Chapter 1 "With new boys, comes problems":

Getting to know her

As the day starts, Jayeon wakes up, because of the sunlight coming from her window.

"Ugh" She said as she stretch over her bed.

She stands up and walks to her closet to grab her clothes and change her pajamas. When she finished changing, she walked to the bathroom and washed her teeth and face. While she was drying her face with the towel, she look at herself in the mirror.

"Today is a new day" She sigh while letting the towel in its place "Come one Jayeon, smile" She said tapping the cheeks with her hands, while she was smiling.

That was her routine, no matter what happen, she would be always smiling. She went down stairs and saw her 13 year young sister, Minhye, eating a toast.

"Is there som​e breakfast for me too?" She said grabbing her backpack "Yes, here" Her sister said, throwing me a toast "Minhye it's getting late, you should go to your school" She said "Ne unnie" Her sister said as she walked to the door. "Ugh it's getting late for me too" She finished her toast and left the house.

When she arrived to her university, she notice a lot of commotion in the front door, she didn't care, and just keep walking until she saw her friends.

"Jayeon-Ah, do you now the news?!" Minah said "News? About what?" She said with curiosity "Its' not a big deal, they are just some new boys" Ayano said "Just some boys? Just some boys?!" Hikori said "They are the handsome boy band EXO!~" Hikori said fangirling "They are just talented boys coming to our school" Ayano said "Yeah, I don't know why you are that excited, yes they are handsome, and I know they are idols, but at the end they are just boys" Jayeon said a little pissed "Well let's better go to class, before we are late" Hikori

When they were walking, EXO came from nowhere with a bunch of girls that wanted to talk to them, so they were pushing each other to get close to them. Jayeon was trying so hard to avoid them, until some girl pushed her and she fell to the ground.

"Jayeon! Jayeon! Where are you?!" Ayano start searching for her when she notice that she was missing "Unnie!" Jayeon said "Oh crap! Minah, Hikori, Jayeon is in the crowd!" Ayano said worried, because Jayeon was claustrophobic* "What?!" Minah said "We need to find her!" Hikori said as she came into the crowd "Get out of my way!" Ayano yell, while pushing  the girls aside.


One EXO member notice some girls searching for something and a girl on the floor, she was really scared, and she couldn't breathe.

"Hyung! Hyung! Help me help this girl!" The two of them helped Jayeon.

One of them carried her to the nursery,  while the other went to Jayeon's friends and tell them about her.

"Are you looking for a girl?" "Ne! Have you seen her" Ayano said "Ne, come with me" He said as he walk to the nursery "Hikori, Minah! come here, he found Jayeon!" "Kr.. Kris oppa?!" Minah said when she saw him "Annyeonhaseyo Kris oppa!" Hikori said shyly "Ya! Don't act like fans in a situation like this!" Ayano said.

They were in front of the door of the nursery, and they heard a laugh, Jayeon's laugh to be more specific. They opened the door and saw Jayeon sitting in the bed, while she was talking to a tall boy with dark circles.

"Jayeon, are you ok?" Minah said "Ne unnie, I'm ok" She said smiling "Thanks for helping her… emm" Hikori said "Oh! I'm Tao, and he is Kris, and don't worry, it's nothing" Tao said happily "Tao we need to go, it's late" Kris said "We need to go too, come one girls" Ayano said "Bye bye Jayeon, hope we see again soon" Tao said waiving "Bye Tao-ssi" Jayeon said



"Goodbye girls! See you at lunch!" Minah yell

As the girls walked to their respective class, Jayeon's smile disappeared, she didn't have to act any more, until she reached her classroom.


Claustrophobic: Fear of being on small places



Hello~~!! \(^////^)/

Well this is the first chapter, hope you liked it:)

Please coment and subscribe, and againg, sorry if I have any grammar mistake.

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Chapter 2: Good chapter & keep it up - Yuki