Chapter 5

Sweet Connection

Jineul's POV

I resisted the urge to throw my pen at the professor. I swear, there's something fishy about his 'pairing method'. I continued to space out while the idiot teacher wrote the mechanics, deadline and rubric of the project.

Finally, the bell rang. Everyone rushed out of the classroom.

"Hey Minah, wanna grab lunch with me?" I asked.

Minah hesitated. "Mianhe Jineul. Minwoo and I will talk about our project this lunch."

I was surprised. "Oh. It's cool. Hwaiting."

She smiled sadly. "Mianhe Jineul." Then walked out to meet with Minwoo.

I sighed as I walked to my locker.

Well it's not a big deal, really. I was quite used to being alone.

I opened my locker but abruptly stopped when I felt a pang on my head.

"Apa... (It hurts)" I mumbled.

Aish. I feel sick all of a sudden. I checked myself on the mirror hanging on the door of my locker.

Wow. Define pale.

This can't be from yesterday right? Oh great, I can hear the voice of my Mom now. She'll say, 'I told you to wash up Missy!' in her annoying high pitched voice.

Nevermind, I'll drink some medicine later.

End of POV
No One's POV

Jineul finished gathering her stuff. After taking one last look at herself, she made her way to the rooftop.

"I can't get sick... maybe I can rest there for a while."

She walked slowly but surely towards her favorite place.

She opened the door and soothing, cold wind greeted her.

"Ah," She frowned. "Not again."

"Well, well. If it isn't the eavesdropper from before."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh great it's the jerk from before."

"Ow my head... I'm seriously not in the position to argue right now."

Youngmin smirked. "Weak comeback." He then took a step forward. "Sorry to disappoint you, but there's nothing for you to eavesdrop on right now."

"For your information, I always come here during break time since I started high school."

"Oh really? Yah, don't be too confident of yourself. Just because my hyungs helped you earlier doesn't mean that--"

He was stopped when he saw Jineul clutching her head tightly and lean onto the wall for support.

"What's with you?" Youngmin asked.

Jineul her heel to leave. She decided not to respond since it would drain what's left of her energy.

She moved quickly as she made her way out of the rooftop but failed miserably because she stumbled halfway.

"Ugh, body please cooperate with me, will you?!"

Youngmin was immediately at her side and held her by the arm and shoulder.

He looked at her suspiciously. "What's wrong? Yah, if tis is your way to lure me into pitying you then--"

Jineul broke free from his strong hold. "I don't need your pity!"

She glared at him before walking out.

Youngmin stood there dumbfounded. And for the first time in his life, he felt bad; he felt guilty.

After Lunch, 3rd Period

Jineul fought pain and drowsiness as she tried to listen to the teacher's lesson.

Nobody seemed to mind her anyways. Everybody's attention was diverted to one person; the only peron who would rather skip class than sit through an hour of lecture.

No other than Jo Youngmin.

Everyone was put in a great shock when he entered the classroom.

"So, who can answer this question?" The teacher asked. Then, he noticed Jineul's head drop to the desk. "Ahn Jineul-ssi?"

The professor walked towards Jineul's desk at the same time, Jineul's head snapped up.

She looked pale and very drowsy. This did not go unnoticed by the professor.

"Kwenchana?" The professor asked. He knew right away that there was something wrong with Jineul. Jineul is a bright student and her C on awhile ago's test was really something odd.

It took a while for Jineul to answer. "Ne, sonsaengnim."

"No you're not. You're obviously sick." He looked around the class and spotted Youngmin looking at Jineul. It was well-hidden but the professor clearly saw it. Come to think of it, the professor did notice Youngmin sneaking glances at Jineul during the whole perio.

Then it hit him. He now knows why Youngmin showed up in class.

"Jo Youngmin-ssi."

Youngmin snapped out of his trance and looked at the professor. "Ne seonsaengnim?"

"Would you mind taking Jineul to the clinic?"


"Why, is there a problem with that?"

Youngmin blinked. "Well, no soensaengnim..." 

"I thought so. Now go, Jineul-ssi."

Jineul shook her head "Ani seonsaengnim, I can still manage."

"Nonsense! Wouldn't like your condition to worsen now, wouldn't we?"

Jineul fell silent. 

"Very well, off you go."

The two walked at least a meter apart and in complete silence.

"...why did you agree?"

Youngmin flinched at the sound of her breathy voice. "I don't know either." 

"Weirdo." She mumbled.

Jineul hadn't realized how far the clinic was from their classroom. It has been 2 minutes and she felt like she would collapse soon.

And it finally happened.

She felt another wave of pain and her feet crumbled below her. She fell to the floor clutching her head.

"And this just had to happen when I'm with a mean, selfish, ignorant jerk."

She heard footsteps and thought that Youngmin was leaving her.

"Figures. Why would he help someone like me?"

The footsteps became faint and after some time, they were gone.

"That's it. I'm gonna die here."

She closed her eyes to at least ease the pain. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted up.

"What the--"

She saw a clutter of Royal Blonde hair in front of her.

Yes, the jerk king is carrying the school's #1 nerd on his back.

"Yah, put me down!"

Youngmin didn't listen. Instead, he kept on walking.

"Are you deaf?! Put me down! I can manage!"

Youngmin stopped on his tracks and looked over his shoulders. "Are you sure about that, eavesdropper?"

Jineul scowled upon hearing the nickname given to her.

"We're going up on a flight of stairs. I don't think you can make it." Then he smirked. "Knowing a wimp like you."

Jineul hit him on the head.

"Ow! Why must you be so violent?!"

"Why must you be so full of yourself?"

Youngmin was silent for a while. "Touché." Then he walked again. "Now stay still. Carrying a pig like you is burden enough."

Jineul decided to keep shut.

They were moving closer towards the clinic and Jineul could feel Youngmin's pace slow down.

"Are you tired?" She asked.

Youngmin scoffed. "I'm in the school's soccer varsity team. I don't get tired.

"Sure you don't," Then added under her breath, "Conceited." 

"I heard that!

Jineul was getting weaker each second and thank goodness, they finally arrived.

The nurse greeted them shock.

"Jo Youngmin-ssi!" She exclaimed. "Uh... what a very pleasant surprise?"

"Idiot." Jineul muttered. And this time, Youngmin had to agree.

"I don't think paying a visit to the clinic is a 'pleasant surprise' nurse." Youngmin replied.

The nurse flushed in embarassment. "O-oh. Right. Well, what brings you here?"

Youngmin walked towards one of the beds and laid Jineul down. "She's sick."

"Is that right? Well, let's check her temperature."

The nurse placed the thermometer in her ear then after a few seconds, they heard a beeping sound. She pulled it out and gasped. "40 flat! Oh my, it's high. What did you do?"

Youngmin, who was leaning casually on the wall. looked at Jineul.


"Nevermind that, you have to drink medicine." The nurse checked the medicine cabinet and frowned. "Oh dear, we've ran out. I'll go out and get some okay? Youngmin-ssi, kindly look after her."

"Um, sure?"

"Be back soon dearies!" And she was gone.

Jineul and Youngmin were both left in silence. 

Jineul sighed. "Where on this planet do you find  a clinic without a stock of medicine?" She said.

"Only here." Youngmin finished.

"Seriously, what is this place?!"

Youngmin laughed.

Jineul shot him a glare. "What's so funny?"

"Seeing a sick patient like you get so worked up." He replied.

Jineul hid under the blanket. "Shut up."

After some time, she looked up and saw Youngmin's face only a few centimeters away from hers.

Instead of freaking out, she took time to admire his face.

Good nose, perfect jawline, big round eyes...

"Jeez. Why must a jerk like him look like a Greek God?"

"Falling for me nerd?" He asked, now smirking.

She scoffed. "Dream on you jerk."

"Now why would I dream of a loser liking me?"

"You're unbelievable!!!" Then she frowned.

"Not good. I'm getting more dizzy fighting with him..."

"Youngmin-ssi! It's not good to upset a sick person! I suggest you leave now." The nurse said as she entered the clinic.

"Thank you nurse!"

"Fine." Youngmin frowned and walked out of the clinic.

Afterwards, the nurse gave Jineul medicine and told her that the pills would knock her out for an hour or two.

"Oh, Jineul-ssi?"


"May I ask what your relationship with Youngmin is?"

Jineul's eyes widened. "What? Nothing! W-why would you ask that? E-ehehe... man I feel like the pills are kicking in." Se then yawned and closed her eyes.

The nurse smiled secretly. "It's because it's the first time he treated a girl like this, that's why."

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ChangingPhases #1
Chapter 25: Niel so cute!!!! Lol. Ooohhh bonding time!! Kekkee***
Chapter 24: Ooh all three bands are favorites of mine. This is getting good. You will update... right?
HanJiMun #3
Read first chapter and I already love it *___* Want more and more :3
ChangingPhases #4
Ooooh ouch smell trouble already! Aww, will comment. I'll comment every time you update with a new exciting chapter hehe! So have fun reading my comments. XD Kyaaa!~~~ Infinite so loving them like crazy at the moment especially Sungyeol! <3
I love it ^^
wah! I miss you author nim ^^
your updates are always good and exciting :>
Kyaa!! My 2 favorite bands are here.. Please update soon~
maxxichu #8
I love it (:
youngmin was jealous~~ nya nya~~
kwangmin was inlove ~~ mya mya~~

ChangingPhases #10
Finish reading the rest omg I love it so far! [: