its already been a few days afetr the incident that happened to anna

i was so concerned about her since she was a very good friend to me and she was very hurt

she cried every day cursing that bastard and i just couldnt stand seeing her like this

so i spended all of my time with her which didnt make my girlfriend so happy 

hyorin in fact was very mad about the fact that i couldnt meet up with her because i had to take care of anna

we had little fights over the phone but i would just reasure her that there is nothing between me and anna -as i would always say

it was already dinner time but anna was still sleeping since she had cried her eyes out the whole day

i went to her room to wake her up

"anna ,anna wake up you should eat something" anna opened her eyes slowly

"oh hi oppa"

"hi dong-seang wake up now i made you dinner"


"yeeesss" she jumped out of the bed and went to the restroom to brush her theeth 

5 minutes later she was seated on the dining table waiting for mee to serve her food

"ahhh oppa come on i'm hungry"

"fine fine here" i said as i placed the plate infront of her

she took one bite "oh oppa this is SO gooooood" she said while munching down on her plate

"ahh my dong-saeng i made it specially for you"

"tanksd veerty mucvh opppaa" she said with fool , ahh isnt she so adoreblae


"that little , i'll show her"

"oh come on hyorin arent go going a little fast? i mean taemin assured you that there was nothing between them"

"yeah maybe there isnt right now but i wont know what will happen in the future right?"

"what do you mean?"

"well you see he is spending all his time with that stupid girl, he hadnt even meet me up once since he is always buse taking care of HER"

"taking care of? is she sick or something?"

"yeah as taemin said so , he said she was ill and needed to be taken care of"

"ahh well why is HE taking care of her?"

"i really dont know , whenever i ask him he just say she is my friend i have to help her , you know i cant risk having her so close , what if he falls for her?"

"WHAT?? ofcourse he wont , he loves you"

"yeah but she is pretty, rich , talented and ,,, what else do want? plus he is so kind to taemin and shinee"

"oh come on hyorin they are just friends"

"yeah fine"

"oh my god you are so annoying"

"thanks unnie , but see i will have to meet up with her"


it was more than a week past that incident and thanks to taemin i'm fine now

i was walking down the corridors of sm because i had to sign some paper works when my phone rang

it was an unknown number i shrugged but answered anyway


"hello , is this anna?"

"yeah it is , may i know who you are?"

"i'm hyorin, taemin's girlfriend"

"oh hyorin-ssi how r u?"

"i'm fine tnx what about u?"

"fine thanks btw why did u call?"

"i was thinking if we could meet up?"

"uumm sure are you free this afternoon?"

"yeah i am"

"okay then i'll see you at sm's staff's fav cafe if u know where it is"

"yes i know i'll just meet you there in 1 hour then"

"k bye"

"bye" and with that i hung up

OK that was wierd , why whouls she want to meet me??

well i guess i'll just know later


anna arrived about 15 minutes late since her paperworks in sm took a little long

when she arrived she looked around to find hyorin and found her sitting on a table by the window

so she just walked to her

"hi hyorin-ssi"

"hi , ur late" she hissed 

anna was taken back by her words

"ah yeah sorry for that "

"its ok"

"so why did you want to meet up me?"

"look i'm going to honest and straightforward"

"go on" now anna was looking at hyorin with a smirk on her face cause she knew why she wanted to meet up with her

"i dont like you"

"i know so?"

"you are spending too much time with MY taemin and i dont think its ok to spend that much time with someone who is already taken"

"jelous much?"

"i see you dont get the point , stop trying to steal my boyfriend" now anna was burning from anger but she just kept her cool

"oh no i got your point , you know what i was actually trying to be nice with you since you were taemin's girlfriend and all but i dont see the need to anymore"

"oh so you are not gonna stop hanging with him?"


"ok then i gave you my warning"

"hahahaha you must be kidding me , fine you little brat i will take your warning seriously" anna was now making fun of her which made her 20 times madder than she already was

" and if you dont have anything else to say i'm leaving" anna stood up to go but she stopped when she heard hyorin calling her name


"what?" she was holding something in her hand but anna coulnd see what it was

"well i just wanted to give you this.." and with that she poured all the water that was in the glass on anna

anna suprised brought her hand up to slap that but somthing stopped her when it was only milimeters away from her face

an awfully familiar voice which they both could recognize easily


oh my god thhey both thought



2nd chapter 

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