastic Baby" one day.