Chapter 2 "Just and accident":

Getting to know her

Finally, we have a break from classes, so Jayeon meet the other girls , but Minah was missing.

"Where's Minah?" Hikori asked "I think she is at her classroom" Jayeon said "Then, we need to get her!" Ayano said "Are you crazy?" Jayeon said "The last time  we went to the 2nd year's floor, they almost kill us!" "Don't worry, we will be careful this time" Hikori said smiling "Yeah right" Jayeon said sarcastically.

There they were, hiding from the 2nd year students, while searching for Minah. Finally they found her, she was in her classroom surrounded by guys from all classes, yeah, she was pretty popular, because she was pretty and kind, Jayeon and Hikori where a little jealous and... well... Ayano didn't care at all.

"Pss! Pss Minah!" Hikori whisper "Look there!" a Guy said "They are from 1st year right?" Another yell "Get them" "Damn! Minah!" Ayano said, while taking Minah with her "RUN B*TCH! RUN!"

They run until they reached the cafeteria, there, they managed to disappear from the guys who were chasing them. Then they got in the line and Hikori and Ayano start getting all the things they saw.

"Umm unnies... are you sure that you can pay everything you have there" Jayeon said pointing their food "Well... umm..." Hikori said "You know what? Forget it" Ayano said as she leave the food as she and Hikori took a chocolate milk.

Jayeon just grab a green tea bubble tea and Minah was busy with boys that wanted to buy her food. They went to a table as far as they could from EXO, Minah wasn't really happy, but it was for the sake of everybody.

"Let's go outside!" Hikori said "Ok, let's go" Minah said and Hikori and Ayano started running "Wait don't run... Oh!" Jayeon said as she saw how Hikori trips and her chocolate milk went directly to Kris face. "WHO DID THIS?!" He shout, he was angry.

Everybody open up, and a little Hikori at the floor was shown , she was trying to escape.

"Traitors!" She said, she stood up and smile at Kris "YOU DID THIS?!" Kris said "Hyung, calm down" Lay said "Don't tell me what to do! You did it or not?!"  "Well... sort of..." "How do you dare to make this to me?!" "It was an accident" Ayano said defending Hikori "I don't care if it was an accident, do you know how much...!" He was interrupted by a huge piece of pie "Upps!" Hikori said smirking "RUN!" She yelled while crazy fan girls were chasing us "Here!" Jayeon said as she opened the janitors door and they hided inside...



Hello ^^

Well here is the 2nd chapter, hope you like it, subcribe and comment :D

So... it's like 12 o'clock here where I live, so I'm leaving, enjoy it! :3

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Chapter 2: Good chapter & keep it up - Yuki