Don't Go [SEQUEL]

Don't Go (If You Do, Take Me With You) [SEQUEL]

Lay walked to the park and looked at the beautiful floral scenery. The rose bushes reminded him of someone who left his life, his ex-gf, Mi-Young. Several months had passed since her tragedy. Although he was still hurting inside over their long-gone relationship, the pain was dulling and slowly disappearing. It was getting more easier to smile every single day. Lay could find the purpose in life and dancing once more. He was able to sleep more and sleep without a heavy mind. Lay had only one person to thank for that - and that person was you, his best friend.

"HEY!" you yelled from the otherside of the park loudly. Lay looked up at you and grinned. Your heart fluttered when his famous dimple flashed at you. You walk over to him and playfully punched him in the arm. "You're late," he complained. "No, you're just early," you scoffed. He chuckled and found your actions cute. "So are we going to catch the new movie or what?" you asked. Lay nodded at you, and offered you his arm to hold onto. You walked with him towards the new cinema to watch Thor 2.

Waiting in line for tickets, you glanced around and looked at all of the couples there. They were taking selcas, holding hands, just simply being cute couples. You looked at Lay, who was doing the same. Judging by his facial expression, you could tell he was thinking about Mi-Young. You sighed and pulled your best friend out of line. "What'd you do that for? Don't you want to see the movie? I thought you were a Thor fanatic," Lay said, startled. "I changed my mind," you declared. "So what are we going to do?" Lay asked. "I owe you a hangout day since I've been so busy preparing for my dance competiton lately." You rolled his eyes and crossed your arms in front of your chest. "Well, duh you still owe me. I've been lonely without my best friend for weeks," you said, fake-crying. Lay's expression suddenly turned stern as he grabbed your hand. "Let me make up for it, okay?" he assured. You nodded your head slowly. You felt confused at his abrupt change of character, but went along with it. Lay dragged you to who-knows-where.


You both stood in front of a large and dark building. "Um, it looks abandoned," you said uneasily. Lay held your hand and flashed his dimple. "It's okay, there's nothing to be scared of because if anything tries to hurt you, I'll be here," he said. You blushed and looked down. He led you into the building and flipped on the light switch to reveal an empty dancing studio.

You tilted your head. "Why'd you bring me here?" You sat on a bench near the exit. "Simply because I wanted to show you my special place," he replied. Lay went over to the stereo and put on some pop music. He walked over to you and gestured for you to dance with him. You shook your head. 

"I'll trip all over your feet and fall."

"And I'll pick you right back up."

Before you could argue, he took your arms and swayed you around. Lay laughed at you as you stumbled around awkwardly trying to dance to the beat. "Just relax," he advised. You tried to relax like he said, but you still looked awkward. To be honest, you felt intimidated by Lay. He was this supremely good dancer, and then there was you, a girl who was moving around as if she was drunk.

"Can't you change the song?" you complained.

"I thought you loved this song."

"Now I hate it," you pouted.

"Hey, don't be such a sore sport."

"Hey, don't be such an ahjussi."

Lay laughed at you, but went to go grant your wish and changed the song. You smiled as the sweet melody rang through the the air. He had put on a song by your favorite band, He is We. As the song started to play, he bowed down to you like the true gentleman he is and offered you his hand. "May I have this dance, my lovely?" he asked in such a serious and professional way that probably made your face flush red. "You're such a dork," you sighed jokingly, and took his hand. Lay grinned.

- Take my hand

I'll teach you to dance -

Lay grabbed you by your waist in a soft and comfortable way that didn't feel strange. It felt natural, and as cheesy out it sounds, it made you feel all warm inside.

"I thought you didn't like English songs because you can barely understand them."

"There's a lot you still don't know about me yet," he replied, unaware of how close your bodies were to each other.

- I'll spin you around

Won't let you fall down -

"OOOHHHHMYYYYYGOOOSSSSHHH YIXIIIIINNNGGG!!!" you screamed as Lay spun you around like a top.

You felt ultra-dizzy, and right when you were about to hit the floor, Lay caught you by the waist in one swift move.

"Got you," he winked greasily.

"I almost DIED!!" you pretended to cry.

He laughed. "But you're still here. And who do you have to thank for that?"

You glared at him as you two moved across the dance floor. "When did you get so cocky?"

"I'm not cocky. I'm just smooth like Michael Jackson," he said, sending you a wink. You groaned.

- Would you let me lead

You can step on my feet

Give it a try

It'll be alright -

You got more comfortable dancing with Lay and (sorta) got the hang of dancing. Your movements fell more fluidly with his as you eased up with every smile he sent you. Oh lord, you were surprised that you haven't fainted yet. 

- The room's hush hush and now's our moment

Take it in, feel it all and hold it

Eyes on you, eyes on me

We're doing this right -

​You suddenly pushed yourself away from Lay. All of this was pointless. Why set your heart up for breaking? Lay was amazing - perfect, even. Compared to you, you were nothing. How stupid could you be to think that you, a nobody, could be with someone like Zhang Yixing? How can Lay love someone like you?

You rushed towards the door to leave, but Lay caught you by the wrist. 

"Hey, Lay, why did you want to dance with me?" you asked quietly. Waiting anxiously for his answer, your heart nearly beat out of its chest.

He just shook his head and chuckled, dimples showing strong. "You know the chorus right?" he said, changing the subject unnoticably. You nodded in reply. In surprise, he started to sing the whole chorus in his English that was tinged with his cute Chinese accent.

- 'Cuz lovers dance when they're feeling in love

Spotlight shining, it's all about us

It's all about us

And every heart in the room will melt

This is a feeling I've never felt but

It's all about us -

The world stopped spinning. The music seemed to fade away as you turned to look at Lay. Before you opened your mouth to speak, he captured your non-spoken words with his lips on yours.

Lay hugged you close to him tightly and buried his head in your soft hair. Your mind was about to explode. Nothing made sense anymore, but somehow, you could find sense in this fluttering, happy feeling. "An answer to your previous question would be ..." He hugged you even tighter. "because lovers dance when they're feeling in love," he sang-whispered.

He held your chin lightly to kiss you again.

[ Additional A/N: WOOOT ! Finished, yehet XD SOrry it's really bad, but it's so short & fluffy ermaahhgerd >.< I love how so many people read "Don't Go" and became more Lay-biased ~ YIXING HWAITING \o/ Once again, thanks to all who have supported this story ! SaRaNgHaEyOoOOO <3 ]

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kvteentop #1
Chapter 1: So freaking cute and I love that song "All about us" by he is we ft. Owl city.
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 2: Awwww so cute :3 meh i hope that scene will happen to me >_<
Chapter 2: so adorable.<3<3<3<3
i was smiling and giggling the whole chapter.
i love it when there´s so much fluff. :D
5SooYoungiYoung #4
Chapter 2: This was very nice <3