
All or Nothing

Cause I want it all

Or Nothing at all



You how everything becomes so much more cliché when a song completely relates to how your feeling or what your situation is? Well who knew that a song from 2001 could relate so well to me right now.  Good job O-Town. Your 90’s sounding song, All or Nothing, really related to me. I bet that’s what you always aimed for right? Having people other than your producers (probably not even them) understand what this song feels like in reality.


I know when he's been on your mind

That distant look is in your eyes

I thought with time you'd realize it's over, over


That line just kinda makes me want to chuckle, considering you just (more like it’s been a couple months) broke up with your boyfriend of one and a half years. Well more like he broke up with you and... you just kinda refused to let him leave your life. But I know you still think about him even when we go out together. Like the song says, “That distant look is in your eyes”. You think I’m lying when I say that even my dog can tell when you zone out and daydream about him.


You know I'd fight for you but

How could I fight someone who isn't even there

I've had the rest of you now

I want the best of you, I don't care if that's not fair


Such a nice pre-chorus this is, since it’s so damn true. I would fight for you, but it’s so freaking impossible to fight somebody who isn’t even there. It’s right out of the damn song too. O-Town knows what I’m feelin’.

I couldn’t really understand what “I’ve had the rest of you” meant...I guess they just put it in there as a filler. I wouldn’t know, but I’m pretty sure I don’t have the rest of you. Whatever that means. I do know that I want the best of you. Like you actually try to keep your focus on me when we’re together and not daydream about “Oh-so-perfect Minho”. God, even his name irritates the hell out of me. But, I really don’t care anymore…

Cause I want it all

Or nothing at all

There’s no where left to fall

When you reach the bottom, it’s now or never


Ke. Get it? Admit it, that was a damn good transition into the chorus. But seriously Soojung, I want all of your attention or none at all. You’ve already hit rock bottom in your emotions, so there’s really no where you can go except up. God that sounds like such a cheesey motivation if I were to say it to motivate you. Except..It’s not to motivate you.


Is it all?

Or are we just friends

Is this how it ends

With a simple telephone call?

You leave me here with nothing at all


That one line in the goddamn chorus. “are we just friends”. It kills me to be honest. That one line is like a punch to my heart. Why? It’s pretty damn obvious why. It’s cause I love you that’s why. But you always treat me like your best friend and yet; just like in the song, there's times you look at me. As though I'm all that you could see. You’ve acted like we’re a couple so many times, people actually started to believed we were until you dated him. I can’t stand his name.

Krystal + Minho = Minstal… That’s a horrible name. Plus, Minho doesn’t go well with Krystal. Krystal+Amber=Kryber. See? That’s so much better. And we’re both named after gems. What’s Minho named after? What does Minho even mean? Brave jade-stone? That almost as stupid as Minstal.


The rest of the song is basically just a repeat of the chorus, which I don’t really need to explain. But it irritates me since there are a bunch of memories of us before him, that flow into my mind as the song continues with it’s repeating chorus and occasional harmonics.


So I guess until you give me “All or Nothing”, I’ll continue sitting next to and staring at you in the cafe that’s right across our dorm, “Dreaming of you”.




a/n; I don't have anything against Minho or Minstal. DON'T HURT ME T~T

I know, I'm kinda slacking on my one shot royal family collection, but I'm rattling my brain for more ideas! It'd be mad appreciated if you guys have requests or anything that'll keep me busy!
Note: I don't do ...yet. Lol sorry ^^;

Anyways, I was listening to this throughout the weekend cause I had this one shot idea. The shot's pretty short cause there hasn't really been a lot happening recently for me to use in here. It's been a boring week honestly. 

You should listen to the song "All or Nothing" by O-Town though. It's a good song. I wasn't lying when I said it sounds like it's from the 90's though. Though I wouldn't really know since I've basically listened to korean music since I could remember.  

I put a little hint in here about what the next shot will be. It's pretty obvious what the title is gonna be though, so I'll just let you guys figure out what that means until I post it ^^

As always, thank you for reading this horrifically written shot. Have a nice day/night~~~ I love y'all <3

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Chapter 1: Great one shot author! That is one of my favorite songs before :D