#10 Alice: Teaching you a lesson Part 1

Chaos In Love
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#10 Alice: Teaching you a lesson Part 1


*DongWoo POV*

I wiped my sweaty face with the towel and sighed in relief that the class is over. I lay down in the middle of the dance floor and was about to close my eyes when my phone rang. I sighed and walked over to the bench. Eomma. 


'DongWoo, it's eomma'

'Hey mum'

'How much do you love me?'

'Eh? What's with the question? You're not dying right?' I asked, worried about the question.

'Aish~ this boy is thinking too far again! Aniyo, anyways I have a favor to ask'

'I can't help it okay. You scared me. What favor are you asking me to do?'

'Ahh well... I need you to go Idae and pick up something for me'

'Eh? Idae? Why there?' 

'Aish~ this kid asks so many questions! Just pick it up' She yelled over the phone.

'Aish, eomma can you not scream in my ear? I'll go and pick it up'

'Good boy, I'll send the address and bring Hoya along. Drag him there if you have too. Anhyeong' She said and immediately hang up. 

I raised the phone curiously and shook my head. What was that all about? I sighed and shook my head. I was drinking water when Hoya came in with his wet hair and chest heaving with heavy intakes of breath. 'What's up with you?' I asked and he bends over with his hand out. 

'Those students are killing me! They chased me from the coffee shop that was 6 blocks away from the studio! I think we need a bodyguard. I can't keep living like this!' He said and gripped my collar. I pushed his hand away and fixed my shirt. 'Don't you think a bodyguard is too much? I mean we are just dancers not celebrities' I said and he bowed his head. 

'Oh DongWoo why am I this good looking? I swear it’s a blessing and a curse' Hoya said and sits on the floor. 'Aish, you're thinking too much! Go and clean up soon. We have to go to Idae and pick something for my mum' I said and he got up sulking as he walked out of the studio. 


*MyungSoo POV*

I walked up to my office while munching on potato chips. I stopped by my assistant's table. 'What's the schedule today?' I asked and leaned on the table. My assistant looked up at the screen and smiled. 'Your mother booked an appointment for you and requested to push all your other appointments at a later date' she said and I looked at her. 

'My mother booked an appointment? How important is this appointment that she had to push my meeting with the Dutch shipping company?' I asked and she just scratched her head. 'She didn't say anything about it' She said and I sighed. 'What time is the meeting?' 

'At 6PM in Idae. I already set up the location in your GPS' 

'Why do I hate this feeling? Aish~ Aresso. I guess there's no need for me to be in the office then. Ahnyeong' I said and left the office. I could've have slept in. She could've send me a message instead. I shook my head and went inside the elevator. 


*WooHyun POV*

There was a knock on my office door. 'Come in' I said as I signed off an approval on a project. My mother's head popped in and she hesitantly entered the room. 'Woohyun ya~ I actually have something to ask from you' She said and I put down my pen. 'What is it?' I said and she bit her lip. 'Eomma, why do you look as if I'm about to eat you? You do know that I would do anything for you right' I said slightly concern for her hesitation. 

'Well... your dad and I thought..'

'Eomma, just tell him already. Why do you have to make it so dramatic?' A male voice said and I looked at the door to see my brother leaning by the door frame. 

'Are you setting me up on a blind date again?' I said and she blushed. 

'Aniyo. We thought maybe if we send you to attend a class, you would find a girlfriend' She finally said and my jaw dropped. 

'You're sending me to go to class so I can get a girlfriend?' I asked, shocked that my parents are getting desperate to set me up with a girl. My brother laughed and shook his head. ‘I tried to stop them but you know how dad is relentless. As expected so brother, find me a good sister-in-law okay? Kamsamida’ He said and walked out.


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DumbBunny #1
Chapter 10: ziaaacooooo in da house!!
Cassiopeia501 #2
Chapter 6: this is pretty interesting-- so i'll be giving it a chance :)