Chapter 3

So Call Celestial Well

Li Hua POV

I woke up in a strange place. It looked like the bedroom of a palace. I mean it was huge. I sat up on the bed and looked around.

Then I looked to the window on left. This place is gigantic. I can see the other buildings and the huge garden. I just watched the cherry blossoms fall. It’s so pretty. I heard someone clear their throat so i turn to the door. It was that guy again; i think his name is Kris and apparently he’s the Emperor. Maybe it’s safer to see him as royalty. “Hi” he said with his deep voice. “Hi” i said back to him; well this is awkward. He started moving closer to the bed, i got scared so i started moving away. “It’s alright. I’m not going to do anything to hurt you. How are you feeling?” he asked as sat on the bed and he touched my forehead.  “I feel fine just a bit tired” i answered him. “Oh” he moved his hand away. “You haven’t told me your name” he stated. “It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me” “Li Hua. My name is Li Hua Hong and I’m only 17” i told him. “I’m 19” he smiled at me. “You seem really young to be an Emperor” I tried to start a conversation with him. “You think so? Because my grandfather became Emperor when he was only 15 and i found that really young” i stared at him in disbelief. An Emperor at the age of 15 now that is young. I looked at his face. How can someone be that handsome? I mean it’s practically illegal to be that gorgeous. “Your highness? You are needed in the court” a girl interrupts us. She is really pretty, how could his highness not go for her. “Boa, just the person i need to see. From today on you will be Li Hua’s serving maid. Now take care of her” he said as he gets off the bed and heads for the door. “Yes your highness” my to be serving maid answered as she bowed her head. “We will meet again soon Li Hua and get some rest” “Good bye your highness” I bid him good bye.  “Miss Hong” Boa said. “Just call me Li Hua” i told her. “Yes Miss Li Hua” she won’t drop the miss oh well. “Can i ask something?” I asked as she was going through the wardrobe. “Of course Miss, What is it?” “What is the Emperor really like?” i am curious about what this man is like. “The Emperor likes to be by himself a lot and never really smile. He has rejected every lady that has been introduced to him and he doesn’t talk much” she explains. “Oh... So he’s that kind of person” taking everything in. “But he carried you to this room and stayed by your side waiting for you to wake up in every spare moment he had. It seems strange for him to act this way. You seem to have affected him. That was the first time I’ve seen him smile. Ah here we are” she explained as she took some clothes out of the wardrobe. “I have that much of an effect on him but we just met. How is that even possible?” i asked as she lay out the clothes for me. They looked really expensive and elegant. “There is a lot of things that i don’t understand about that stupid king. I’ll help you into these clothes”  “Stupid king?” i asked. “Yeah... i don’t get how he won’t look after this country and leaves nearly everything to his minister. But please don’t tell anyone that i call him that” she said as she helped me put this dress on.


“Don’t worry by the way you just described him, he does seem pretty hopeless” we talked as she was tying up the last sash of the dress. I went to the mirror and had a look. “Woah... it’s so beautiful,” I looked from left to right. “Thank You so much” “Not at all my lady” she said as i continued staring at myself in the mirror. Then something caught my eye in the mirror. I turned around and had a closer look at it. “Is that a Guzheng?” i asked. “Why yes it is? Would you like to play it?” “Can i?” “Sure you can everything in this room now belongs to you” i had a feel of the strings. It has been made really well but i don’t really feeling playing it now. “Maybe another day” i said.


Kris POV


(What Kris is giving to Li Hua)

A few days later...

I really hope Li Hua likes this. I did take a long time deciding which one would suit her. As i walk to her room i hear music. Really nice soothing music from a Guzheng. I’ve heard many people play it but not like this.  I turn to Li Hua’s room and she’s playing it. I don’t want to disturb her so i just stayed quiet and watched her play.

It sounds so beautiful making all my worries fade away. I didn’t know how long i was there for but she sounded like she just finished playing. “Oh, your majesty i didn’t know you were there” she got up and i walked up to her. “Um... i came to give you this. It took me a while to decide but i think this one would look good on you” i showed her it. “Wow... it’s so pretty” she held the hair pin up and had a closer look at it. “Would you like me to put it on for you?” her eyes sparked. I’ll take that as a yes. When i put it in her hair she walked up to the mirror and touched the hair pin as she stared at it in the mirror. She suddenly turned to me and asked “How do look?” “You look wonderful” i told her as i lifted her chin up. “Your highness” general Tao yelled as he entered the room. Great timing Tao. “What is it now?” “General Sungmin has a matter he wants to discuss with you” and the he left. “I don’t want to go” i sighed. “You should go your highness. It seems urgent” she said. “But i want to stay with you” “You should go your highness. I’m sure it won’t be long” she said as she smiled at me. “I guess I’ll go then but Li Hua” i hold on her hands. “Please from now on call me by my real name” “but your highness” “Please Li Hua I’m the only one you don’t call me by my name and sometime it hurts. So please do it for me” i begged her. “Ok...Kris. How was that?” i smiles and hugged her. “I’ll come back soon” I slowly walked out of her room. I really hate it when I have to leave her.

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