They don't know about us

Taengsic One-shot Collection

A/N: Sorry for the grammas. I tried to write in many type and this one is so much brighter from the previous shot. Hope you guys like it and give me your thoughts. From now I will focus on my going- fic about taekrysic


Read it if you're interested. Thank you so much.

She’s tired of this. She’s sick of being called a . Who create this  ing tragedy? Definitely not her. Yeah not her. So why did she have to take all the blame? This is driving her crazy.

“ Why am I the bad one? Why and why?”

“ Because you are”

Her girlfriend always picks on her like her duty. Sometimes she wonder their relationship. Did her girl really love her or just dating her for punishing her? She signs. No matter what she can do nothing when it comes to this girl.

“ And you like it that much huh?”

“ No. In fact, even though I know you’re just pretending but somehow it’s hurt a lot.”

Jessica hangs her head on the table. This makes Taeyeon’s so worried. Why did she do? And seem likes Jessica really hurt.

“ What happend? Did I do something wrong ? Tell me Sica ah.”

“No” Jessica sigh again and make a sign for Taeyeon to come closer and embrace her with a  tight hug.

“ I just wanna other people see us like this”

What? Taeyeon didn’t get it. If the fan caught them, this will be the end. Or Jessica is fed up with her? Do she want to break up? NO. This is ing ridiculous. Taeyeon is panick. Pushing Jessica away she hold her face and look into her eyes with the serious face.

“ What are you doing? Sica…do you want to break up with me?”

Just that, Taeyeon just makes Jessica get mad and become a lion scream out of her lung.


Sica effect. Everything’s freezing. It took more than 5 minutes for Taeyeon to regain her thought. Hugging Jessica in her arm and kissing her forehead to make her feel ease. She realize how stupid she is when ask Jessica this question. She knows too well no one could ever love her that much than her girl friend. Sometimes she really wonder what’s so special about her that could make a damn perfect girl like Jessica falls for her.

“Because I love you too”

Giving the dorky smile that Jessica can never resist. The two of them fall into their own world and their lips just met. And then we thought this is a romantic moment, Taeyeon’s dull head appears again. Pulling Jessica suddenly, she asks out of nowhere.

“Wait, you didn’t tell me why do you feel hurt?”

Uggrrr. Being frustrated of how dorky Taeyeon and feeling lacking of their kiss. Jessica says nothing and kicks her leg at Taeyeon and leaving the room with furious in her face.

There is a girl clueless about everything’s just happened.

“What’s wrong with her?And…Ouch…It hurts a lot”


“ Stop laughing like an idiot you guys there’s nothing funny”

“Idiots? I think the only idiot here is you, Taeyeon ah”- Sooyoung just swallows another cookies in .

Here she is again with the members who always like to . There’s been almost a week since the day Jessica left her for no reason. No more words were heard from that day. She has to admit she miss the girl a lot but whenever they have a chance to talk in privately Jessica just simply ignore her. What has she done? Can someone at least tell her? Being hopeless she has no choice than come to ask advices from her members. The truth she doesn’t know, they are not helpful at all.

“ You guys. I’m serious. Stop the ing joke. I need your help….Please…I’m not used to her being cold to me”

Just then, all the members shut up suddenly. 1…2…3…4…5.


They are cracking up again. Serious, hearing Taeyeon begging like this is so amused for them. And like it they will never let it go.

Urg These kids. Taeyeon’s not in a good mood to play with them anymore. Let out a heavy sign, she's ready to leave the room and find her girl to work things out by herself. “I should do this in the first place. Aishh Stupid Kim Taeyeon”. And then…

“ Hey let me remind you something my dear leader. Your girl is so sensitive. So stop being clueless about her feel.”- Hyoyeon spoke out suddenly.

“ Say those sweets words. She likes hearing it” – even Dark Yul had to in

“ Btw, make her feel warm if you don’t wanna feel her coldness” – do you think that’s reallywhat the shikshin Sooyoung saying?

“ Ah, you’re an sns addicted. You should, at least check what others thought” – Sunny patted her shoulders

“ She means our fans Taeyeon. The last thing is…go to find her quickly cause I heard Taecyeon came to pick her this morning for…uhm…whatever.”- And that’s was the final by Tiffany

One by one passing by Taeyeon and give her a sympathetic looks.

 What? Taecyeon? Taeyeon is frustrated with all the things she heard. What is she suppose to do now?  Right, she has to find Jessica now. There’s so much things she wanna talk with her girlfriend but before she goes there’s something she needs to do.


With the last word, she runs as fast as she can to the door leaving these girl clueless about everything.

“ Is she serious? And what the hell Tiff, why do you bring Taecyeon oppa in this mess?”

“ I don’t know. Forget it. We just do what the best for them. I know Taeyeon would be like this when hearing his name.keke”

“ Genius ing evil Tiffany”

“I am and I know it. Stop the talking I wanna watch the movie again”

“ Whatever. Angry bird Taeyeon is ing hilarious”

And then Taeyeon appear out of nowhere just to make the girls jump out of their skins.

“ Yeah and this bird is coming back again”.

“WTF Taeyeon, you’re freaking us out.”

“Stop the nonsense talk. I just wanna ask where Jessica is. Tell me now”

“ She’s in her house because she wanna be alone that’s in truth clearly just want to avoid you. Come to her quickly and not coming back to startle us again. ”

“ Thanks .Anyway that’s what you got for playing with Kim Taeyeon. Jerks”


She’s here again. Alone in her room and thinking. She knows it’s not her girlfriend’s fault but she can’t take the clueless of her. She’s been ignored it but it’s getting bigger and bigger. Like a balloon you kept blowing and then one day…BOOM…it’s blown up. She hates being famous. She hates being in Korean. No she’s not like a reactionary or what. Just because she wants to be a place that will accept her love with Taeyeon. What did they do? Except falling in love deeply with others. And why do we have to hide it? Not to mention about all the things she has to witness. Taeny, Sootae, Yultae or whatever, it’s like her girlfriend can be close with all the members but her. Hurt? Why not? When she’s the ing girlfriend of the girl. Even the fans could catch her when she was looking  at Taeyeon …so passionately. And then the Taengsic drama begins. Jessica is used to be called lazy but there is something about her not many people know, she a “sns-aholic”. That’s why she online everynight to check up the internet just to found out the forum named her and Taeyeon “ Taengsic”. Reading all of hypothesis about her realationship with Taeyeon.

“ What’s wrong with them? I miss seeing Taengsic so much”

“ Is Taeyeon mad at Jessica? Why’s she being so cold?”

“ Depressing. Hopeless. Those girls is killing me”

“No. we are dating. She don’t hate me. She loves me”. That’s what she wanna scream out. But then she giving up. She shouldn’t let herself being affect to much with this. Anyways, Taeyeon is the best girlfriend in the world. Haizz. Talking about this dork, she miss her so much. It has been a week she didn’t have a chance to hug her Taengoo.

“ Aish. Annoying too much. Conflict. I hate it”

 But somehow it gives time for her to think about their reaction in public since the day they started dating.  It’s used to be a habit of Jessica for hugging, sticking together like glue. Oh how she loved it. And then…boom…her “ing genius” girl friend asked her

“ Sica ah! We should stop intimate too much in public. People are staring wonder about our relationship”

And yes she didn’t even give a choice and just did it on herself. Jessica was clueless and …lost. From then the moments they had like…counting on the fingers. What worse? The truth all those moment was only her took all the initiative. She still didn’t get it, why her girlfriend is so uptight about their love but can act so loving with all the other members. . Making it like she was invisible is what Taeyeon called “protect their relationship” is damn ridiculous. And that’s a limit to everything even a worm will turn, she can’t take it anymore. She just wants to turn back the time when Taeyeon ccan freely click the cream on her face or at least pay attentions at what she talks or seeing her in the eyes. All she wanna is just simply making sure in Taeyeon’s eyes she still exists ( actually she wants other knows that she is). And surely she’s her lover.

“Sica ah. I wanna talk”

And as she wish her stupid girlfriend appear in time when she’s in deep thought. Jessica doesn’t wanna fight but she knows they have to make it clear for both of them. Keep the coldness she don’t even care to turn back.

“ What?”

Taeyeon approaches Jessica slowly, back hug and whisper into her ears.

“I’m sorry”

Still no responds.

“ Even though you’re mad at me. You don’t have to go out with another boy, you know, it hurts”

What is she talking? Being upset about their relationship is just enough for Jessica. How the hell she can even go out? And then with another boy. This stupid midget is never know what’s the problem. That’s it. No need to hear more nonsense things, Jessica gives up now.

“ You know what? I thought you know what’s your problem. But I guess I’m wrong. Leave my room now”

“ No no no. I have many things to talk. Please give me a chance! Sica ah”


“ I take it as a yes. Ok. I admit it that I still don’t know what the real reason you’re upset with me. But after hearing what members say, I could figure it somehow. Am I not showing you to know how much I appreciate you? If it’s true,please forgive me. You know I’m lousy with expressing my feeling. I thought that wouldn’t  affect you this much. And yeah, I’m wrong. So listen carefully what I’m gonna say now. I love you and I always do. Can you forgive me?”

Taeyeon is so sincere that make Jessica feel so weak. But this is not exactly what Jessica was upset about.

“ Taeyeon ah. No I’m not mad at you. I know this is not your fault. But…URGGG… It annoys me a lot. You know our fans think that you hates me. And I’m the only one who loves you secretly. I’m …..just look so pathetic. Haizz. I don’t get it Taeyeon. Why do we have to pretend when you can act freely with all the other members? At least I can be your groupmate,right? It’s driving  crazy and hurt…That’s why I’m mad at you for no reasons. Sorry Taeyeon ah. Seeing you here saying those words to me just make me realize how stupid I am. I shouldn’t let those fanfiction affect me too much”

Wow. Just … Taeyeon is surprised at what Jessica says but she finds it’s true in some ways. Realizing how long they didn’t do the skinship on stage or any events. As a habit, just whenever Jessica gets near to her, automatic Taeyeon would make an excuse to get  away or put in a harsh word “ She ignored her”. She thought that’s what they planned. And if they stick with it they could hide their love and being happy. Being an idol is a sin, you don’t know how damage it could be when the social find out their private life. The fear comes over her, that’s the only way for them to keep their love. She forgot to think about what her girl feels. Danm. Screw her. Take a breath, she leaning closer to Jessica and caressing her face to calm her.

“Baby, listen to me ok? I’m sorry for being oblivious about your feeling. Punch me if you want. But you know for sure that I’m only in love with you. Don’t let the other things affect you that much. I know it’s just easy to say. You think I don’t read those fan fic and know what the fans think about us? No I did. And I’m tired for being call a to you when I’m not. Every time we’re on stage, do you know how much I wanna touch you or hold you and kiss you but you know I can’t. So I have to restrain my desire for you. Sica ah, it’s not easy at all. You don’t know how y you are when you’re on stage. You abuse my temptation too much that I can’t even look at you in the eyes. I thought we could make it up when we come back dorm. The hell is our schedule is ing trolling us. And now hearing what you say, I know we’ve been far away so long. Let’s work this out together, ok? From now, we will be together as much as we can. When we have free time I will take you out somewhere for dates. About the on stage, uhm..just take it slowly…I will try to look at you in the eyes. You’re not pathetic anymore because Taengsic will comeback step by steps, of course, in friend zone. The things is they don’t know about what we really feel. So my princess, please don’t be sad anymore. I love you and only you”

Jessica once again was amazed and touched at what her thoughtful Taengoo is saying. For a moment she forget those fanfic those thought of being hopeless, all she knows now that she’s here with all her love and being loved. That’s enough, holding Taeyeon face and kiss her lips, not forget to say in the kiss “Just kiss me and not saying those nonsense words. Don’t you dare to kill my mood , I would kill you stupid Taengoo”

With that, a wide smile appear on Taeyeon’s face, now they are in their own world, not caring about what other thinks anymore. Now, just the two of them, is enough.

















“ Hey, I know this is not the time to talk about this. But you still didn’t explain me why you hung out with Taecyeon?”



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mzlyod #1
Chapter 5: Come back to us soon nim
Chapter 5: please update soon
Chapter 5: Can you continue this? Pleeeaaaasssee~
reinsaujiro #4
Chapter 4: Chptr 2 pleaseeee
saltsorrow #5
Chapter 4: it's too much!
taeyeon can't just let jessica go.
so sad.
Taeholicvner #6
Can i translate it into VNese?
Chapter 3: please update soon
Chapter 3: OMG You totally connect all the things that happens this year in thus shot XDD