My Gf is Vampire [Edit]

“Seohyun, didn’t you know human are fragile. Even a kick from me can broke his ribs.” Key smiles.

Kyuhyun is lying not far from them after being punch by Key when he fights him.

Damn it! Seohyun, please do not fall into their trap!’ He thoughts.

Seohyun’s face is very calm. She looks emotionless when watching Kyuhyun’s condition and turns her gaze back to Key.

Smile is slowly forming on her face. “He is. Human is nowhere to be comparing to vampire. Vampire has their hidden strength and they using their charm to lure the victims like us. If not because of love, vampire can rule the world without hesitation. But, if we kill the entire human, where do we find the sources to drink blood? If we let them live and adding more people, the population of human will increases. Thus, we can drink blood little by little, don’t you think?” Seohyun gives out her opinion. Key looks confused with her statement.

Taeyeon, you want me to manipulate them?” Seohyun asks her..

“Yeah because you capable to do that.” She answers.

“What do you mean by that? Why not you or Tiffany?”

“I’m a bit tempered and Tiffany can only using her eye-smile but neither of us can take them down. They already knew who we are and we can’t move very mindless. But they don’t know about your existence. Not yet.”


“Simple. When they said they want to do their master plan, you automatically agreed but twist their plan without they realize. Slowly, they become confused at what they want. Pretend I’m the professor in your class. What if I ask you to kill every living things in this world, how do you manage to live?”

“AH! I get it!” Seohyun excitedly exclaims.

“You got my point. Good girl. Now, you better prepare!”

“What’s with that? Are you trying to confuse me?!” Key is anger.

“I do not wish to do that. Compare to all of you, I’m brilliant and I’m proud to admit it. Think about the consequence! How are we going to live without human? Killing each other and drink vampire’s blood? Yuck! That’s not what I had in mind.”

“Well…” He thinks.

Is she trying to separate us? Is she already planning this?’


“I don’t have much time. Let’s started this, shall we?” Seohyun make her first move.
She is using her sword and aim at his head when he is letting his guard down. He was quite surprised with her sudden attack. “You knew this all along!”

Seohyun’s eyes are changing into glowing red. “I am brilliant, am I?”


They are keep fighting but Key is already down. She cut his knee and blood splattered all over the place.

He is screaming while holding his knee. “Damn it!”

Seohyun is standing in front of him, her lower lip. “I just love hearing someone screaming. Makes me furious even more.” She smirks.

Key is holding back the pain and prepares to strike back. He kicks her ribs and she is coughing blood.

“Damn you!” She curses.

He smiles and kicks her again.  She defends herself and trying to punch. Luckily, her punch hit his stomach and he fall far behind.

She spits the excessive blood and walk toward him. “You aren’t getting from this.”

“That’s all you got?” Minho is provoking Leeteuk.

He wants to know his true power, which is hidden under Leeteuk’s slow motion.

Leeteuk is punching him but Minho dodges easily. He kicks him and he fall backwards.

He gets up faster and kicks him back. Minho smirks, grab his feet and throw as far as he can get. Leeteuk is landing on the bricks as the bricks injured his backbone. He groaned.

“You are weak! WEAK!! Where’s your hidden power? You are not who you think you are! Show me your true self!”.

Leeteuk is getting up and inhale a deep breath. He twists his head; left and right.

“That is only the appetizer. Shall we continue to main course?” He smiles.

Minho who feels despicable, gritted his teeth and hurriedly towards Leeteuk. As Leeteuk already know this would come, he prepares himself.

“Do not depend on me! Fight yourself with your own.” Yuri mocks him.

“O – okay.” Leeteuk says almost whispering to himself.

When Minho is jumping above his head; ready to kick his face, Leeteuk takes a pole and point towards his chest. He strucks until the pole is out of his body.

He throws him away and he is trying to get up when Leeteuk twist his head until the head apart from the body.

“Who is supposed to go to hell?” He mocks when he’s holding the head before throwing away at the nearby lake.

He falls down while coughing blood. “I don’t have much time.” He sighs.


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Chapter 20: it is a great story
please write more
sone1259 #2
Chapter 20: Who did yul have child with?
Chapter 20: Like a movie 'The Twilight Saga' .......
Chapter 20: Aww good ending TT.TT SeoKyu And who did Yuri get married to? Yesung? Good story!!^_^
Chapter 4: Update soon :D Hwaiting!!
Chapter 3: Update soon :) Hwaiting!!^_^
poweroftwo #7
so cute..
wonderkris #8
i really love this!!!
Wahh!!!! I love this one too!!
At least..SeoKyu lasted!!
I love this story.<br />
Sad that everybody died, but I love SeoHyun and KyuHyun togeter (:<br />
<br />
I love your story ~~<br />
The end was really sweet.