Chapter 2

Her Peter Pan; Forever and Always

Peter Pan - EXO-M


            Baekhyun’s breath was caught in his throat as he continues to read what was written in the diary. He closed his eyes for awhile to regain himself, and then with his shaking hands, he flipped to the next page.

            The next morning was a chaos. Even the kids were running around the hut, throwing and trashing everything. The whole house was a mess, and so as Baekhyun.

            The moment he woke up, he knew something was wrong. He couldn’t feel your presence inside the hut. Just to make sure, he immediately run towards your room, only to see your cold bed undone. No, he was sure you always make your bed every morning. Leaving your room messy only means one thing.

            Looking everywhere, Baekhyun had already run outside to see if you sleepwalked. He looked for footprints but he couldn’t still feel your trails, nor smell your sweet scent. He inhaled sharply, fighting back the tears that threatened to stain his face. “Hyung! Look at this!” one young boy ran outside towards him. What he gave him was a piece of parchment paper, written:

“I’m sending her back. She doesn’t belong here.”

            Not wasting any time, he dashed towards the dock and got on one of the wooden boats. He knew where to paddle to: the Sea Witch. She lives in an island somewhere in the middle of the sea and she likes to do everything but good. Baekhyun remembered she is known for sending people back to the mortal world. Just why can’t she let you and Baekhyun live forever here in Neverland?

            When he spotted the lone island, he didn’t wait for the boat to reach the shore. He jumped into the water and walked his way towards the cave. The moment he stepped inside the cavern, your sleeping figure, trapped in a floating magical warp, welcomed him. Even when you’re sleeping, you’re still pretty than Cinderella or any other princesses there are. The witch was standing beside the warp, ready to flick her stick so you would be sent to your world.

            “NO!” Baekhyun hoarsely yelled. “My, my! I was just about to warp her back,” the witch mused. “Why can’t you let her stay and let her be back with me?” Baekhyun managed to ask amidst the wheels turning in his head, planning how to take you back. “Back to you? She’s never yours in the first place. You brought her here when you snuck out to their world. She doesn’t belong to Neverland, and she never will,” the witch let out a wicked laugh. Baekhyun’s heart constricted at her statements. “Then at least spare her memory!” Baekhyun pleaded. When people are sent to the mortal world, their memories of Neverland – the place, the people – are left here. They’ll just remember that all of these were a part of a dream. And dreams are easily forgotten. “She’s no exception,” the witch stated nonchalantly. Baekhyun’s heart cried. You will not remember this magical place, the hut, the kids, him.

            “Then let me go with her. Send me to the mortal world with her,” Baekhyun demanded. If you’re going to live normally again, then at least let him be by your side. “Really?” the witch listened in amusement, “You sure damn know what costs you to be in their world.” Of course he damn knew. Being in the mortal world means being one of them: a mortal. Though his memories will retain, his eternal life will be cast off from him. He will live and die, just like how people in that world do.

            The witch chuckled, “You must treasure her so much. Well then, your decision, not mine. Don’t blame me,” she lifted up both her hands. Baekhyun closed his eyes and prayed for his and your safety. Thinking of you, a small smile appeared on his face before the witch commanded her wand. With a bright white light, you two disappeared in the cavern.

            Baekhyun smiled as he read this part in the diary. He smiled at the thought of being with you in this mortal world. He had already planned everything: he will meet you again and love you still. You will live together and start a happy family. You will have kids and take care of them just like how you took care of the kids back in the hut. Slowly, he will make you remember Neverland and all the magic it holds. You both will be happy.

            But the witch was indeed wicked. Surely she sent you two to the mortal world, but separately. The moment Baekhyun opened his eyes, you were nowhere to be seen. Just like how he did that morning in Neverland, he searched frantically for you here in the mortal world. Realizing what the witch had done, he had cried to himself for days or weeks maybe.

            All of these were written in that little diary. He kept it away to keep away the painful yet joyful memories too. For two years he had been living alone – living without you. There was not a day that passed by without him thinking of you. Are you okay? Do you eat healthily? Are you taking care of yourself well?

            Where are you?

            Do you remember him?

            Do you still love him?

            He stared at the last leaf of the diary. If he flipped the leaf, what was written on the last page will make him cry for days again. The last page was all about you – your long black hair, your chocolate brown eyes, your little button nose, your plump pink lips, your y neck, your little hands and feet, your sweet personality, you – everything about you.

And how Baekhyun misses all of those – how he misses you.

Smiling to himself, he decided to not turn to the last page. From now on, he will let fate decide. He will meet you when he will meet you. He stood up, dusting off the collective dirt from his jeans, and sighed. He carefully placed back the diary into the shelf, making sure the covers don’t get folded or something. He lingered for a moment, taking control of his emotions. He turned off the lights but when he was going to open the door, a crashing sound could be heard. The window was broken by a shoe. He picked up the shoe and cautiously walked towards the window pane. The world around him stopped; and so as his breathing.

“—playing around and I’m so sorry, mister – wait, have we met before?”



It's done hehe.

Hoping to be able to post my another story soon :-)

See you~

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Chapter 2: Aww so cute! Aren't you gonna continue?
Chapter 2: lkjalkda hueuehue

I want an epilogue though ;;