Chapter 8 ~ Goodbye | The Library Girl


Author's / Third Person's POV


Yoona decided to meet up with Kai for her final decision after recieving a message from him; his apology and his feelings for her. Kai was waiting patienly at the place with hopes that he can have Yoona back. 

As he saw Yoona, he hurriedly went near her and expressed all his feelings for her.


"Yoona! I'm sorry. I know I'm an idiot, but believe me you're the one I really love. You're the only girl I loved! So please forgive me.. Comeback to me." Kai begged on his knees as tears fell from his eyes. 

"Kai, I've already forgiven you. But, I'm sorry. I won't give you another chance. I believe that I deserve better. I'm sorry and goodbye." Yoona said calmly as she tries to stop her tears from falling.


Yoona knows that Kai is still in her heart, but after absorbing everything that Sooyoung said she then realized that she really deserves a better person. She left Kai kneeling on the ground crying.


"I love you Yoona. I love you." Kai whispered as he saw Yoona walking away from him. 

Jessica Jung's POV

There goes my y sister. Seriously, just how many boyfriends does she have? Well, I saw her kissing a guy and after that a familiar face slapped the guy. I believe that, that girl is the popular actress Im Yura? Yuna? Yoona? Whatever. So, the guy that my sister kissed was the boyfriend of an actress?

Oops, dear Krystal you'll surely get the attention you always want. Attention from haters. Be prepared , you'll reap what you sow.

Forget about that and proceed with the plan. Plan? Aish. I forget I don't even have a plan for today. Yes I'm lazy, so what? This is my life not yours. 

I really want to hang out with the girls but unfortunately they have their own "plans" for the day. Sunny and Taeyeon have part-time job today and Tiffany decided to spend her day to hang out and groom her puppy; prince. I can't believe she chose her dog over me. Psh, is she really my friend?! Guess I have to spend my day alone. Boring. 

Loud sounds and parties are not my thing today, so I decided to go to the library to build my composure and have peace for a boring day. Yay, Cheers for the boring day of forever alone; Me, Jessica Jung.


I went to the Old-English literature section and I saw the "Library Girl" once again. I always see her, everytime I go here. Does she live here?!  

I also saw her loverboy. The guy that I believe, has a big crush on her; who always pretend to read books near her just to steal glances to her. But, I found it sweet. Imagine, he always go to the library and spend his hours just to see the girl he likes.  


Ugh, what a boring day. 

Author's / Third Person's POV


Jessica was getting more bored by scanning the pages of an old book she's trying to read. She looked to the library girl and the guy again but still no interaction.

"What a coward guy." Jessica thought as she smirked.

She then thought of a brilliant plan. She went near the girl and tapped her.

"Hey! That guy is staring at you." Jessica said to the girl as she point to the guy.


The guy looked surprise and he panicked, he rapidly run and went out of the library. Jessica giggled as she realized that her plan was perfect.

"W-Who are you? D-Do I know you?" the girl asked Jessica shyly.

"No you don't know, but don't worry I don't know you either. I'm Jessica! Now you know me! Haha" Jessica said as she offered her hands for a handshake.

"S-Seohyun." The girl answered as she handshaked with Jessica.

"So, You know that guy?" Jessica asked.

"N-No, I don't. It's the first time I see him" Seohyun answered.

"What?! Don't you know that he's always looking at you everytime!" Jessica said surprised.

"E-Eh?! Maybe you're mistaken. I-I'm not p-pretty." Seohyun said.

"Dear! You're not pretty! You're beautiful! Aish! Why are people so blind?!" Jessica exclaimed as she pinched Seohyun's cheeks.

" If I'm beautiful, then why can't he see it." Seohyun whispered.

"What? What did you say" Jessica asked

"N-Nothing." Seohyun said as she shooked her head. 


Jessica then continued spending time with Seohyun in the library. Her boring day turned to a interesting one thanks to Seohyun and the guy who has a crush on her.

On EXO's Dorm..


"Aish. I want to see her." Xiumin thought. 

Xiumin dialled Sunny's number absent-mindedly.


"Yeoboseyo? Sunny-ah?" Xiumin said.

"Yeoboseyo! Xiumin! Do you need something?" Sunny asked.

"W-Well, do you still remember your promise? You promise that you w-would have a date-- I mean hang out with me right? S-So, are you f-free t-tomorrow?" Xiumin said stuttering.

"Haha. Of course I do. Tomorrow is good! Just message me the time and place. Arachi?" Sunny said.

"O-Okay. Gomawo! Sunny-ah! Bye!" Xiumin said cheerfully. 

"Bye!" Sunny said.


Xiumin then jumped around around the room as he felt the excitement.

"I can spend time with her again! Just the two of us!" Xiumin thought happily.


Suddenly someone tapped him and he came back to his senses.

"Hyung! You're going out tomorrow? Can I come?" D.O asked.

"No you cannot!" Xiumin answered a little irritated.

"B-But, please?" D.O pleaded with his puppy eyes.

"No! Your puppy eyes can't persuade me! *Merong~" Xiumin said as he left the room.


"Aish. Why do I get the urge to see that 'Sunny'?! Is it because of the hope that she's Soonkyu? No!! It can't be! Sunny is not Soonkyu! Think right Do Kyungsoo. You just miss her so much that's why you're thinking that way. B-but! I have to make sure.. If Xiumin won't take me with him, I'll just follow him! Argh, Soonkyu you're making me go insane, I want to see you!!" D.O thought to himself as he burried his face on the pillow.


Guys sorry for not updating for a long time.  School works. teehee :3

But I promise to update from now on!

So what do you think of this story? Should I still continue?

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*throws sarang*


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noriemantile #1
Chapter 9: pls. update soon author-nim~~
Chapter 9: Hey authornim,please update as soon as possible..cause i really love your story..please*puppy eyes*please*v*
Hey authornim!You have a wattpad account??
wusunsoohan #4
Chapter 9: Update soon please authornim...
I hope taeyeon meet baekhyun (my imagintion ) ㅋㅋㅋ
suzyisawesome2 #6
Chapter 4: sunkai please
Chapter 9: Please make it Lutae or baekyeon D:
Or SunHan... but then KyungSun too XD
jannie30 #8
Chapter 9: Please. Krisica kekkkeekkkekekeekekek. Udeehhh please