
Tattoos Are y (Xiuchen Version)

"I bet you can't go a week without trolling everyone." Xiumin teased. 

"I bet i can! What do i get if i win?" 

"Hmmm. I'll get your name tattooed on my . And if i win?"

"A bit dramatic, isn't that? Well, IF you win, i'll do whatever you want for a month. Including anything ual. Because i know you can't beat me. I'm going to win!" To which Chen promptly stuck his tounge out.

"Well, let the games begin."


Day 1:

Xiumin was excited about this week. He was very determind to win, because he didn't want to tattoo Chen's name onto his .  Chen on the otherhand wasn't so excited. He feared he would lose. (Yes the Mighty Troll feared losing this bet). But on the other hand, he was slightly excited to see how this will all turn out.

The day went by surprisingly easier than he thought. Everyone didn't know about the bet and found Chen's behavior very odd. Chen on the other hand was jumping inside with joy. He managed to make it through one day without trolling! He focused on rehersals and practicing, which is why it was so easy for him to not troll. He wondered if he could do this all the time but promptly shook his head no. (LOL, as if. Bow down to me peasants!). Nearby Kai was staring at him, finally wondering if Chen had completely lost his mind this time.


Days 2-4:

It seem like this days seemed to go by in a blur. Everyone had tried to get Chen to go to the hospital at this point. They were wondering if something happened to him or if he was sick. (Still no one had been told about the bet. Not even gramps.) Chen wondered why this was so easy. The rest of the week would go by, piece of cake! The Mighty Troll never loses a bet. (Except that one time when they were all drunk -minus the youngsters- and he was dared to do that one thing that will never be talked about again. It was horrific!)

Xiumin wasn't so happy about this. But he still had 3 days left to try and beat Chen.


Days 5-6:

At the end of the sixth day, Xiumin was about to give up. He didn't know what he even made a bet with Chen in the first place. He even went so far as to avoid his lover in an attempt not to show him how defeated he looked. The last day was rapidly approaching. Xiumin went to bed early, maybe if he got up early he could plan and maybe try to make a situation where Chen would have no choice but to troll.


Last Day:

It seemed like fate wasn't on Xiumin's side. His alarm never went off and he woke up late. (Everyone had today off for some odd reason.) He laid in bed and didn't even bother to get up. What was the point? He knew he lost. 

At around 11:50 Chen came bounding into his room. (Yes he was still there, only left to use the bathroom but always came back.) 

"Times almost up! 10 more minutes and i win. You excited for that tattoo?"

Xiumin just looked at him with a blank face and promptly rolled over. He had given up.

When the clock hit 12 Chen jumped up and down and screamed "I WON" over and over. (Xiumin had fallen back asleep.)


A couple days later everyone was gathered in the living room. Xiumin was having a little trouble sitting down properly but no one seemed to notice. If only he hadn't made that bet. He was going just get "Chen" tattooed but oh no. Chen made him get something completely different.




Property of Kim Jongdae



A/N: Well i hope you like that. I tried to make it a long one. Haha. Comments are appreciated! :)

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Chapter 1: Hahahaha... poor minnie
hxovelvet #2
Chapter 1: Omg omg i like this one hahaha lol xD nice story! I like it .3.) Author-nim do you mind if i translated this story if you dont mind? I'll give credit for this story, if you dont mind :3

*puh-leaase :"3 *
Chapter 1: hhahahahahah~ property of kim jongdae~ so possessive~
jaeshs #4
Chapter 1: so cuuuute x3
Chapter 1: Sure it was fun xD LOL.
Chapter 1: XDDDDD LOL ~~~
Chapter 1: ermehgerd i want can you ? /creys xiuchen
Chapter 1: XDD wahahhaha
Property of Kim Jongdae
So Chen-like! wahahhaha
xiububbles #9
OMONA! >< please update this, i beg you!!!