05: First Date

First Love
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Date / Dating - is a form of courtship consisting of social activities done by two people with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. While the term has several meanings, it usually refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public, together, as a couple. - Wikipedia



Chapter 5:



Do you know that anxious feeling every time you wait for your result after taking your finals? And you have the slightest feeling that you’re gonna fail?

Well, I feel much worse than that!

“Dara, what’s wrong with you?” I heard my father asked as he walked past me on the living room.

What’s wrong with me? Oh nothing really, I’m just waiting for my date, who happened to be a college boy, 2 years older than me. And hey, It’s gonna be our first date! Not to mention, my first non-official date with a real boy. Yey! So, there shouldn’t be anything wrong with me. Right?

“Stop walking around, you’re making me dizzy!” Sanghyun whined while he slumped on the sofa and grab the remote. Dami entered the living room shortly with Mom behind her.

Great. My whole family’s gonna freak out when they finally found out the reason why I was freaking out.

I took a quick glance on my wrist watch. Its 10 minutes before 2pm. Why am I so nervous? It’s just Jiyong. I’ll just think of this date as hanging out with one of my guy friends. That’s it. I always hang out with boys, and Jiyong is a boy. There’s nothing new there. We’re friends. Close friends. I shouldn’t act as if something is special with him. Tch! Special? Who am I kidding. Jiyong’s not that special.


Oh my god! He’s here! He’s finally freaking here! I think my feet miraculously turned into stone. I couldn’t move.


“Could someone please get the door?” my father asked.

“I got it!” I found myself said and slowly walked towards the door.


I breathed out. Ok Dara. You can do this. I straightened my tshirt and checked on my jeans. Why am I bothering anyways?

I slowly opened the door with a smile plastered across my face.

“Whoa, you look like you’re going out.” Donghae said with a surprise look on his face.  “Me and the boys are gonna play ball. We were wondering if you’d  like to join us?  Since, it’s been awhile since you hang out with us.” He said while scratching the back of his head.

I glance at his clothes. He was wearing his favorite jersey shirt over a white tshirt and paired with a pair of basketball shorts. He’s also wearing his most prized possession, his Airwalk Jordan shoes. My breath caught up on my throat. He always look good on his sport outfit.

“Biyanhe, oppa. I’m going out on a… date or something” I hesitantly said. Should I be telling him that?

“Oh. Is that so?” he said. I think I saw something pass through his eyes. But I couldn’t catch what it was.

“And by the way oppa, I already talked to Sohee the other day.” I said. I knew, this was not the good time telling him this. “She said she’s willing to talk to you again. You should call her tonight.”

“Oh. Ok, I’ll call her. Thanks Dara, you’re the best.” Donghae said as he laid a hand on my shoulder. “Anyway, who are you going out with? Bom?”

“Yes and..”




It took me several seconds to finally realize Jiyong was standing right behind Donghae.  He was wearing a black t-shirt paired with his slightly ripped jeans. Ok. My soul just officially left my body. He’s so freaking hot.

“Oh. Hi.. I’m Donghae, Dara’s friend.” Donghae said offering his right hand for a shake.

“Jiyong, Dara’s date” Jiyong took Donghae’s hand and gently shake it.

Alright so this is how it feels. Gosh I think my whole stomach just been invaded by a thousands of butterflies. He’s just … just.. how do you say this… dreamy?? Yuck! Did I just thought about ‘dreamy?”. What am I thinking?

“Dara who’s at the doo—“ my mother suddenly interjected. “Oh Donghae-ah, you’re here. Hows your mom?”

“She’s fine Mrs. Park” Donghae politely answered.

“And who’s this handsome young man?” my mom decided to notice Jiyong.

“Umm. Mom.. This is—“

“Hi, Mrs. Park, I’m your daughter’s date for today. Kwon Jiyong” Jiyong bowed.

“Did I hear someone says about the word ‘date’” Great my brother wants a piece of the action as well.

“Whoa! Who’s going on a date?” Dad asked behind my brother.

“Unnie’s going on a daaaate~~~” I heard my sister chanted inside the house loud enough for the whole neighbors to hear. Great. Just Great.

Talk about awkward.




I nervously fiddled with the hem of my shirt as I kept my gaze on the road. This is really REALLY awkward.

We’ve already left the house with my little sister chanting her little annoying song until we drove off. As you can see my family is such a supportive bunch. I rolled my eyes remembering how my father grinded Jiyong with all his stupid questions. Like for real? He’s not even my boyfriend, and will never be my boyfriend. Take note. Yet, my dad took the liberty of asking him several questions which obviously mean ‘Don’t-touch-my-little-girl’.

I heard him chuckled.

I slightly turned to face him. I suddenly felt my cheeks burned a little after seeing him staring at me with a weird smile on his face.

“Yah! Why are you laughing?” I asked as I furrowed my brow.

“Nothing..” he chuckled a little more before glancing back at the road.

“You’re family is nice.” I heard him said a little bit amused.

“Nice? You call that ‘nice’? Dad was literally punching you with his words!”

“Hahaha! Ani, he’s just doing his job as your father. You should be thankful you have him though.”

“Ara..” he’s right. I’m thankful I have a father. Since, his father left them when he was little.  I felt sorry about it. But he made me promise not to, because he said they were better off without him anyways.

“Thanks by the way.” I said, trying to change the topic. I really don’t want a dramatic conversation with him. It’s already awkward as it is. I don’t want it to get worst.

“For what?” he asked without glancing at me.

“For accompanying me with Bom and his date, I know you only agreed to come today since you feel sorry about my

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cant update any of my stories right now. Byanhe. T_T so so many things happening right now.


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mrsjiyongchy #1
reneelou #2
Chapter 14: hello. i came across wid ur story while browsing some darahe related fanfic. and please im begging u, let this be a darahae story. jiyong was her past, let donghae be her future. please please pretty please
miquah #3
Chapter 14: Hi!!! Will wait for your update! I miss Jiyong
andaesung #4
Chapter 14: I Miss Jiyong and I hope Daragon will back again, cause they're only can live in the world like this. Hehehe.
Author-nim I'll wait, no pressure. Fighting :)
jetpitchblack #5
Chapter 13: darAhae.. friendship is the best foundation of a good Relationship... kwkeke.. coz he already knOws how lunatic and Dumb you are.. hahaha.. <3
Sone4eva88 #6
Chapter 14: I wanna know what made Jiyong walk out of data's life!!! I'm sure jiyong really loved dara so what happened??? Pls update soon! Perhaps move forward to a few years later, where jiyong appear again?
Update soon juseyo! ^_^
mitsukikyuhyun #7
Chapter 14: darahae =)
hope u're doing fine. update only when u can...no pressure
darahae darahae
eloixxi #10
Chapter 14: Darahae..