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Last Kiss

I still remember the look on your face
Lit through the darkness at 1:58
The words that you whispered for just us to know
You told me you loved me so why did you go away, go away

I do recall now the smell of the rain
Fresh on the pavement, I ran off the plane
That July 9th the beat of your heart
It jumps through your shirt, I can still feel your arms


1.58 a.m. The door opened revealing your boyfriend of six months. He approached you and embraced you tightly, closing his eyes. “Eaten?” he asked. You nodded your head and hummed in response. “How was work?” You asked him while he just gave you the ‘ok’ sign. He released you from the tight hug and just stood in front of you, his arms still around your neck. You started to look at his face closely. His face lit through the darkness. How the way his hair covered part of his eyes, his dimples showing while smiling. He was perfection. He then leaned in and whispered only words for both of you to know.

  The thunder was grumbling while the lightning was flashing every now and then. With arms spread you jumped into his arms. It’s been so long since you last saw him due to the individual busy lives of each of you. But being here in LA and attending his concert was more than enough to make you jump up to the rood in joy-ness. You both were then off to the concert and in two hours time, there you were. At the foot of the levitated stage, cheering your boyfriend on. Fans knew who you were since you both went public three months ago and were cheering with you.

  Time really flew by faster than you thought and now you both were on the way back to the hotel. He was worn out that he fell asleep, his head resting on yours while your head was on his chest. His heartbeat that jumps through his shirt, you wrapped your arms around his tighter than ever.

    I do remember the swing of your step
The life of the party, you're showing off again
And I roll my eyes and then you pulled me in
I'm not much for dancing but for you I did

Because I loved your handshake, meeting my father
I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets
How you'd kiss me when I was in the middle of saying something
There's not a day I don't miss those rude interruptions

    It was your birthday and Yixing threw a ginormous party for you. Everyone was here. Your boyfriend’s band, your friends, your family, his friends and some fans as well. You were walking around greeting guests and finding your boyfriend in the process. He was nowhere to be found though, when a spotlight shone on you. Approaching from a distance, you saw him handsome than ever. Dressed in a black tuxedo, tie hanging from his neck and a rose poking out from his left pocket.

“May I have this dance?” He asked while grinning, one hand out and another hand on his tummy. Bowed with his right leg sticking out from the back.


  “Mum, Dad? I introduce you to my boyfriend, Yixing. “You said.

  “Nice to meet you! What a pleasure, you’re lovely.” Your father said, giving him a handshake your mother doing the same.

  “I hope you’re taking great care of our daughter. We’re leaving it all to you.” Your mother said while smiling.


  “Maybe if you wouldn’t be so lovey dovey around other men than this wouldn’t even have occurred!” He said flabbergasted, putting his arms on his waist with frowned eyebrows.

  “Me? Lovey dovey around other men? Wow. Says the one that hugs all the girls he sees backstage! You know maybe if YOU could get less flirty with those-“You were cut off by his lips landing on yours. Your eyes were as round as a goldfish’s and your arms were in the “surrender” position. Slowly and carefully, you kissed him back. There’s never been a time you never loved those rude interruptions.

So I'll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep
And I'll feel you forget me like I use to feel you breathe
And I'll keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are
Hope it's nice where you are

And I hope the sun shines and it's a beautiful day
And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed
We can plan for a change in weather and time
I never planned on you changing your mind

Stalking was not the word for this. It was more of knowing how he was doing. Seeing how he is smiling in the selcas he took, he must be really happy where he is now. Grabbing your phone, you decided to call Tao. This was not stalking once again, you were merely checking up on him. “Zhitao how is he?” He was quiet on the other end of the line, knowing what you meant. “Yeah, he’s fine. Smiling a lot nowadays. But…. _____ … he’s not describing you anymore.” He said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s not describing your facial features anymore; he isn’t describing your body figure anymore. He’s not describing you as his ideal type nowadays…” Tears welled up in your eyes after hearing what Tao said.

He must’ve moved on huh… what was I thinking… that he would come back to me? Hell no.’ you thought. “Thanks for the information Tao, I’m hanging up now.” You said and hung up, not bothering about his reply. It’s really over now, and time to move on.

  Heavens can plan for a change in the weather and the time. The brain can plan for a change of decisions. But you never planned on him changing his mind.


So, I'll go, sit on the floor wearing your clothes
All that I know is I don't know
How to be something you'd miss

I never thought we'd have our last kiss
Never imagined we'd end like this
Your name, forever the name on my lips
Just like our last kiss, forever the name on my lips
Forever the name on my lips, just like our last kiss

“Hey, can I meet you?” He spoke through the phone. “Tonight at seven. The park beside the usual café.” He said and hung up, not waiting for your reply. There weren’t any “I love you” that accompanied his ending speech. You got ready to meet him, knowing it was time.

Later that night

 “Well… I just don’t think we’re working out. Sorry to disappoint you. Bye.” He said with sincerity. He turned around, but just in time you held his wrist. Confused, he turned around. You were on your tippy toes when you both connected your lips. Then breaking the connection, you gave him back the couple ring he bought for your first anniversary. Turning on your heels with no regrets, you walked away.

  This was it. The last kiss. 

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Chapter 1: Wow. This was really good.
Chapter 1: it's very good!