

luhan opens a cat cafe, where people come to relax and enjoy feline company while sipping coffee.  his grandmother hires a guy that is perpetually wearing beanies and having to fight off overabundant affection of the cats. just who is this new employee and why the hell does luhan feel so drawn to his mysterious aura?


Luhan gaped at his grandmother.  Maybe he needed to borrow her hearing aid because there was absolutely no way he had heard her correctly.

‘A cat café.  They are all the rage abroad and I want to open one here.  You know how I adore ,’ she cooed as she the overweight snubnose Persian in her lap. 


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 2: Lolz! To funny and fun! Poor Lulu, he does not even know what he has gotten himself into!!!
i miss this, a lot. :(
Chapter 2: Layhan ♡♡♡
Lmao sekai working with Xing is going to be funny.

Mind throwing in some taohun for me? /cuddles against you like a kitty
FancyFeline #4
omg I love this story so far, I'm a huge cat person and just... Cats+LayHan = ♥
I can't imagine Lay will be too pleased with having to work with the two brats, and just imagine the teasing that will come with them xDD

Hmm, I can't think of a name for the café, but suggestions of cats? That, I can do :D Actually since starting to read this fic, I can't get the image of Yixing holding a beautiful marble/colorpoint Siberian kitten with soft honey-golden eyes out of my head...
Idk, I can just imagine her to be very affectionate towards him because Siberians tend to be very attached to their owners, they're great for moral & psychological support but at times tend to be easily distracted. (Lol in a way, I guess it reminds me of Yixing's own personality, which is why I chose it? Haha)
Chapter 2: haha this story is so cute~
hmm, since everyone seems to want to include a cat, i will think of a name for the shop...
we could go simple like "cat paradise" or something catchy like "Furball Frenzy" or something slightly inappropriate like...." Lovers" lol or include something with the fact of 4 insanely hot men work in a shop filled with 15 cats. i have faith you can think of something spectacular :D
Chapter 2: Ahahah can there be a cat called Pocky or something food related that always eats and is kind of lazy, but is really cute and cuddly to the customers. Or an extra sassy cat (like Sehun lmao) that just sits on the table grooming itself, but once it warms up to someone they'll be affectionate in a subtle way.. Or one that always sits on your lap and sleeps .. Dsgfdhdshdsj kitties *dies of cuteness
But omfg yes. Sehun and Jongin working there too hahah the sekailayhan quartet, perfect <3 I can tell there's gonna be all kinds of trouble haha EEH so excited!
Also hope you get more time to yourself soon! Good luck with work :D
Chapter 2: So I am not a cat person, much more a dog lover though strangely most of my friends are cat people, so I am going to be as descriptive as I can with this profile. I have always wanted a black smoke cat because they are intriguing. Their hair also looks much like mine yet theirs is indefinably attractive. Black smoke hair and dark pastel green eyes are beautiful together, at least how I imagine them to be.
Chapter 2: Hmm can't think of a cafe name atm but as for the little kitten; a caramel-orange scottish fold with crystal blue eyes, adorableness resembling Luhan and he names her Lulu himself cos she loves him and calls for his attention 24/7 and is pretty much his overprotective girlfriend in cat form. Yeah sorry too excited feelz
nikdae #9
Chapter 2: Cool, I was just reading this yesterday and today I`m lucky enough to get an update. Yay for me. ;) The only name I can come up is Kitty Catty Cafe, not very creative. And Do you know Simon and Martina from Eat your kimchi? They have a scottish something cat, called Dr. Meemersworth, the Meems for short. It`s a pretty cute cat albeit fat. :)