Chapter 12: A New Ally or Enemy

Fallen Again

Chapter 12: A New Ally or Enemy


AJ took me to a coffee shop that was far from 2PM's and U-Kiss' dorm. I was sitting at a table when he came over with a cup of coffee and a variety of sweets for us to eat. I was still wondering what he was being this nice to me.

"Since when are you nice to me Kim Jaeseop?" I looked up at him and whipped more tears that were falling away. I wanted to also know how he knew that sweet were my comfort food.

"Since you seem really upset and I owe you one. Soohyun said you took care of me when I fainted that night at NH Media. I also was being really rude to you and was violent. So I decided that I will be nice to you just this once." AJ sat down from across from me, "So what happened?"

I took a sip of the coffee, "I'm not going to tell you my personal life. You hate vampires after all. I was not always like this!" I looked at him and he looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"If I know why you are upset I can try to help cheer you up. Who were you with to make you this upset?" AJ took a bite of a cookie. "Please! I want to help you."

"Shocking you want to help someone besides yourself." I took a brownie off the platter of sweets he got.

"I care about you, but I just don't show it. We are under the same company and people in the same company lookout for each other."


“Fine I will tell you only if you stop being a jerk to me Kim Jaeseop.” I looked at him and puffed out my cheeks.


“I am only a jerk to vampires. If you were a werewolf or human things would be different princess.” AJ smirked as he looked at me with his sharp looking eyes.


“Fine than you are not getting anything out of me Jaeseop!” I looked at him and got up to leave, but her grabbed my wrist and pulled me to sit on his lap. “Yahhh what are you doing?”


“Silly girl just tell me?” AJ’s muscular arms wrapped around my waist; he was making it difficult for me to escape. I was starting to wonder about all this skinship. First, I had some skinship with Junho and now AJ. What was wrong with all the guys around me?


“Yahhh AJ!” I looked at him as he tightened his grip and pulled me close.


“Yahhh don’t make a scene! If you do fan’s will make a fuss about us.” AJ whispered into my ear, “now be a good girl and sit back down.”


“To bad I am not a good girl!” I said as I looked into AJ’s eyes. “I haven’t been a good girl since I was turned into a half vampire when I was eighteen. I became a full vampire a few months ago. I still lack some control Jaeseoppie.”


“Yahhh!” AJ said as he looked into my eyes, and placed a hand on his chin. “You will never find out about my past.” I noticed his grip loosen and I was able to get away. Seoyoung put her hood of her sweatshirt and sunglasses and walked away. “IT’s U-Kiss AJ” I screamed and I pointed towards AJ. I heard screams pierce the air.


I headed down the streets and walked into an all and spoke to myself, “So seducing him is his weakness.” I my lips and leaned against the wall. I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at my phone and noticed I had a few text messages.


Noona are you ok? Soohyun hyung said you were at 2PM’s dorm because you fainted. Noona if you want me to come get you I will. Do not hang around 2PM or anyone from JYP Entertainment. They all hunt people like us. – Kevin


Seoyoung sii is everything alright? You seem down lately. If you want to talk I will be here for you even if I am a werewolf. – Hoon


Hey, Seoyoung. I am sorry about earlier and I am feeling horrible. Can we meet later so I can explain everything to you? I cannot lie to you anymore. I want to tell you the truth even though Wooyoung might kill me once he finds out. Meet me at the Namsan cable car so we can ride to the top, and talk. – Junho


Yahhh BABO once I get my hands on you Seoyoung. You are going to wish you were a werewolf. –AJ


I read all my text and decided to get back to Junho first because I felt bad for treating him like that. Sure sounds good to me Junho! What time do you want to meet?


“It seems like someone is smart with using their head to get away from annoying werewolf’!” A male’s voice came as he jumped down from the fire escape with a smirked on his face. My eyes went wide when I saw X-5’s Ghun’s. He took a few steps closer and placed a hand on my chin, making me look into his eyes. When he smirked I noticed his fangs, and that is when I realized he was a vampire.


“What business do you have with me?” I said in a cold tone, but he leaned closer to my face and smirked.


“You will soon find out, but I would like you to play our game first. More details of this game will come out in time. Oh and Seoyoung, I have my eyes on you everywhere so our games will start at anytime.” He moved away and winked, “See you around.”


Authors Note: I updated finally. Well I hope you like this chapter hehehe. It was a lot of fun to watch. Sorry that there is no Kibum and Alexander. I plan on having them appear in the next chapter. I have something big planned for next chapter tee hee! 

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I promise to update soon. I want to give you the two final chapters in one shot or something


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Rianne2580 #1
AWWWW.... I was looking forward to hot ....

IT'S OKAY!!! <3
hehe <3
Rianne2580 #2
ooh. What... :O

Junho!!! TT_____TT

Please update soon :)
time to do my method of pulling a name out of a hat
Rianne2580 #5
LOL~ <3 hehe :3
I hope it's not too troublesome unni~~ :)
The_Silent_Reader #6
OMG! I wonder what'll happen with Dongho and Minyoung. Or is it Miyoung?? Hahaha lol. Update soon please!!
Ohmygosh, i wonder what will happen if they ever want to turn X-5 back to normal. LOL, I'm thinking.. That Junho will have to kiss all these guys! Haha~ thats ridiculously funny if it ever happens, which i think won't. >^<
Rianne2580 #8
WOOOO~~~ <3
Yay~! hehehe :3
glad I could help unni~ ;D

Also, LOVE IT<3 Junho~~ ;D
Idk who I ship :o
I think I'll do..
Stylish: Kibum
Fallen Again: Hot
Idols: GYUUUU~~~~~
2PM's Maid: Hot again~~ <3

yeah~ Those are the ships that I am a passenger on!!! <3
Rianne2580 #9
yes~ Jaejoong~~ <3 hehe :3
Excited for more!
Also, I love it~ Minyoung so rebellious~ :3
Minyoung and Dongho huh? ;D
hehehehe yep Ghun found out.
I have yet to pick a kidol to be teh boss so that is something im saving for hte end
hehehe Hot and Bummie <3