Group Mates

Would I See Her Smile?

Joohee heaved a deep sigh at the sight of the forming lines of the school students, who wanted to go home early. Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and stuff like that were waiting and pillows were calling for them for a well-deserved afternoon nap.

She felt that her shoulders ached due to the pain of her backpack was bringing her. She adjusted her duffel backpack on her shoulders and the students were squeezing against each other, making her hard to breathe.

"Argh, how could I go home like this?" Joohee mumbled to herself and fanned herself with her hands. Global warming hasn't stopped yet until this very day.

"Hey, Joohee."

Joohee's eyes widened, feeling that they might burst out - who could be calling her now? Her mind was spinning and she pondered into her thoughts.

Hm, who could be calling me? Aha, I know who he is! Joohee shook her head and spun around, knitting her eyebrows.

"I've expected you to be calling me, Joonmyun."

"I guess, you thought first before spinning around." Joonmyun poked Joohee's forehead and let out a deep chuckle.

Joohee's cheeks flushed red at their contact since she never felt like that before. Only the last time she had been closer to Joonmyun was during last year, when they were group mates for Science for the second semester.

It changed for every semester in Incheon Arts High for Science, they didn't know the actual reason. But Joohee had a feleing that maybe, she and Joonmyun might be group mates again.

"Joohee, why are you blushing?" Joonmyun blinked his eyes with a preplexed expression.

"Uh.. It's because of the heat," Joohee lied as she chewed on her lower lip and she knew that was the dumbest answer she had given.

"It seemed like you're lying. Come on, tell me." Joonmyun's words were like poison to Joohee and she heaved a deep sigh, telling the truth, 

"It feels kind of weird that we're close to each other. I mean, I'm an outcast while you're the class president."

Joonmyun nodded his head understandingly. "But you couldn't be an outcast forever, Joohee."

"The other girls don't want to be friends with me, thinking that I'm bad luck with them."

Joonmyun heaved a deep sigh and patted Joohee's shoulder, giving the girl encouragement as he whispered,

"Give me your phone number."


"Just give me your phone number." 

"What in the world are you going to do with it?"

"Give me now before this so-called traffic jam moves suddenly."

"Okay, okay." Joohee took out a small piece of paper she saved in her pocket and a blue pen, writing her phone number on it.

"Here you go!" Joohee gave the paper and raced off towards the flight of stairs, which were completely deserted.

Joonmyun let out a soft chuckle as he looked at the paper, smiling dumbly like an idiot. This was his chance!

Also, without Joohee knowing, they were the only ones left in the "traffic jam" and Joonmyun had lied about the "traffic jam".  Joonmyun was just too sneaky for the kind of naïve Joohee to know it, don't you think?

Joohee lied down on her bed as she caressed her now full stomach. The chicken soup, made by her mother was delicious, what could she say more?

She faced the ceiling above her and heaved another deep sigh, imagining the images of her old friends. The four girls were at the third class, also in senior year as Joohee but they never reconciled in any way.

Joohee never regretted about leaving her friends since they were completely bastards anyway. Suddenly, she could hear her phone vibrating, playing her ringtone.

She let out a loud groan and got off her bed, walking to get her phone on her make-up table. It was an incoming text message from an unknown number.

Joohee gulped into and shivers ran down her spine, thinking. No, it couldn't be Joonmyun, right?

Her eyes began to scroll down the text message as she mouthed the words shown on the screen,

Good afternoon, Joohee. I'm sure you know who sent you this text and yup, this is Joonmyun. Don't forget to save my number, okay? Anyway, how are you doing?

Joohee gritted her teeth - as she expected, it was Joonmyun. She immediately replied the text, with her heart torn as she thought that should she reply the text or not?

Good afternoon, class president. Okay, I will. I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. How about you? Have you eaten lunch?

Joohee pressed the 'Send' button and waited for Joonmyun to reply as she sat down on her bed, hugging her knees to her chest.

She rested her chin on her knees and stared at her phone, chewing on her lower lip. How could she and Joonmyun be so close even after last year's incident?

A few seconds later, Joohee's phone vibrated again and she was surprised, almost jumping off her bed. 

Wow, he's sure a fast replier. Joohee thought as she began to read the text message after opening it, with her eyes wide.

Ah, no problem. I'm doing fine too, thanks for asking. Of course, my mother made chicken soup today and yum, it was delicious! What did your mother make for lunch?

Joohee gulped into again and shook her head. Their mothers made the same thing for lunch; now, that was a coincidence.

She didn't expect for that to happen and she knew it was completely absurd. In the meantime, she replied to the text, with wrinkles shown on her forehead.

It’s nothing. Actually, my mother made chicken soup as well. What a coincidence, right?

Joohee pressed the ‘Send’ button as her heart beat faster than adrenaline. Her mind was spinning; she felt that she was sinking on her bed. She didn’t know what happened to her so-called new life after she talked to Joonmyun.

As the girl was pondering into her thoughts, her phone vibrated as she took the phone, reading the text fast and clear.

Yes, I think we are meant to be friends, don’t you think? Okay, I know I’m weird. Well, I’m heading off to do our Home Economics homework (which is hard work). Don’t tell me that you forgot to do it, haha. I’ll see you tomorrow at school, Joohee!

Joohee mentally slapped her forehead and gritted her teeth. Thank goodness, Joonmyun reminded her to do her homework, which was due after tomorrow. She typed in her reply as she let out a soft chuckle, remembering the text.

Yeah, I think so. Thank goodness, you reminded me – thanks a bunch. All right, you’ll always be the second to arrive in class. Goodbye.

Joohee took her backpack, which she put on her bed, taking out her Home Economics book and heaved a deep sigh. Unfortunately, she had to spend a lazy afternoon with homework.

While at Joonmyun’s side, he was not doing his Home Economics homework, he was writing on his notebook. Apparently, he forgot to write on it during recess so, he decided to write his second entry after coming home from school.

3rd June, 2:12p.m.

Dear Diary,

I know I forgot to write on this during recess. I was busy having recess with Joohee. Well, I asked her and she hesitated at first but then, she gave me to have recess with her but only for a week. Aw man, if only it wasn’t for a week, my mission could be accomplished in weeks. Anyway, during recess, Joohee got a surprise from our beloved Miss Oh.

Apparently, she got the highest marks for our mid-semester test in English. Congratulations, beautiful goddess I mean, Joohee. Um, please excuse my randomness! Anyway, she got the small box from Miss Oh and she said to Joohee to open it during recess. Well, since I had recess with her, I got the chance to see what’s inside!

It was a five-carat necklace that she had dreamt to buy (according to Joohee). Also, there’s a note (I also got the chance to read it) – Miss Oh said that she met Joohee in a downtown jewelry shop and she knew that Joohee wanted to buy the necklace so bad thus, she bought it as a gift for her because she got the highest marks. Wow, she was indeed lucky.

After recess, I sent her a kind-of-cheesy note. I don’t want to talk about it now because yeah, it was too cheesy and my cheeks are burning now! To be honest, I don’t have a crush on Joohee but why the heck would I say that she was as beautiful as the five-carat necklace? Okay, I just said what I wrote on the note – I think I should hide in a corner!

Once again, I’m saying that I don’t have a crush on Joohee. I’m just trying to make my mission accomplish and maybe, she and I could be friends again like before. Also, I lied to Joohee that I was going to do our Home Economics homework but I didn’t; I was writing on this (which I am doing right now).

I guess I should head off to the pile of homework waiting for me. Good evening!

Written by the one and only,

Kim Joonmyun.

Joonmyun patted his cheeks to make him stop from blushing. He knew that he shouldn’t give Joohee the note but uh, he thought that he had to. Now, he had to do his Home Economics homework that had been waiting for him.

After finally finishing her homework, Joohee decided to go on a stroll at the playground in her neighbourhood. It had been a long time since she decided to take a tour there.

She nearly forgot about everything at her neighbourhood but not the sidewalk, of course. Her ears were plugged with earphones as she listened to K.Will’s You Don’t Know Love. She hummed to the lyrics of the song even though her heart was still healing.

Joohee inhaled and exhaled the fresh air and she felt very satisfied that evening. It was a great timing since the air at the playground was fresher than the air in school.

Her eyes examined the atmosphere at the playground; kids were running everywhere, some were playing at the swing set, the slide and the monkey bars while some were playing soccer or just skipping through a jump rope.

Ah, I really missed my childhood. Seeing these adorable kids does bring me memories. Joohee thought in her mind as she looked through her playlist on her iPod.

Suddenly, someone almost stumbled on Joohee and it was a good thing that her iPod didn’t fall to the ground as the passerby caught it, giving it back to the owner.

“Here you go, miss and I’m very sorry.”

“It’s fine with me. Wait a second!” Joohee began to examine the person, who was now holding her arms for support and her eyes widened, feeling that they might burst.

“J-Joonmyun, do you live here too?”

“Yes, I do.. Oh my goodness, it’s you, Joohee.” Joonmyun looked flabbergasted as his cheeks flushed red, their bodies almost crashed against each other.

He released his hands on Joohee’s arms and he blushed faintly, bowing his head multiple times. “I’m sorry, Joohee – I didn’t mean to. It’s not what you think!”

“Okay, okay, I forgive you, class president.”

“Should I treat you with smoothies or something? It’s my entire fault!”

“Nah, it’s all right. You better save the money in your wallet, mister.” Joohee shook her head and tilted her head to the side, blinking while scratching her head in confusion.

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m just taking a stroll after doing my Home Economics homework. How about you? I guess, we’re the same again?”

This time, Joohee responded with a nod of her head and she heaved a deep sigh. “I guess our chemistry during last year when we were group mates’ back. Don’t you think so?”

“Yes. We seem to be closer again and we act like friends.” Joonmyun looked down and played with his fingers. Silence occurred between the two before Joohee broke the silence after a few seconds,

“You’re exactly right. I think we’re going to be group mates again.. Well, that’s just my prediction.” Joohee rubbed the back of her neck as she shrugged her shoulders.

“To be honest, I think the same way too.” Joonmyun looked up, with a huge mega-watt smile plastered on his face as he whispered with a wink, “Let’s cross our fingers so, that could happen.”

Joohee rolled her eyes playfully at Joonmyun’s cheesy behaviour and slapped his arm lightly, grumbling, “Oh, just shut up.”

“Ow, that hurt, Song Joohee!” The two shared a short laugh and shook their heads at each other’s behaviour. Should they really cross their fingers so they could be group mates again?

“Study hard, Joohee. I know you’ll do great.”

“Thanks a lot, dad. I hope you’ll be safe on your business trip to Australia.”

Mr. Song just patted Joohee’s head before planting a soft kiss on the blonde-haired girl’s forehead with a bright smile. “I’ll see you and mom after two days.”

“Okay, I’ll miss you, dad.” Joohee hugged her father’s waist tightly, feeling that her tears were going to pour out very soon.

It was always her mother that would send her off to school but since Mr. Song had to go to Australia for work, Joohee asked permission from her mother to let him send her to school to say her last goodbyes.

“I’ll miss you more. I’ll buy you that book that you wanted so bad.”

“Do you mean, The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare?”

“That’s the one. Oops, I better go now. My flight will be leaving in three hours.” Mr. Song rubbed Joohee’s head slowly as he slowly released the very tight hug on his waist.

“Okay. Do remember to buy me that book, dad. It’s my dream to have a book written by Cassandra Clare.”

“I’ll always remember for my beloved daughter. Goodbye, sweetheart.”

“Goodbye, dad!”

Joohee waved at Mr. Song as her eyes followed every step he made and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She knew it was only for two days but she couldn’t bear the pain.

Joohee immediately wiped her tears and scurried off to class. She tried not to listen to any of the rude whispers from the other students and she did. By the time she arrived to class, her eyes widened again like yesterday, almost bursting out.

“Uh..” Joohee could feel the awkward atmosphere as she saw Joonmyun arrive earlier than her.

“Why were you late? Did you overslept or something?”

“No, I didn’t. My father’s going for Australia today and I was saying my last goodbyes.”

“Oh, I see. Hey, did you cross your fingers last night?”

Joohee shook her head and rolled her eyes at Joonmyun’s behaviour, snorting. “No, I didn’t.”

“I did! Also, last night, I’ll hope we’ll be group mates since today, we have Science first.”

Joohee heaved a deep sigh as she went to her seat, sitting on it before releasing her backpack from her shoulders. She would always do her routine, which was gazing at the window.

Well, here came the dreaded time for Joohee and it was Science, taught by Madam Kim. She taught the tenth year students last year in Joohee’s class and this time, she was teaching the eleventh year students, also in Joohee’s class. She had this stern face and wooden cane each time she walked into class but she was a good teacher after all.

After the usual greeting and bow, Madam Kim clapped her hands, getting everyone’s attention as she cleared , saying,

“Since we’re in the second semester, it’s time to choose this semester’s group mates! Also, this semester’s very special; you’re going to work in pairs and threes!”

Joohee held her breath as she looked at Joonmyun, who was cracking into a wide grin. He was determined to have Joohee as his group mate again, just to make his mission accomplish.

“I have chosen the pairs last night and I hope you guys would work well together.”

 Madam Kim looked at a piece of paper, which contained the names of the pairs and threes for the second semester. She had this huge mega-watt smile on her face as she saw the first pair on the very top of the paper.

“Ah, this pair has worked together last year with some other students and I’m sure these two would always make the best presentations like last year.”

Madam Kim cleared again before announcing the first pair, “They’re Kim Joonmyun and Song Joohee – congratulations for the both of you!”

With that, Joohee covered her face with her hands in embarrassment as everyone burst into applause; they were like welcoming the president or the Grand Duke from England.

While at his side, Joonmyun was smiling as dumb as an idiot. The lad was feeling very happy and satisfied. He just knew it; they were going to work again together.

“Ugh.” Joohee almost slammed her face on her tray and this time, she had chicken sandwich, a vanilla cupcake and a small carton of her favourite strawberry milk.

Joonmyun couldn’t stop laughing at the thought and cracked into a wide grin, munching on his turkey sandwich. “I told you, we’re going to be group mates this semester.”

“Why would our prediction would be right?”

Joohee mumbled softly as she looked at Joonmyun, her blonde hair messed. Joonmyun looked back at the girl, his heart starting to play another sweet rhythm at the beautiful sight.

He mentally forgot that Joohee was in front of him as he slapped across his cheek. He knew he might be crazy because of it.

“What’s wrong, Joonmyun? Yesterday, you slapped your cheek too.”

“Uh, it’s nothing and I’m very, very sorry, Joohee. Do excuse my randomness.”

Could Joonmyun accomplish his mission to make Joohee smile again?


Word Count: 3,007

A/N: Hooray, I finally made a double update and I did write a lot tonight! I don't know why do I like writing this story plot since it encourages me to write more! Ah, I better take a rest. Also, thanks a lot for the comments, everyone. I hope this doesn't too and Chanyeol will appear in the next or the fourth chapter, woohoo! /throws confetti

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I'll be updating tomorrow and it might be another double update, yipee! I'm sorry for making you guys waiting T^T


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Chapter 2: omg please an update!!! TT____TT
Chapter 2: omf-
this is too cute.
Chapter 2: Omg ! Suho ! Why must he be so adorable with that 'blushing' thing ? <3 <3
Chapter 1: Joonmyeon pls-- u so omg hi sobs
Chapter 1: Omg love the first chapter already! <3
Sighs oh my gosh. Perfect trio ok. (/sobs at you and whispers) Looking forward to this!