This Is My Tragic Story OneShot Request { CLOSED }


Come claim a song by U-KISS, and we'll write a oneshot for just for you!


Request Away BUT please check out the author's profile to
see who matches your kind of style and see their status.


The rules are pretty simple; as long as you follow them then you'll be fine,
but if you choose to do otherwise there will be consequences

1. This should be a very common rule: NO BASHING

2. PICK ONLY ONE SONG; you cannot come back to pick another song.

Oh and there is a password. Please include it in the 'Extras.'

3. WHILE PICKING A SONG; make sure to check chapter one so I won't have to come and PM you about the song being already taken. 

4. NO REDOS; sorry but if you don't like the oneshot then you shouldn't have requested. We spend a long amount of time working on the oneshots so, it would be sad to see that someone doesn't like it. 

5. RATED ONESHOTS will depend on the writer, so do not request from a writer who doesn't do rated stuff.

6. Please subscribe after requesting from us; it would be really... weird to not subscribe after requesting.

7. After your oneshot is completed and posted onto the shop; please comment! You may feel free to UN-subscribe after. 

8. LASTLY; please let us know if you're going to deactivate your acct or go MIA for a whole week or two. If not, you will be blacklisted.

The password is r2pi


Authors ;

There are 2 author's. Please choose ONE of them to do your oneshot. 

th_donghicon.png?t=1325563948vangbby (head author)

Name: Amanda 
Age: 17
Fanfics/oneshots writtencan be founded here

Style of Writing: I try to be descriptive /but I fail to/. I usually just get to the point. My oneshots can be long and some can be short. it really depends on how I want to write it.
Types/Genre of Oneshot: Romance, Fluff and all that good stuff. I can't do rated oneshots, not unless... I feel motivated to.
How long will I take on the request: A week. it depends if I'm busy or not and if I have an idea. I will only take 2 requests at a time.
U-KISS Bias: Shin Dongho! Wait no, Lee Kiseop..... Er, actually its Kevin Woo... nooo, Dongho... Kiseop!! Well Kevin... I don't know q___q donghokiseopkevin........
Status: BUSY


th_soohyunicon.png?t=1325563942AznXRose (co author)

Name: Tina
Age: 18
Fanfics/oneshots writtencan be founded here

Style of Writing: Try to be descriptive as possible. I can write fluffy, dark, mystery, action, comedy [sorta not really xD lol], ROMANCE! <3.
Types/Genre of Oneshot: Basically anything..just not those rated shots...I never written those before so I'm not sure if I'll be good writing them lol
How long will I take on the request: depending..usually take about a week..unless i do like 2 or 3 requests at a time..which i usually do that..then it'll take a bit more than a week. Along with that, I'm very busy with my life as a student. Sometimes I might take even longer and I apologize if I do. But if you guys are patient enough, you'll have your oneshot and guarentee it'll be worth the wait^^
Status: Free


Songs ;
As Long As You Love Me
You and I
Not Young
Talk To Me
I Like You
On Fire
Am I That Easy?
Round Round
Without You
Bang Bang
Dancing Floor
Give It To Me
Before Yesterday
Shut Up!!
Light It Up
Rock Ya Body
It's Time
Every Day
I Don't Understand
Words That Hurt Me
Baby Don't Cry
Take Me Away
On the Floor
Love of a Friend
April Story
Tell Me Y
Top That
Let's Meet Again
Tick Tack
Forbidden Love
A Shared Dream
Show Me Your Smile
We Set Off!
The Sound of Magic
Eeny, Meeny, Miny Moe


Application ;
please delete the stuff in (parenthesis)

Character's Name: (Doesn't have to be Korean)
Preferred Writer: (vangbby or AznXRose, or anybody)
How you look: (Provide a picture or describe your character)
Extras: (we'll be thinking of the plot, you just need to give us other info you want to add but you don't have to; is there anything else you want to add? hinthinthint)


{ none at the moment }




check the first chapter often. you can see where you stand while waiting for your oneshot. 
Thank you!


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What happened to all the other stories/requests that u guys already wrote :C
UKISSaranghae #2
jawdrops** i cried after reading the fic.. sequel? <333 i srsly love this TuT okay now.. i'm speechless.
Unnies! Can I request? Haha :)

Character's Name: Kate 
Bias: Keviin <3 
Song: Without you 
Preferred Writer: vangbby 
How you look: Boyish but can be sweet and quite childish ^^
Extras: A sweet oneshot, like the one you wrote for me unnie! :) Thanks a lot~^^ FIGHTING!
Haha yea..i guess I didn't explain much about that part! Well its like he's afraid that if she gets her memory again then she might 'leave him' and didn't even think about how much she care about him because he has been hurt too many times by others. So then, he tried whatever he can to make sure she don't get her memory back so she can ONLY think of him and BE with him. Did I explain this well? LOL I'm never really good at explaining things! haha Anyways I'm glad you like it! :D
Wow! That was amazing!Better than I expected it to be~ ^^ To be honest, in the beginning, I thought it would be all about her obsessing over him, so it was a really nice surprise to see that it turned out that she became his obsession. But, I kinda wonder why he wouldn't want her memories to come back. After all, those notes pretty much said that she liked and cared about him. Nevertheless, I really like this oneshot and appreciate it a lot. :)
Omooo!! I WANNA HELP!! :DD LET ME DO THE ONES. ;) Since I get a lot of comments on mine with people asking me to write more. Teehee.

But I also want a one-shot
Characters name: Becks or Becky
Bias: Obvious. Kevin. ^^
Song: Forbidden Love ...ohohohooo! >P
How I look:
Extras: Make it adorable. All lovey dovey and stuff. ^^

Really though. I want to help you guys. :D
Character's Name: Ahn Camille
Song: Neverland
Preferred Writer: Anybody
How you look:
Extras: I just want it to be really fluffy and romantic with a happy ending :)
Oh my! more requests! LOL i guess i need to start working my brain more xD LOL thanks for applying! :D ~
YangHaNa #9
Character's Name: Kim Jaemin
Song:Take Me Away
Preferred Writer:AznXRose
How you look:
Extras: My Character is AJ's Fraternal Twin sister