
Destiny Bond

It took a few minutes for Chanyeol to adjust to his surroundings, after all, the last time anyone (apart from Tao and Jaehyo) had seen

your house so clean since it was a wreck before you moved in. You stood up from your chair besides your dresser to take his gaze.

Your neck was fixing up pretty quick, in just a few hours only a few cuts were visible here and there since vampire saliva also acted as a healing enzyme.

He didn't hesitate and neither did you. When he put his arms around you not only as a friendly gesture but something in him wasn't

telling him not to do this. He knew it was wrong, perhaps he needed support? Just when you thought he was going to back out what

with the nerves steadily rising in him, you ever so slightly began to pull away but instead, his eyes flared a vivid ruby and Chanyeol lunged forward. His sharpened fangs pierced the side of your neck. 

Thankfully though - he began to slow down after a few seconds. You grabbed his wrist, noticing your pulses were beating in harmony.

Something was different, something felt really good. Becoming weakened due to blood loss, you began to fall onto the floor.

Unconsciously, your arms flopped from when they were around him previously. Like you did after Zico's attack you felt limp. 

Chanyeol stopped after realizing what he was doing.

'Drink...' You heard him say through your mental haze. You didn't respond and after a little while your head was forceably thrown onto

his neck. It seemed like he'd already cut his own neck so you began to drink.

The atmosphere began to get woozy, but after taking just a few sips you felt alert, strong, ready... replenished even. It felt like you'd

been starved for years. This was it, both of you were slowly leeching off of eachother, but it felt so good as the liquid bypassed your

lips. Not only the taste of it mattered, but with Chanyeol who you'd developed feelings for made it all the more better.

Your nails dug in his back as did his in yours. Unaware of the power you were both fueling yourself with, you both began to comically

stumble knocking objects out the way here and there. You were both so unsteady with the experience of vampire blood of some sort

and feling unsteady in terms of height difference wasn't easy. The glass lamp smashed after you knocked the bedside table over;

when he staggered, the clothes in the cupboard were ripped from their hangers. To add fuel to the fire, he left blood on his lips and cutting your lower lip in return you had the best kiss you'd ever dared to experience. 

Chanyeol pushed you over, both of you wildly landing on the bed which was now coverd in blood as was the rest of the room. 

'Thanks for that,' he pulled off and rolled down the bed. Cutely, he the rest of the blood off of his lips. The room wouldn't have

been such a mess if you knew what you were both doing. The taste was unbelievable, you wanted more. You whimpered, but Chanyeol was right - you'd both had more than enough.

'Chanyeol, I think I love you.' The thought of Jaehyo had been long abandoned in your head, he'd be okay anyway.

He gave his creepy smile and crept up towards you, pulling you in for another kiss. This was the best day of your life - Chanyeol had

granted you the freedom you'd never thought was possible. The sensation was divine... Already you were yearning for more - was it

just because it was Chanyeol's blood or because you'd never drank blood before. Maybe it was because you were part vampire - you'd

never be sure. When he drawed back, he interlocked his fingers with yoursand you both sat up, speechless.


About ten minutes of silence later, there was banging downstairs. Your senses were heightened, as were his and immediately you both

knew something was up. Paralyzed with fear - as you knew the consequences of drinking more than just animal blood were dangerous

- considering you both could be classed as omegas, you knew you'd get the blame. 

'I'll go... Hide in the cupboard.' You commanded, throwing your blood-covered jacket to the side to destroy any evidence on the spot.

After giving your face a quick wipe and throwing on a scarf, you ran downstairs and - trying to hide your shaking - steadily opened the door.

'Tao-' You breathed, the panic rising inside of you.

'Where's Chanyeol?' You saw both sadness and stress in his eyes, now the guilt was beginning to gnaw at you.

'He's not here.' You lied.

'____, what happened to your neck?' Tao pulled at your scarf a little, it was covered in blood.

'He was just trying to help after I got attacked.'

'Attack?! He didn't drink from you, did he?' You were on the verge of tears.

'It's my fault-'

'He pressured you into it didn't he?' Tao tried to push you back in a blaze, but your new found strength managed to counter it and you crashed into the ground.

'You didn't exchange - don't you know what that means in vampire tradition?'

He lunged for you like a panther quickly, you flew all the way across the house and into the library, crashing into all the books. You

screamed as the shelves began to spew out books like vomit. This was it - if he wanted a full-on fight, then this was what he was going

to get. Already, he was running up the stairs, but you ran after him, clawing at his shoulders so bad, you felt the blood on your fingernails.

'Tao, stop!' You shouted in a low tone, but instead of showing mercy - he threw you back into the library, you taking him with you. In

the corner of your eye, you saw Chanyeol steadily come down the stairs, holding onto the banister. By this time, Tao was foaming, but

you managed to keep him in a headlock. Even if he was a wushu champion, you had just fed so you were ten times stronger than he

but just lacked skill. That lacking of skill was what Tao used to his advantage to retaliate and have your wrists locked behind your back.

'CALM DOWN!' Chanyeol shouted, the redness in his eyes beginning to die off already. Unexpectedly, you all stopped.

'Tao, I swear - he was healing me.'

'She was attacked by Zico, but remains clanless now that I've slowed the changing process. ____ is half vampire - you know that right?'

'There's no big issue - we just have to CALM DOWN.' Tao let his tense shoulders drop. He turned to you and growled.


'Blood exchange is dangerous, it forms a spiritual bond between two vampires and it cannot be broken once it has been formed, not by all the power of hell...

Chanyeol and ____ - I congratulate you on your marriage...'


I hope this chapter is okay... I'll update soon ^^


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Chapter 5: more more~^o^
Kpopfan20 #2
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next chapter!