#Special Christmas Chapter Part 2

Chaos In Love
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#Special Christmas Chapter Part 2















*Minju POV*

When everyone was busy eating, I signalled Kara and she nodded. Kara clapped her hands together and shouted that she'll get some more drinks in the kitchen. I got up and went into my room when Kara left the kitchen with bottles of soda and soju. I immediately ran towards my backpack and took out Twister and paint bottles. My bedroom doors opened and Zico came in with Sungyeol. 

Sungyeol took out 5 packets of balloons and Zico had this crazy look in his eye when he eyed the paint bottles. 'Where did you get the balloons?' I asked Sungyeol and he smiled brightly. 'Dongwoo's magic bag' He replied and immediately tore off the packets and I got up to lock the door. 'Okay let's do this' I said and all three of us had the biggest grin on our faces. 

*Alice POV* 

When everyone tried to touch soju, Kara would slapped our hands away and said that we're not allowed to touch it. Everyone was frustrated because it's not like we're underage. Jiae grumbled and gave up her attempts but Myungsoo on the other hand was begging, nagging, mumbling and demanding for the soju. After his pursue for about 20 minutes, everyone was long done trying to get a sip of soju but he was still determined. 

'Aish! Why won't you let me drink it!' Myungsoo shouted in frustration but Kara just laughed. She shook her head and ran away with the soju. Myungsoo was about to chase her but Jiae stopped him. 'Ugh just give it up Myungsoo' Jiae said as she pulled Myungsoo into a hug. That caused him to shut up immediately. 

'Hey we still have presents to open' I said and everyone dashed towards the christmas tree. The first person to reach there was obviously Sungyeol who came out of nowhere. Dongwoo was looking back and forth from Sungyeol and the place he came from. Watching Dongwoo's reaction is quite funny though. Sungyeol grabbed a box wrapped in gold colored wrapper. 'Dongwoo! You first!' Sungyeol shouted happily and his reaction was too hilarious. 

Everyone just stopped to look at him as he grabbed the box from Sungyeol. He practically tore the wrapper and the box open. 'Dongwoo hyung, slow down' Sungjong said but Dongwoo already dug his hands into the box and took out a a huge transparent box with 50 different types of accessories in it. 'Woah... why didn't you get me one?' Jiae asked but Sungyeol pushed her aside when she tried to approach Dongwoo. 

Dongwoo on the other hand started clapping like a seal and hugged the box. 'Gomawo! I love it!' Dongwoo said and Sungyeol smiled happily at his hyung. Jinju took out a big box too and handed it to Woohyun. He untied the bow and when he opened the box, he smiled brightly. 

He took out a handmade heart pillow with his name on it. 'Aww my jagiya made me a pillow. I'll hug it every night' Woohyun said as he hugged it tightly. 'Jagiya?' Myungsoo asked and Woohyun nodded. He quickly pulled Jinju into a hug and both of them did a love shape using their hands. 'She's my jagiya now' He said and pinched her cheeks. I looked across the room and saw Hoya's face darkened. 

'Are you guys dating?' I asked while Woohyun nodded happily, Jinju shook her head. 'It's just something we agreed on' She replied and Woohyun nodded. 'Ahhhh~ she's so cute' Woohyun cooed and everyone cringed. 'Ahhhh stop it!' Sungyeol said and threw a cushion pillow at Woohyun. He just stick his tongue out and sat down. 

Sunggyu came over to me and handed me a small box. I opened it and it was a pretty small diamond necklace. My jaw dropped at the gift. 'Sunggyu this is too much' I said and was about to give it back to him but he pushed it towards me. 'Ani, just keep it. Here I'll help you put it on' Sunggyu said and latched the necklace over my neck. I carefully caressed it and smiled at him. 

'Thank you Sunggyu' I said and Hoya hit Sunggyu's back. 'Uwaaa, no wonder you said you had no money. You bought her a diamond necklace! Grandpa, why didn't you just buy her a diamond ring instead?' Hoya said and Sunggyu glared at him.

'Aish I really want to kill you right now' He mumbled and Sungjong wrapped his arm around Sunggyu. 'Hyung, you're mumbling like an old man. Hoya is right though, might as well propose to her' Sungjong said. 

Sunggyu just rubbed his neck uncomfortably. 'Guys stop teasing Sunggyu. We can't help it if he acts old' I said and everyone burst out laughing while he gave me a glare. 'Alright! So what should we do?'Myungsoo asked and suddenly Minju walked into the living room with a box of twister. 'Time for twister!' Minju shouted and Zico ran in screaming with happiness.

Jinju looked down at her outfit and groaned. 'Aww man I'm wearing a skirt' She whines and Minju sticks his tongue out. 'Well then you can't play. So Haera you in?' Minju asked and I shook my head. 'Nah, I prefer watching you guys' I said and Zico pouted. 'But it's twister' He said in an aegyo voice. I nodded and sighed. 'Because it's twister that I don't wanna play' I said and Zico crawled towards me. 

'Please join us' He said continuing to sound cute. I just shook my head and he immediately dropped his head in defeat. 'Jiae ya, are you joining?' Myungsoo asked and she shook his head. 'Aniyo, you boys will crush me' Jiae replied and he pouted but stayed in silence.

'Arasso...so girls are out' Zico said and all the guys except Minju gets ready to position on the mat. 'We will go by age order!' Minju said and immediately Sunggyu dropped his smile. 'Ahh mbo yah! Why do we have to go by age?' He complains. 

'So that we would know that you won't cheat' Zico said and Sunggyu cornered Zico who was laughing from the glare he received. 'Mbo? Who are you to talk to me like that?' Sunggyu asked and Zico just gave him a smile. 'You are so age touchy hyung' Zico simply said and dodged under Sunggyu. Myungsoo was laughing hysterically and high-fived Zico. 

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DumbBunny #1
Chapter 10: ziaaacooooo in da house!!
Cassiopeia501 #2
Chapter 6: this is pretty interesting-- so i'll be giving it a chance :)