i'm so happy 

i never tought this would've happen

it's just too sudden for me

and what should i tell logan?

he's my very best friend

i can't loose him like this

i hope he understands

i opened the dorm'd room

everyone were sitting in the living room

"yah miss where have you been?" jenna said

"guys it's a long story , i will just tell you later"

and i turned around to go in my room

but lenna was standing in front of me blocking my way

"no young lady you're not going anywhere"

"aish fine , come sit"

"ok go on"

"well i was with taemin"

"yes we know , logan told us , the question is what were you two doing at this hour it's like 2 in the morning" bekkah said as a mater of fact

"we went to a 7/11 store where hyorin worked"

"WHAT?? she worked where? now??"

"yup i was as shocked as you when i saw her standing there"

"okay" britt said awkwardly

"and well taemin dupmed her , he heard me when i was telling logan what she'd done and well yeah"

"oh my god , ican not belive this"

"that's it , so can i go now?"

"yeah go"

"uhmm logan can i talk to you for a minute?"

"sure let's go"

and we went upstairs to my room

i sat on the bed gaathering the courage to tell him 

he sat beside me

"so what did you wanna tell me"

"logan we shpuld beak up" i said suddenly 

i gasped as soon as i said it

i didn't want to say it like this

it just came out of my mouth

logan just laughed

did i day something funny?

"it's because of taemin right?" he said looking at me

i lowered my head

"look logan i'm so sorr.."

"no it's okay , he was right , i knew he loved you by the way he looked at you , and you too , you talk about him like you cherish him anna , i know you love him and i will never stop you from having him"

i just smiled at him and hugged him

"logan i love you so much, thank youu veryy much , and i'm sorry"

"don't be sorry it's not your fault"

he kissed my chiks

"so we're still friends"

"of course we are , did you really think somehting dumb like that would affect our friendship??"

"no but i.."

"no buts we are best friend , and we will stay best friends"

"yup we will"

and we both laughed


i was so happy

and a little sad

why did she say she has to think

doesn't she love me back?

ughh! this is so annoying 

i'm wishing for friday to come by sooner

"yah taemin , you have been spacing out all day , what's wrong?"key hyung said

"huh? umm nothing, every thing's fine"

"yeah right"

"yah taemin why did you came home so late last night?"onew hyung asked

"well i went to dumo hyorin?"

"YOU WHAT?"minho said

"you heard it"

"oh god i'm so happy you finally realised what kind of a she is"

"yeah she is a ing to beat anna up"

"yup , so is that why you're spacing out?"

"of course not ,why would i space out because of her?"

"then what is it?"

"well i asked anna to be my girlfriend"

"omo really??"


"what did she say?"

"she said she had to think?"

"think?? think about what? i mean she lik..." minho elbowed key

"she what?"

"well i mean she already has a boy friend right? maybe she just need to sort things out"




it was 7:15 o'clock

anna wasn't here 

i'm so sad

so whe really doesn't love me i think

i turned around ready to go

when i passed the tree i heard someone say

"you're not leaving me here are you?"


"yeah?" she said as a mater of fact

"why? i mean you..? why.."

she just grabbed my collar and kissed me

it was like heaven 

i am really in love with her

"it was my turn to shut you up this time" 

i lauged

"i love it when you shut me up"

"well then i have to do it more aften"

i kissed her again

"i think you should"

she just laughed

"you're crazy"

"but you love me"

"yeah yeah right"

"haha let's go"

and i grabbed her hand and dragged her toward's my car


update :))

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