i / i

// good boy gone bad

“Now if I multiply 3.14 to this equation- ”

“Oh Sehun!”  

Sehun groaned as he lost his train of thought; no thanks to his friend of fifteen long years (apparently they met when they were one), Kim Jongin.

Jongin waved a bunch of fifty dollar notes in his face and gloated. Sehun squinted as he tried to figure out if Jongin had robbed a bank or something.

“No dummy, I didn’t rob a bank you ,” Jongin rolled his eyes. The younger blinked. How did he figure out that ?

“I got a job, and this is my first paycheck!” the other continued excitedly. Jongin had a job? The world must be ending. From Sehun’s fifteen year knowledge of the tanned boy, the word “work” had never passed the older’s mind. It was a miracle that he was still functioning in school.

Jongin patted Sehun’s fluffy pink hair (which Sehun dyed the minute Jongin said there was a hot girl in school with pink hair) and pushed the younger’s nerd glasses up.

“You should stop hitting the books and start hitting up dem girls,” Jongin drawled in a horrible British accent. Sehun pushed Jongin away and mumbled back embarrassingly, “Girls aren’t important now, studies are,”

“Anyways, what kind of job requires you to wear leather and eyeliner?” Sehun shifted the subject expertly. Jongin gulped before replying smoothly, “I just wanted to make a good impression… let’s just say the customers were very impressed,” Sehun cocked up an eyebrow and rolled his eyes before sitting back on his chair. “Out you go Mr Kim, I have Math which I actually bother to study for,” Sehun waved a hand dismissively.

Suddenly, a devilish smirk appeared on the Jongin’s face and the older spun the younger’s chair around to face him. “Listen up pretty. Let’s make a bet. If I get a B in Math, I’ll get to do something to you. If I get anything below that… well you get to do something to me. Deal?” Sehun was already half blushing (Did Jongin senpai just call him pretty??) and half imagining Jongin down on his knees and giving Sehun a blow-

“Deal,” the younger agreed before anymore thoughts popped up in his head. Jongin smirked and whispered in Sehun’s ear, “Good boy,” and sashayed out of his room. Sehun hates it when Jongin sashays.


End of year exams were over before Sehun could even blink and the results were back with a vengeance for those who slacked (a.k.a Kim Jongin) and a relief for those who studied (a.k.a Oh Sehun). Sehun could taste the victory in his mouth and his when he saw Jongin frown at his Math paper. Whipping out his crappy Lollipop phone (like the only people who still used this phone were five year old girls), Sehun fired a text to Jongin.


To: retard <333

Aye how much did u score.

Jongin’s reply was a photo, and Sehun visibly slumped in his seat as he groaned loudly, not caring about the professor who was teaching.


The next morning (precisely at 5am), Jongin knocked down the younger’s door and blasted a pop song at full volume next to the sleeping boy’s ears. A satisfied grin appeared when the younger shrieked like a girl and sat up, fumbling around for his glasses.

“Hey our bet. Today’s the first part, I’ll leave you in good hands with Zitao here,” Jongin stated. Sehun could barely make out a tall Chinese boy dressed from head to toe in Gucci standing beside his friend. Before the younger said anything, Jongin laughed and strutted out, yelling, “I didn’t know you slept shirtless Hunnie!”

Zitao grinned as Sehun groaned. Sehun hates it when Jongin struts (and embarrasses him at the same time).


In two hours, Sehun found himself sitting in a hair salon (“premium quality!” Zitao had said) as a probablygayasaunicorn stylist who calls himself Lay (yes like the potato chips) fiddled with the last blowdrying part. Sehun’s hair was now dyed to a shocking platinum blond that was so glaring that even he had to look away.

“You look picture perfect hunnie,” Lay giggled as he grabbed Sehun’s hand and dragged him to the waiting room where Zitao was playing Angry Birds on his IPhone (Sehun had only enough time to grab his glasses). Zitao gaped at Sehun’s hair before the famous Huang Zitao smirk appeared back in place, “Jongin is one lucky dude,” Before Sehun could enter his personal opinion, Zitao popped a lollipop he stole from the cashier into his mouth and dragged him away, shrieking a thank you to Lay who was busy daydreaming about clouds and rainbows.


“Zitao, oh my gawd, you’re back!” a prissy looking man (according to Sehun) pecked Zitao on both cheeks. Zitao giggled and pushed Sehun in front. “Baekhyun, meet Sehun!”

The prissy looking guy, or now known as Baekhyun, wrinkled his nose. “That hair is perfect but the rest is just no, no, no!”

Sehun imitated Baekhyun childishly as the other was immersed in looking through some catalogue.

“I think I got the perfect choice for Sehun,” Baekhyun’s eyes glinted with an evil glow. Zitao took notice of the escaping Sehun and grabbed the boy by his wrist. Apparently Sehun had underestimated Zitao’s strength as the other’s hand was a deathlock. Sehun only hoped there was still blood circulating near his wrist as he was pushed to Baekhyun and whisked away.


In another hour, Sehun was back and my my, Zitao was amazed.

The boy was dressing from head to toe in a palette of black, grey and white. A fitted white tank was thrown over his model-like body along with ripped tight black jeans. A leather black jacket was casually fitted on Sehun’s shoulder and Zitao beamed as the gold label glittered in the lights of the store, “GUCCI”. Black combat boots completed the outfit, along with gold and silver accessories (personally Zitao liked the studded choker).

“Finally, this boy is presentable,” Baekhyun smiled at the results. Sehun still had the scowl on his face as he pushed up his glasses and let Zitao lead him out of the store.


A shriek greeted Sehun at 6pm. “I know he’s bad, noona,” Zitao frowned. Zitao’s noona snapped back, “He’s bad? He’s worse than that?” Zitao had Sehun at Chinese, and the younger tuned out the siblings’ fighting. After fifteen minutes of crazy Chinese that he totally didn’t understand, Charmaine, otherwise known as Zitao’s noona duhhhh, looked back at Sehun. “Lose the goddamn glasses,” she waved a hand at Sehun’s face. Dark grey contact lenses immediately replaced the geeky frame and eyeliner was rimmed along his eyes. Sehun had transformed into someone he didn’t even recognize.


At 9pm (the other three hours were sitting in Zitao’s house, eating ramen and playing GTA V, which is the best game everrrrrr), Zitao was dressed up to the nines as well, and both boys left the house. Zitao dragged Sehun to the convenience store and the younger was extremely confused. Even confused was a big understatement.

“Huang,” Zitao stated. The cashier nodded and grinned. “Welcome,”

The cashier brought them to the extreme back of the store and opened up a door (Sehun suspected it was soundproof; once the door was open, heavy music pounded crazily). “Enjoy!”

Zitao smiled once again and dragged Sehun down to an amazing, underground club. And guess who was performing on stage? If you guessed Kim Jongin, you are probably smarter than Sehun.


Sehun had to rub his eyes and squint at the stage. That. Was Jongin?

The boy on stage was dressed in a metallic t-shirt, baggy pants and gelled-up hair. Kohl rimmed eyes met Sehun’s own eyes and the boy smirked that smirk he knew for fifteen-years straight. No doubt, that was Jongin. A ier Jongin. A totally able Jongin.

Zitao handed Sehun a martini; the latter didn’t bother to think before gulping it down. This was definitely a shock he wasn’t getting over.


Sehun had been dragged over to a table surrounded by people. He vaguely remembered Zitao introducing them before all of them started downing shots. Sehun was feeling a little left out already, wondering where his friend was-

“Hey y,” a voice drawled and Sehun turned around to meet the one and only. “Hey yourself,” Sehun said, feeling a little self-conscious of both his and Jongin’s new look.

“You look amazing tonight, Zitao has done a great job,” Jongin took a step forward and Sehun could feel his hot breath on his forehead and his cheeks coloring.

“But you look better like this though,” Jongin smiled as he pushed his nerd glasses back on Sehun and tilted the younger’s chin up before kissing the life out of Oh Sehun.



authors's note: i haven't checked on this yet. it's 11.47pm and i'm hella tired so bye. 





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Chapter 3: Awwwww need a sequel ooo plzzzzz
--babystar #2
Chapter 3: * u * this is adorable
Chapter 1: HNNNNNNNNG. oh, i like this.
xiububbles #7
Chapter 1: Amazingly stunning like it very much
Oh Sekai, Is there a best of them? They are the best I believe of kaisoo and the Hunhan
Wah !! you amazing Did you know that? loved that one shot !!