taemin's pov 

i'm so mad right now

how could she do this to my best friend?

and didn't they tell me anything

i'm really sorry right now

beating anna up was a horrible mistake she did

i actually hated my fans these last few weeks because i thought they were the ones who beated her up

she is going to get it


i opened the door for anna and pushed her inside 

when i started the car anna asked me



"where are we going?"

"you'll see"

"oppa tell me please"

"please anna just be a little patient"

"aish fine"

we just didn't talk after that after about 15 mins anna said

"oppa i'm sorry"

"what? why are you sorry? i'm the one who should be sorry"

"no oppa i should've told you about her"

"yeah you should have , but now it's done , we can't do anything about it"

"oppa after that day in the cafe' i didn't have the courage to tell you , you believed her that day , not me , so i thought if i said she'd beaten me up , there was actually no way you would believe me "

"anna i'm so sorry , i was so stupid to leave you like that i will never ever do it again"

anna just smiled

"oh anna"

"yes oppa?"

"about what i'v told logan.."

"it's ok oppa , i know you were mad , he will understand"

"i was serious"

"what are talking about?"

"you should seiously end your relationship with him"

"what? why should i ?"

"because ...uhmm well because you're just noy meant for eachother"

"oh my god taemin you're going nuts"

i stopped the car immidiatly and parked somewhere 


"you're name is taemin ,why shouldn't i?"

"i said don't , i'm your oppa"

"i don't want to your taemin , taemin..mmm"

i crashed my lips on hers

she was so shocked

but she didn't pull away 

she was sitting there not moving at all

i pulled away

"i told you to stop , you didn't so i just had to stop it for you"

"taemin" she mumbled

"taemin?" i said going near her

"oppa" she said immidiatly

"good girl" i tapped her head and started the car

anna just stayed silent looking out of the window

a few minutes later we were there

at the ing store that worked at

i really hate her right now

so much that i can just punch her in the face

i got out of the car 

anna got out too

"oppa why are we here"


i dragged her in to the store

"welcome to the...oh my god TAEMIN?"

"yeah shocked?"

"oppa" anna was also so shocked 

her eyed were big as bowling balls

how cute ^_^

oh i forgot i was mad

"wh..what are you do..doing

"to dump you , little "

"what? but oppa why??" hyorin ran to me grabbing my other hand

"because you're a , and i don't love you anymore"

"but..but how? why?"

"oh come on hyorin , i know what you've done , you lied to me that day at the cafe' , you lied to me about being rich , about you , and most of all you beated her up" 

"her? but wh.. oh her , so it's all about her isn't it?"

"no it's not , it's about you"

"oppa she's lying , how can you believe her?"

yeah right hah!! 

anna was still shocked 

she was standing there not saying anything

"she didn't tell me anything , i found out myself"

"come on they're  just lied , and about me working here, i know i'm not rich , i was just afraid of loosing you , i love you oppa"

"no you don't you're a liar , you and i are done , it's over"

"but oppa.."

"good bye hyorin . oh and if you touch anna again , i'll kill you myself"

and i dragged anna out of the store , leaving hyorin dumbfounded 

"oppa what was that all about?"anna asked when i started the car

"key hyung told me about her working here , i was so shocked so i came to ur dorm to ask you about it , but then i heard those words , and well i've realised i don't love her anymore , there is someone else in my heart"

"omo really ? who??"

"i'll tell you later"

"aish oppa i hate you for making me wait"

"hehe my little dong-saeng"

soon to be jagiya

i was going to make her mine

after a while we were at a park when me and anna hang out at

"why are we here oppa?"

"let's go swing a little"

"ah , ok"

we then swung a little then i asked

"hey anna?"


"do you wanna know who captured my heart"

"of course i do"

"ok you should guess"

"ok ok tell me "

"ok her hair is beautiful and long , her eyes have a sparkle in them , she is very cheering person and she's always there for me"

"umm sulli?"



"yuri?? no"

"oh come on tell me a little more"

"well ok , her eyes are blue "

"uhmm , a girl with blue eyes , OMO ,, wait a minute do you mean...?"

"yeah i do"i smiled at her

she was just looking at me with shock written all over her face

i brought my face near her face , and closer and closer

until our lips met

it was just great , kissing the girl you love 

holding her

"wait oppa" she pulled out

no , please don't say you don't love me

"what's wrong?"

"oppa i have a boyfriend , don't you think it's wrong?"

"but you said you didn't love him"

"well i did say that but.."

"but what? come on anna please"

she sighed 

"oppa can you please give me a little time?"

i sighed too

"ok , but you'll have to tell me this friday i'll be waiting here for you at 7:00 pm , if you don't come , well i guess we'll just remain as friends"

she smiled

"ok oppa thank you"

i smiled back

"let's go , it's late"

when we ariived at her apartment she bid good bye

but before she opened the door she kissed my chick

oh god please just let us be together , please



i couldn't believe this 

first him kissing me in the car

then dumoing hyorin at that 7/11 store

and then saying he loves me

oh god tonight is the best night of my life

i know i told him i'll have to think

but i know the answer from now

i just wanted to sort things out woth logan

and he should change his ticket back to it's oroginal date

i just love taemin so much to let him go like this 


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