Late Night Visitor


It’s a quiet night and everyone’s asleep. Not even the usually noisy neighbors are stirring. The only sound is the steady sound of traffic floating in from a few blocks over, but even with that, the night is peaceful. The clock in the apartment slowly ticks towards the next hour, only minutes away from striking two in the morning. The tranquility is suddenly broken as the elevator door opens, a pair of pink fluffy bunny slippers appearing from the metal doors. The

frightening pink slippers approach the wooden doors menacingly with a smile on its face. The owner of the slippers march forth, pro sing death to all those in her path. The bunnies stop in front on the door and…

“Tigger, no!” Yongguk jolts up in his bed, grumbling about his dream being disturbed. He was about to debut in a subunit with Tigger but a jealous fan appeared out of nowhere just as they are ready to perform and pushed Tigger off the stage.

“What’s that noise?” Himchan asks, sitting up with a tired sigh. “I was about to win a beauty contest and be crowned the most handsome man in the universe.”

The duo heads out the bedroom joined by their talk maknae pouting and rubbing his eyes sleepily with one of Yongguk’s many Tiggers in his arm. Jongup yawns reaching a hand over his black tank to scratch his chest. The vocalist duo grumbles on their way to join them.

“I was about to win a lifetime supply of cake.”

“Strangely, I was about to take a picture of him winning a lifetime supply of cake.”

A loud thump startles the six men causing them to jump, their muscles tensed and bodies

on high alert. Carefully making their way to the front door like characters in a horror movie, they dread to see what kind of dreadful monster on the other side. There is an incessantly loud screaming on the other side of the door followed by a string of curses, curses wishing horrible death to those who will suffer her wrath.

“Go see who’s at the door, hyung.”

The loud bang continues, thumping and becoming a rhythm, one that in a different

situation and time they might be dancing to.

“Is it a monster?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“What if it’s a fan, hyung?” Zelo grips Jongup’s arm.

“I’ll protect you.” Jongup pats the tall maknae’s head, smiling at the pout of puffy lips on his face. “Besides, you’re the one with the longest legs. You’ll be able to run away if something happens.”

“Yeah, we’ll just sacrifice Himchan first, for everyone’s safety.”

“Yah, should you be saying that as our leader? Shouldn’t you try and save us all?”

 “But Himchannie, your pretty face will distract them while we think of a plan to get rid

of them or at least call for help.” Yongguk grins widely, teasing the visual playfully despite how his heart is thumping a million miles an hour in his chest.

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Bang Yongguk.”

As they get closer to the door, they can see the abused door trembling under the assault.

“Open up! Open this door now!” She bangs on the door and assaults the bell. “Open before I rip it down from its hinges. Open this door immediately. Do you hear me? Open up!”

“Are you ready?” Yongguk places a hand on the lock and the other on the handle. He leans against the door allowing the others to see their late night visitor once the door is open. In Daehyun’s hand is a rolling pin he got from the kitchen and in Youngjae’s is a pot, both ready to attack their visitor if necessary. Himchan, on the other hand, is staying back with the two youngest, staying at a safe distance and ready to protect them. Jongup grips the phone in his hand as if their very lives depend on it.

“Yeah.” Youngjae grips the pot handle, mentally hoping he won’t have to use it. It’s one of their best pans after all. It’ll be a huge waste to ruin it.

“We’re ready when you are.” Daehyun gulps nervously, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves and relax his muscles as best as he can.

Silently counting to three, Yongguk pulls down the handle and pulling the door open. A hand flies towards him and before he can react, lands painfully on his face.

“Where is he?” Without being invited, the visitor shoves Yongguk away, pushing him away with the hand already on his face. She elbows Youngjae in the chest and shoves Daehyun backwards, causing him to fall. “Where is he?” She continues into the dorm, growling at the remaining three members and causing them to get out of her way. She storms into the rooms, looking around before moving to the next. Not finding what she’s looking for, she marches back into the living room where the six grown men are. “Where. Is. He?”

“W-who?” Daehyun questions from behind Yongguk, trying to put on a brave front. “W-what are you talking about?” He feels Youngjae’s hand tugging on his arm, motioning for him to stay quiet. Glancing towards the two youngest members, he motions for them to get behind him.

Himchan quickly pushes Jongup and Zelo towards Daehyun, carefully moving towards the others himself while staying in front of them. When he’s sure the younger members are safe in the living room, he stands as a barrier between them and the intruder with Yongguk and Daehyun. Despite being terrified himself, the others come first. The younger members always come first.

Growling like a feral feline, she charges forward. Grabbing Yongguk by the front of his tank, she shoves him backwards and slams him into the wall. “Who else? Tell me where he is now or I will rip your head off.”

Jongup tilts his head in confusion, looking like a curious puppy, with a frown on his face. Their late night intruder seems…familiar. Wearing a brown shirt with pink edges and a pair of pink panda pajama pants, he can’t say for certain, especially since this would be the first and only time they’ve seen her like this.

“I won’t ask again. Tell me.” Standing at five feet one, she wouldn’t be intimating under normal circumstances, but seeing how it’s anything but normal, her petite frame is causing the six men fear. No one has ever broken into the apartment complex to get into their dorm before.

“Who exactly are you looking for? Maybe you got the wrong apartment?” Youngjae suggests, secretly hoping it’s a misunderstanding.

She turns her glare at the vocalist. “Are you saying I have no business here and that I should get out before I call security?”

“N-no, I’m not. I’m saying that maybe there’s some sort of mistake or something.” Youngjae’s initial small amount of bravery disappears as the glare intensifies towards him.

“You can call the security. If you do, I’ll call the police and have you arrested for child neglect.” She turns her gaze back to the leader, clenching the fabric of his tank between her fists. “Do I have to repeat myself?” She pushes her fist against his chest, emphasizing an unspoken threat. “Who else would I be talking about?”

“Ah, it’s her.” Jongup mumbles with a look of realization on his face.

“Who is it? Do you know her, hyung?”

“Oh!” Realization hits Daehyun like a ten pound cake. “It’s you! Tatiana-shi!”

“What? Really?” Youngjae turns towards the girl, his body relaxing at the identity of the intruder. ‘At least it’s not a sasaeng.’

“If you’re not going to answer me, then keep your mouth shut.”

“Are you looking for Shin?” Daehyun lifts his hand towards the bedrooms. “He should be in Jongup and Zelo’s room. Isn’t he in there?”

“Do you think I would waste my time asking if he was?”

“But he was there!” Youngjae retorts with surprise. “How can he just disappear like that?”

“That’s what I want to know.” She releases the fabric from her grasp. “How can you let a child walking around in the streets by himself? Do you know how dangerous it is? What if he gets kidnapped or get into an accident? What are you going to do then?”

“Sorry, we didn’t…”

Tatiana stomps towards Himchan, jabbing a finger into his chest. “What are you going to do if something happened to him?” She notices the discomfort the question causes the visual like it should. “You couldn’t anything for her because you never knew, but what are you going to do if he gets into an accident? What if he gets hit by a car? What if he ends up in a coma? What if he dies? What will you do then? It’s your responsibility to look after him and you failed. You failed him just like you failed her.”

“That’s a little…harsh, don’t you think?” Youngjae puts a comforting hand on Himchan’s arm. “It’s not like we wanted him to…”

“It doesn’t matter what you want, does it?” She keeps her eyes on Himchan, ignoring the looks on the others. “The fact still remains. It’s your responsibility. It’s your job to look after him, to care for him, to protect him, even if you don’t love him.”

“I…” The words refuses to leave his throat, clinging on desperately and sliding back down. He couldn’t say it. He couldn’t say that he loves the child. It’s only been a few days, but…does he care for the child? Will he be able to?

“You what?” Tatiana questions, trying to force the other to answer, to continue his train of thought. “If you can’t do it, if you can’t take care of him, tell me. Tell me so I can take him off your hands and take care of him the way he should be taken care of.”

“Then why? Why would you bring him here if you can do that? To torment him?” anger soars in Yongguk’s chest. “If you were planning to take him away, then why leave him with us?”

“It was Hanna’s wish.”

The name causes the six men to freeze.

“It was her wish to introduce Shin at least once before severing all ties.” Tatiana takes a deep breathe, lowering her head towards the floor. “She didn’t want any scandals or to create any trouble. She didn’t want to ruin things. She didn’t say anything to anyone because she didn’t want to ruin opportunities. She kept everything to herself, even as neighbors started to point fingers and spread rumors about her. She didn’t say anything until it got too much to bear and she had to take Alexander’s ring so the rumors will stop, so the neighbors will stop talking about her being a single mother.”

“Hey.” Yongguk puts a hand on the trembling shoulders. “Calm down.”

Tatiana’s fists clenches tightly at her side, her body trembling beyond her control the turmoil of emotions running in her head as she relives the memories of earlier days of her friend’s pregnancy.

“Noona.” Multiple hands start to reach out for her, their owners taken back by the uncontrollably trembling of her much smaller frame. Somehow, she seems much smaller and fragile, but mostly, vulnerable.

“She didn’t say how hard it was for her. She didn’t say that she nearly fell into depression. She didn’t say there were times when she thought of getting rid of the baby. She didn’t say she blamed him…” She glares at Himchan fiercely, wanting to rip his head off his shoulders. “…for not being there for her. She didn’t say how terrified she was when Shin got sick. She didn’t say how she got sick for a month because she had to care for him. She didn’t say a lot of things, but I knew. I knew of the troubles she went through. I knew how hard she had it or how she almost died because she had a fever so high she was hospitalized. Yet, the first thing she asked when she woke up was where the child is and that she was delirious from her fever to the point of mouthing his name because even unconscious she’s afraid of saying his name and ruining everything she tried so hard to protect!”

Himchan flinches at the intensity of her gaze as Tatiana looks back up at him.

“The least he can do is to protect Shin for all the times she’s protected him, right?” She brushes off Yongguk’s hand, turning away from the group. Walking away, she scoffs and brings a hand to her head. “Maybe…maybe it was a bad idea to bring Shin here. Maybe it was one promise that shouldn’t be fulfilled.”

“Promise? What do you…?” Himchan’s gaze turns from her back to the child standing in front of the bedrooms. “S-Shin?”

“Auntie, I want to go home. I don’t like it here.” Shin grips the stuffed bunny close. “I want mommy. I want to stay with mommy. I don’t want to stay here no more.”

“Shin…” Tatiana bends down carefully and puts her hands on Shin’s arms. Upon touching the child, her body steps trembling, as if having found an emotional anchor. “What’s wrong? Why do you want to leave?”

“I thought mommy’s friends would like me, but they don’t. I don’t want to say here no more. They hate me. I want to go home.” Tears stream down his chubby cheeks. “I want to go live with mommy. I want to go find mommy. I want mommy.” He starts crying as Tatiana pulls him close into a hug. “Mommy, mommy.” He twists and turns his body to try and get out of Tatiana’s arms. “Mommy, mommy.”

“Mommy’s not here anymore, Shin.”

“I want mommy.” Pulling away from Tatiana, Shin runs over to Himchan, wrapping his short arms around the visual’s legs. “I want mommy. I want mommy back, hyung. I promise to be a good boy. I don’t want presents for my birthday or Christmas. I just want mommy back. Give me back mommy.”

Taking the smaller hands into his, Himchan kneels down. “Listen, Shin. Mommy’s not coming back. She’s gone. Mommy’s dead…”

“NO! You’re lying. You just want to keep her to yourself! Papa was right! You’re selfish! You want mommy all to yourself and you hate me.” Shin flings away the hands, turns on his heels and walks off. He grips the bedroom door, his legs spread out under him, his body tense and face scrunched up in anger. “I never want to see you again, Kim Himchan!” The door slams shut with a loud bang.




O~kay... Um. I don't know what else to say.

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differentdream #1
Chapter 7: woooooooooooooo update <3
differentdream #2
Chapter 4: <3 love this update soon :)