Chapter 1

Her Peter Pan; Forever and Always

Peter Pan - EXO-K 


        “Trick or treats!” the kids outside his door yelled. He smiled a little, grabbing some sweets from the candy bowl, and then proceeded to open the door. “Trick or treats!” the kid who just lost his front teeth greeted. Baekhyun flashed him a childish smile then opened his hand to give out the sweets. “Thank you, mister! You don’t look like you age!” another kid giggled. “It’s because I am Peter Pan~” Baekhyun cooed, distributing the candies to each of their bags. “Hyung is so childish~” the kid laughed and muttered a ‘thank you’ when he felt candies being added to his bag. After greeting them back and telling them to be careful of the night, he slowly closed the door and leaned against it. He counted seven groups of kids trick-or-treating for that night and decided he had given away enough sweets. Yawning, he trudged towards his bedroom.

            But before he reached his bedroom, something caught his eye – the room beside his. It has been his library – full of books and stories and poems to be told. He hesitated for a moment before he turned the knob around. The door creaked for it hasn’t been opened for months. Baekhyun dusted off webs and dirt that got caught on his blue sweatshirt, coughing in the process. “Wow, I really need to clean this place soon, huh?” he said to himself. He looked around, tracing his long, pianist fingers on the edges of the bookshelves. He halted and his breath hitched in his throat. Reluctantly and slowly, he pulled out the almost worn-out notebook from the shelf. He blew away the dust that built on the covers, holding the diary with his hands as if it was the most fragile thing he ever had.

            And it is the most fragile – and precious – thing he has. It contains the happiest moments of his life – moments when he felt he was on cloud nine. He laughed at the drawing on the cover page. It was a sketch of her – of you.

            Baekhyun grinned cheekily as he laced his hand with yours. You looked at your entwined hands before averting your gaze towards his face – his handsome face. He was shy; you knew that because his ears were all red. You laughed heartily, which was music to his ears. “What’s funny?” he feigned hurt. “You. You’re cute,” you said, earning a gasp from him. “Yah! I’m not cute. I am manly,” and as to prove his point, he inhaled largely and stood up straight. “See? I even defeated those pirates and their captain. Do you remember? You even gave me a hug and a kiss then –“ he stopped to laugh when he saw you blushing because it was your turn to be shy. “I kissed you? More like you kissed me!” you argued childishly, trying to defend yourself. “Really? Like this?” he grabbed your face and kissed you softly, taking your breath away. When you both pulled away, he rested his forehead on yours and hugged your waist. “Can we just stay like this forever?” you dreamily said with a smile on your face. Just then, the bell from your cottage hut rang, declaring that the kids have already prepared dinner. “I would like to but there is food calling for us,” he joked and pecked your lips again before pulling you towards the hut.

            After dinner and saying goodnight to the kids Baekhyun were taking care of, you proceeded to your bedroom. But before you could even grab the doorknob, you were pulled away and pushed to the wall by none other than Baekhyun. “I think you forgot something,” he whispered by your ear, sending shivers to your spine. You laughed again, and then cupped his face with your hands. “What is it?” you played along. “I think something that starts with the letter K and followed by an I then an S then—“ you cut him off by pulling him in for a goodnight kiss. He sighed when you pulled away, again resting his forehead on yours, lingering around just to cherish the moment. “See you tomorrow, then?” he asked, earning a chuckle from you. You just hummed in response. Both of you stayed like that for minutes. He pecked your lips again before letting you go.

            And for him, it feels like eternity to not have you in his arms.

            And little did you know, he felt like he let go of you forever.


First chapter up! Don't worry it's still not finished :-)

Baekhyun with kids . . . I can't (he's too cute).

Anyways, yeah. Have a good day :-)

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Chapter 2: Aww so cute! Aren't you gonna continue?
Chapter 2: lkjalkda hueuehue

I want an epilogue though ;;