Into The New World

Chapter 2






Training training training. That’s all we do here besides be buried under knowledge of the outside world. I don’t get dizzy from all the words on the papers anymore, or when we’re running laps around the big room. It’s been a little over 2 months now. I know because they told us in class today! It’s August 16. They didn’t tell us the year though… But they said that we’ve been here for two months. I hope we’re learning more about the months tomorrow, because I don’t remember anything about the calendar.


The number of kids here is still small though. Maybe about 20-25 of us now, not that many disappeared since the last girl. I don’t really remember what she did to get dragged out, I just remember her falling on the floor during one of our morning running sessions. She’s been doing that a lot lately, I asked her if she was okay once, but she told me to go away… I hope she’s feeling better now.


That guy from the first night came back again. He never told us his name, so I’ll just call him ‘Scars’ from now on, since he’s muscular and has big scars on his arms and one under his eye. I don’t know why, but he looked scarier than the last time I saw him. He looked kinda disappointed when we all lined up again as he stood in the middle of the room. I guess ‘cause there’s less of us now. They made us run around the big room a lot of times again while doing situps and pushups. After that we were asked questions on what we had been taught over the past month. I made sure not to get any wrong because they said in the beginning of each class: “If you get this wrong later, you’ll be in trouble.”


I don’t like being in trouble, so I paid extra attention during class hours.


We were just asked about where we are, what today’s date is, how long it’s been since that day. Simple stuff like that. Everyone pretty much got all the answers correct except for this one kid, JoonMi. I’ve only really talked to him a couple times, but he was always slept during class and never really paid attention to the lessons. The only question he got right was today’s date since we just learned it.


After the questions, we were all dismissed to go back to the lesson, which on the other side of the room, except for JoonMi. He had to stay behind and talk with Scars outside.


I didn’t see him after that. I asked a teacher about it, but they said that JoonMi was sent to a different room to learn about his mistake.


I hope he learned to pay attention during class.


Stupid JoonMi.


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