
Can't You Love Me Too?

I don't know how similar I am to Hee Rin, she's just a whole new identity and personality I learn from the paper.

Very early in the morning, Minah, mom's private assistance have wake me up and bring me to the salon to get my hair done. My golden brown hair is dye into a  darker colour, since Hee Rin have a very black hair. Not only that, she also pays me for a hair complete treatment, since Hee Rin's hair is said to be very smooth and elegant. On the other side, my hair is dry and neglected. I don't get how mom can see Hee Rin in me, maybe we just have the same height and some similar facial features.

Minah signed me up for many courses that tries very hard to turn me into a beautiful lady. Starting up with walking class, manner class, cooking class, science class, business class, until ballet class. My back aches from the exhausting continuous classes every single day, mom had promise "my boyfriend" that Hee Rin will come back in a month time. That means, my time to learn to be HeeRin is shorter and shorter everyday, and that means there will be no more Seul Rin, just Hee Rin, one Hee Rin.

In the walking class, the instructor have given up on me, since I always walk so wrecklessly, I stumble over a few times, my step is too big, my pace is too slow, and thousands of other complaints. However, I always reassure her that I can do better,because I don't want to make mom sad.

The same thing happens in cooking class, it's the worst of all, HeeRin is said to be very skillful in the kitchen. What a tiring day, I can't even cook instant ramen. I walk around the kitchen not knowing what to do. I have cooked ten omeletes, but only one pass the selection, the others are either raw or the egg shell is included in it. I cut my fingers a few times, because I keep on cutting the meat in the wrong direction. It's so frustrating, I promise myself to never go into the kitchen ever again. Will that be possible?

When I get home, after the long and tiring day, I found mom waiting, sitting on one of the couch in the living room with loads of plastic bags surrounding her. She bought me dozens of shirts, dresses, skirt, blazer and many more. I really don't like most of it, they all look so grown up, but that's what HeeRin wears daily. It is very hard to be HeeRin. Since she's like 21 and I am 18, for crying out loud.

A week before the meeting with Myungsoo, mom started to train me with all of Hee Rin's routine.

I will now wake up early in the morning, go to the kitchen, and cook breakfast for the whole house. After done with all the cookings, I wash myself up, get ready for work and stuffs. My work starts from 8 to 2 in the noon, since I am only a part timer in a finance company. Work have been stressing for me, I don't know what to do. I just finished high school and they gave me a very very hard task, it's like a university level of economics. I got scolded by the boss a few times because of my poor effort. He can't even notice that I am not HeeRin.

I wanted to give up all of this stupid drama effort, but everytime i tried to talked to mom, she will always answers, "You just need to be polish, Seul Rin, and you'll be as perfect as Hee Rin." Instead of cheering me up, that phrases only makes me hate myself, for not being able to look like Hee Rin. She's like the favorite goddess and I am just a sidekick. But isn't this the dream I have always wanted, a dream where people will notice me. This is a chance for me to shine, eventhough as a different person. I will try my best to not disappoint mom and make her proud of me.

All I could do now is just counting the days where I would finally meet myungsoo, I am very curious of his face, I hope he is handsome and cute. Can't wait.


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Udh brp subscriber nihh xD kliatannya laku bgt! xD
woohyunsyoja #2
Chapter 22: OMG wut the hell sunggyu???
OMG oh no
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: Update soon! I'll be waiting! ^^
woohyunsyoja #4
Chapter 20: Oh no!!!!!!!!! I was just thinking.... But how is it possible for your boyfriend to not remember how you look even if the last time ur saw each oner was like 3 months
I hopenmyungsoo doesn't break up with her just because she's not seulin.........
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 20: I feel so mean >_< When I read that Sunggyu's eyes got 2 times larger, the first thing that popped into me head was "Probably a good thing for him to have bigger eyes" *rolls around on floor in embarrassment*

Poor Myunggie doesn't know whats going on with her though waaahhhhhh
woohyunsyoja #6
Chapter 19: Uh oh... He's going to figure out sooner or later!! Uh oh!!
I just hope that myungsoo won't break their relationship apart
And author nim could u pls update a little quicker next time?? ;( I keep forgetting what's happening in this story... I understand if u can't
Please update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #7
Chapter 18: Omg no!!!!! What's going to happen if myungsoo finds out that she isn't his real girlfriend? I hope he doesn't just dump her, she's already fallen in love wit him tho ;(
Pls update soon^^
Chapter 18: AHH CLIFFHANGER!!! <333 UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 17: Your story is interestingg!! Cannot wait for your next updaateee!!