Into The New World


I didn’t choose to live this life. I wasn’t exactly born into it either. In fact, I don’t even know how I really got here. All I know is that this is my new home and new life, in a world I don’t want to be a part of, and I have to play by the rules or else I’m dead.




“There are only three things you need to follow if you don’t want to die. Don’t trust anybody, don’t have any emotions, always do what you’re ordered to do. No matter what.”

I was shivering in my spot for multiple reasons. One, it’s freezing, and my lack of clothes is the main reason I’m cold on this summer night.


“There are only three rules you must follow. Rule one, always obey your seniors. Your seniors here will be your teachers and my men and I.”


Two, I had no idea where I was, though I wasn’t alone. There were other boys and girls lined up on either side of me, doing exactly what I’m doing. Shivering.


“Rule two, don’t speak unless instructed to.”


Three, there was no way out. I discovered that right after my blindfold had been taken off, and saw a boy break out of the line and run to the only exit (which, by the way, was on the totally other side of this gigantic room), only to get shot down and killed before he can make it halfway across the room.


“Lastly, rule three, after today, failure is no longer accepted.”


And reason number four, his words sent shivers down my spine. By “his”, I mean the tall, buff man that stood in the middle of the room as he watched the blindfolds being taken off the other kids by men.


I had no memories of what happened before I woke up. I didn’t even know my name until a bracelet was attached to my wrist with a set of numbers and name. Kim TaeYeon.198993.9. I suppose that’s my name then. Now all I have to do is survive this new world I’m now in.



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