The Promise

The Promise
Once,in a breezy weather,the wins swept through the trees and people who were walking outside can feel the chilly wind.There stood a boy with brown locks,pale skin,wearing a pink sweater and purple headphones hanging on his neck.His gaze only focused at someting that able to make him broke into tears at anytime.Zhang Yixing,the name of the owner of the eyes stared at the block of stone blankly.In a blink of an eye,he cried out for him to let go of his grudge.At this time,he did not care if people looked at him bizarrely as if his face looked liked a maniac.He just wanted to tell the one and only he loved,that he really missed her."You told me you promised to return,but why in this state?"he said between sobs.Yejin,that was the name of the girl that he missed so tembly. Yixing and Yejin hd been best friends since elementart school.Their first meeting was something meaningful to be remembered.Yixing being aforgetful person,he forgot to submit an important assignment that affected his exam results.He had been called by his teacher Mr. Kim,to his room.Yixing stood in front of Mr. Kim's room and knocked the door gently.When he entered the room,he saw a girl sitting in front of Mr. Kim."There you ate Yixing,come and take a seat" said Mr. Kim.His teacher asked Yixibg to accompany the girl as she was a freshman.That was the day they became closed.They really loved and cared for each other.As their busy parents had no time,they spent all day together.Yejin was a mirthful person.She is the type that did not care what people say to her.On weekends,the were left to their own devices.One day,when they were walking together ,they saw a cute stray dog."Can we adopt this dog,it looks cute" said Yejin.Yixing became delightful when he saw Yejin's happy face."Of course we can adopt it" said Yixing.Yejin smiled widely like a child who just got ice cream. Life was not all about happy story,sometimes it could be glum story and it would go to the stage where you coul not take it anymore.Yejin had a family problem.Things were nothh sraying the same way anymore.Her parents were always fighting each other.Yejin's paren's decided to for a divorce.They did not ask any Yejin's opinion and without any consideration they went ahead with the divorce.Devastated Yejinwas consoled by her one and only best friend,Yixing.Yixing always comforted her when she was crying her heart out.He would calm her down and promised her,he would always be with her.For Yejin,Yixing was her source of stability she could hope for now.Yejin felt lucky because she has a best friend like Yixing. The parents' divorce was not the end of Yejin's problem.She was needed to move in with her mother in somewhere far and remote.Mother decided a welcome move.Yejin left to pack up amidst tears.She told Yixing that she was moving and felt like guilt was hunting her.She did not want to leave Yixing because she did not know whose shoulder to cry on when she move later.Yejin hugged Yixing tightly and she really wished time would stop and she did not have to move.When the time csme for her to let go,Yixing could not bare it anymore and burst into tears.Yejin's promise to return was kept in his heart and hope time would pass by faster.Yixing grew up into and undependent and intelligent boy.They still kept in touch via letters and telephone calls.But lately,they lose contact with each other as Yixing is busy with college activites. The day had came,the day Yixing would meet his beloved friend,Yejin.Unfortunately,Yejin did not come back after a week.Yejin was supposed to return last week.Yixing was full of dissapointment.His heart was hardening into a knot of anger.One day,when Yixing was doing his assignment,the phone rang loudly and broke the silence in the house.The caller identity was Yejin's mother,Yixing felt very happy with the call until Yejin's mother announced something thatmade Yixing heart broke into million pieces.Now it all made sense and it was clear why Yejin never returned.Yejin had died in an automobile accident.Yixing's grip on the phone loosen slowly from his hand and he dropped the phone carelessly.Yixing felt very sad as he did not know what to do and how he wolud cope with the reality he been through right now. As the flashback run wildly in his mind,he cannot do anything and just can only cry in front of Yejin's tombstone."You promised me" said Yixing with dissapointment.Yixing was devastated that Yejin will never return.He had tried to accept the reality he goes through.In his right hand is a letter with a purple envelope,his favourite colour that only Yejin knew about it."I had read this letter,I will keep it as our memory together,I will never forget you Yejin,rest in peace" with the last word Yixind stands on his feet and ready to leave.He promises Yejin that he will do what Yejin tells him in the letter.He walks out of the graveyard and sees Yejin's grave and says,"You want me to keep promise but you,yourself does not keep the promise,but I will do anything for you".With that Yixing leaves the graveyard and wants to start keeping the promise that Yejin asks him to.
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