Thank You & Sorry

What Lies Behind Pigtails & Glasses

I finally caught up to Luhan, out of breath. I looked over to him, sending him a glare before punching his arm. “Oww!” He yelped, rubbing his arm. “Hey!” Sehun said coming out of nowhere, also out of breath.
“You… you guys left me” He said trying to catch his breath. “Sorry, I wouldn’t have left you if it wasn’t for this light-pushing-food-wasting deer” I said sending a glare at Luhan. “Hey! I have a name, it’s Luhan” He said, walking towards me, sending me back a glare.

“Okay guys, don’t fight” Sehun said coming in between him and I. Luhan scoffed walking to class, “Don’t worry about him, this is the first time a girl has insulted him” Sehun said watching Luhan walk away. “Shocker” I said for some reason not surprised. “Yeah, well anyways I’m Oh Sehun, a junior” Sehun said, bring his attention back to me. I smiled, “I’m Park [Y/N]” I said, checking my time. “Oh snap I’m late for class! See you later Sehun!” I said, waving to Sehun before running to class. Sehun watched me, chuckling. “I think I’m going to look forward to this year” Sehun softly said, walking away to his own class.

I walked to class, taking my time. I soon arrived, stepping in, seeing the teacher wasn’t there yet. I walked to my seat next Luhan and someone named Suho. I looked over to Suho, who was writing in his notebook. Then I looked over to Luhan, who was sitting back on his seat, playing on his phone. He caught my gaze, and glared at me. Haha, he’s still mad. I playfully poked my tongue out at him, causing him to chuckle. He sat up and looked at me intensely. “Do have any more steam buns?” He said, sighing. I cracked a smile, opening the bag, giving him a steam bun. “Here, fatty” I said jokingly. He sent me a look with a steam bun hanging out of his mouth. “You have a lot of nerve to talk to me like that, nerd” He said eating his steam bun. Now it was my turn to send him a look. “Just eat, deer” I said with a smirk. Both he and I chuckled as the teacher walked in.

“Good morning class, today we will talk about the project that will be a major part of your grade. I will assign partners” Mr. Park, the literature teacher said. People groaned, “Yeah yeah yeah, It’s not like you’re going to die, so stop whining” Mr. Park said, looking at his clipboard. “Okay, go sit with your partner when I call you. Luhan and Hanna” I looked at Luhan, who had a sour look on his face. I chuckled, “Good luck” I whisper to him as he got up to sit with Hanna. “I hate you, [Y/N]” He said. I held back a laugh and continued at listen for my name. After a long time of Mr. Park calling out names, he finally said mine. “Kai and [Y/N]” The moment he said that girl sent daggers at me.

I secretly smirked and got up, walking to the seat next to Kai. “Okay, now all you have to do make a story, at least 10 pages, feel free to go over 10 pages. This project is due in 1 month” Mr. Park said, passing out a paper to each group of partners. “So, Kai, whose house you want to work at?” I asked writing down when the project was due and what we had to do. “What do you mean? We have a month to complete it” Kai said annoyed. I rolled my eyes, “I don’t care, the faster we get it done, the sooner we don’t have to see each other” I said coldly, which was unusual for me since I was never rude for no reason. Kai smirked, and inched towards my face. “You’re feisty for a nerd” He said centimeters from my face. I smirked back, “You’re ugly for a player of the school” I said. Seeing Kai’s shocked face, I tried to hold back a laugh. “Why you little-” He was cut off by the bell. I smirked, waving bye to him, getting up from my seat walking out the door.

As I was walking I heard someone call my name. I turned around and smiled at the person. “Oh Hi, Kyungsoo”. He smiled back at me, greeting me back. “So what’s up” I said walking with him. “Oh you know the usual, running away from fan girls” He said jokingly. “Haha, always cocky huh” I playful said back. He lightly pushed me, causing me to poke my tongue out. We both laughed, “I missed you” Kyungsoo suddenly said out of nowhere. I blushed, “I missed you too”. Kyungsoo chuckled seeing my blush, “So which class do you have next?” He asked. “I have Mrs. Lee, Math” I said, disappointed that I had math next. “I have that class too, let’s walk there together” Kyungsoo said happily.

I smiled and nodded. We arrived there early and we separated, walking to our own seats. Students soon began piling in. Luhan came in and sat in his seat. “Aww… what’s wrong, deer” I asked seeing his pissed off face. “I’m paired up with Hanna, that’s what’s wrong” He said, getting madder by just think about it. “Aww… stop whining about it, you’re not going to die” I said patting his head teasingly. His fists tighten, but soon untightened. He sighed, “You’re lucky I actually like you” He said, letting me mess up his hair. I smiled at him as Kai walked in. He sat down, seeing what I was doing, he said “Luhan Hyung, aren’t you going to do anything? This nerd is doing something to your hair” Kai said glaring at me for what I said to him. Luhan just shrugged, pulling out his phone. I stopped playing with Luhan’s hair and glared Kai. “Oh right, I forgot you sat here” I said. “Oh really? I didn’t know this school let in ugly people like you-” He was cut off by Luhan.

“Kai, stop” Luhan said sternly. “Why? Why are you even defending her? She’s just a-” Kai was cut off again by Luhan. “Just stop!” Luhan yelled, gaining attention from people. Kai was shock, Luhan never yelled, ever. Kai sighed slouching down on his seat. Now I felt guilty, I made Luhan yell at Kai. Kai glared at me as the teacher walked in. I sighed, thinking of a way to apologize to Kai.


School went by quick. I was at my locker, putting my books away. “[Y/N]” I heard someone call my name. I looked up and saw Luhan. “Hi deer” I said smiling at him. He laughed, “Are you going to call me that every time you see me?” He asked. I nodded happily, “Why, you want another nickname” I said jokingly. He thought for a second, “Nope, call me deer all you want” He smiled. I smiled back closing my locker. “Hey, [Y/N], want to go get some bubble tea with Sehun and I, next time we go?” He asked looking away with a light red face. I chuckled, “Sure”. Luhan and I traded numbers. “Well see you later [Y/N]” Luhan said, looking at his watch. “Yeah, see you deer” I said watching him walk away. I smiled walking the other direction of him.

As I was walking down the hall I heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me and saw no one. I just shrugged, and continued to walk. When suddenly I was pushed into a closet, hearing a click, I immediately banged on the door. “Hey! Let me out” I yelled. “Let this be a warning for you, nerd. Go near EXO and we make your life a living hell, do you understand?” I heard a girl say behind this door. “What? What do you mean? Plus it’s not like they are your property” I said pissed. “Oh is the nerd talking back, you’re lucky we aren’t giving you a beating” a girl said. “Come on girls, let’s go” I heard their footsteps get quieter as they walked away. I banged on the door for help.

After a while of banging on the door, I was tired. Damn, I’m badly out of shape. My breath was heavy, as I sat down. I looked around and saw darkness. I touched the walls to try and find if there was any light switch. Nope, no light switch anywhere. I sighed and took out my phone and saw that I had no bars. my life. I looked at the time, 5:00pm it read. I sighed; damn it must be karma for making Luhan yell at Kai. I felt guilt take over me. I got up and banged on the door again, nothing. No one seems to be there, so I gave up banging on the door and just sat there, deciding that I’ll just wait till morning to get out of this hell hole. I looked my phone, seeing that the time now read 8:00pm. I sighed and laid back in thought, I smirked as the past began to fill my mind. The darkness and aura of this room reminded me of the past. I closed my eyes, remembering every bad and sad moment of the past as I fell asleep.

“[Y/N]! Don’t you have any manners you piece of ” My mom drunkly said, smacking me with a beer bottle. “Umma”  I cried with blooding running on the side on my face. “You aren’t my daughter, you’re just a mistake” She said throwing the remaining pieces of the bottle at me, making me bleed even more.


“Wake up you !” My mom said smacking me. “Ahh” I quietly cried from the pain, as I didn’t recover from the beating I got yesterday. “Make us some breakfast” She said dragging me by my hair, seeing I didn’t get out of bed. I cried, as she forced me to stand up. “Now, go” She said dragging me by my hair to the stairs throwing me down them.


“Appa!” I cried as he forcefully grabbed my hair, dragging me to the bedroom. “Shut up you little ” He yelled, slapping me as he forcefully took off mine and his clothes. I cried, “Please, appa! Please!” I begged him, but he ignored me and continued what he was doing.

I shot up, tears falling from my eyes. As cold sweat ran down the side of my face, I shook. “It’s just the past [Y/N], it’s just the past” I said trying to calm myself down as my tears continued to fall.


“Now remember Kai, you have to see if [Y/N] has the folder, we’re doomed if she reads it” Kai remembered what Kris said to him at lunch. “Aish” He said, walking down the school hall. “I can’t believe I had to clean all ten classrooms just for one little prank” Kai said, still pissed that he had to clean. He looked down at all of the cleaning supplies in his arms, which all were nearly empty. “Why don’t I just throw them away?” Kai thought, when suddenly he heard sniffs and muffles coming from the closet. “Who’s at school at this hour?” He thought as he got closer to the closet. With one free hand, he twisted the doorknob. “Huh? Why is it locked?” He muttered confused.

He put the cleaning supplies down, taking out something from his pocket. He opened the little bag, taking out a lock pick. He put the pick in the lock, wiggling it in the lock. He heard a click, taking out the pick; he put it back into his pocket. He slowly turned the doorknob, the light from the hall shined on you. “Yah! [Y/N] what are you doing here?” Kai asked, not bother to look at your face. Kai didn’t hear a reply, but instead mutters. He looked at you, seeing your tear stained face with red eyes, he slowly approached you. “It’s just the past [Y/N], it’s just the past” You muttered. Something ran through Kai, Kai looked at you. “She… she reminds me of… me” Kai thought, bending down as he reached out to wipe your tears away.

I felt someone wipe away my tears. My eyes fluttered open and saw Kai. I looked shocked at him as so did he. “Are you okay [Y/N]?” Kai asked me, with worry in his tone. I faked a smile, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be” I said getting up, wiping away the reminder of my tears. I felt a tug at my shirt. I looked down at Kai, who was still on the ground. “It’s okay to cry” He said looking away. I smiled painfully, tears threating to fall, “What do you mean?” I asked pretending to not understand. Kai looked at me, “No need to bottle up all the pain your past has caused you” He said softly. The moment he said that, I broke down crying. Kai just held me in his arms, whispering “It’s going to be okay”.

After a while, I finally calmed down. I broke the hug and looked up at Kai. “Thank you… and I’m sorry” I said remembering that I made Luhan yell at Kai. Kai looked confused. “I’m sorry that you get yelled at” I said guilty. Kai chuckled, “Don’t worry I get yelled at all the time”. I cracked a smile, “And thanks for this, thanks for comforting me” I said kissing him on cheek and pulled him into another hug. Kai was shocked for a moment but soon hugged me back.



Damn… You seem to be getting moments with everyone, you four-timing people stealer! Hahaha don’t worry you’ll become a twelve-timing people stealer… wait! Damn it! I forgot… there are other groups that are going to be involved in this story… ! Well who knows you might become a twenty-something people stealer. You lucky bastard.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and sorry I know everyone seems to cry in this story, haha. Well hope you look forward to future chapters, Bye-Bye for now!


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ByunShari #1
interesting story. cant wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 4: Your story is really interesting so far! Please update soon!
Chapter 4: HoHO ~ Kai to ugly for player school XP - Yuki
Chapter 3: Xiumin sure will love "YOU" XD - Yuki
Chapter 2: Hooraayyy ~ officially meet Kyungsoo in store!! - Yuki
Chapter 1: Wow ~ such sweet family for "YOU" in here :) - Yuki
Good description & your story is look cool too!! Can't to read :) - Yuki
leficklerabbit #8
Wahh! She kissed Kai!! XD
looking forward to your next update!!
Is kyungsoo or Kai her love interest? LOL