
My Lovely Teacher

Even when you woke up the next morning the only thing that was on your mind was Jaejin. Could it be, you’re falling for him?

No, of course not. He’s your student for goodness sakes, and besides you’ve hardly known each other for a day.

You sat up in bed and sighed, thoughts were pounding inside your head, all of them were about him.

You: Calm down, Natacha! It’s nothing to be worked up over…

You sighed once again and got out of bed and proceeded to do your morning routine. Today the boys were coming to your house for their lesson so you wanted to make sure everything was ready for them when they got here.

After finishing your morning routine you went into the kitchen and made some breakfast and began to set the living room so you would be able to teach in it.

After an hour or so there was a knock at your door, you hurriedly went over to answer it and say Seunghyun and Jaejin standing there.

Seunghyun: Good morning Noona.
You: Good morning Seunghyun-kun, Jaejin-kun.
Seunghyun: We can only stay for an hour; we have a photo shoot soon, sorry Noona.
You: It’s alright. But there’s much we can do in an hour…
Seunghyun: How about we hang out for today? Jaejin Hyung really wants to see the ice-cream bar around the corner.  
You: Ice-cream? Sure, why not?

You quickly grabbed your coat, keys and some money and walked with the two boys to the ice-cream store, as soon as you saw the store in the distance, you imminently recognized it, the three of you walked into the store and noticed that there was no one in it, this store is normally really busy at this time of the day.

You shrugged the thought away and went to sit down at one of the tables, Seunghyun ordered a vanilla ice-cream, Jaejin ordered mint chocolate and you ordered a banana Melona bar. The three of you sat and talked for a bit, you got closer and learned new things about them they told you many things about the others members too.

Then, Jaejin’s phone rang and excused himself to answer it, leaving you and Seunghyun alone.

Seunghyun: Noona, what happened last night between you and Jaejin? He came home smiling like a little kid…
You: Hm? Oh, Jaejin walked me home, nothing else.

The image of last night popped into your head again, Seunghyun was about to say something but Jaejin came back.

Jaejin: Yah, Seunghyun, Minhwan called saying that you have to go to the shoot early.
Seunghyun: Eh? Oh, alright. Bye guys.

You watched Seunghyun leave the store, he turned around again and half smiled half smirked at you both. You wondered why he was asking about last night, did he know something you didn’t? You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard Jaejin cough, you looked forward and saw him sitting opposite you again, he sighed and looked up at you.

Jaejin: Listen… Noona, I’m sorry about last night, I didn’t mean to kiss you.
You: Oh, it’s alright. I mean, it was just a friendly gesture, right?

He bit his lip and hesitantly nodded.

Jaejin: Yeah, just a friendly gesture.

Both your hearts were hurting when he said that. He got up and said that he has to go; he walked you back home once again and then left to go to the photo shoot.

He sighed as he walked, and put his hand to his heart, it was beating faster than usual again… his face got warmer as your face appeared in his mind. ‘No!’ he screamed in his mind, he couldn’t be in love, he just couldn’t. But he was, and he knew it. He knew it all too well that he was falling in love with you and it made him angry, the fact that you’re able to make him feel like this so easily.

He thought about what he said to you ‘just a friendly gesture’ and he got even angrier, he wanted to kiss you. It wasn’t a mistake and it wasn’t a friendly gesture either.

You went into your room and collapsed face first onto your bed ‘just a friendly gesture’ those words were banging around in your mind, you your back and stared at the celling, listening to your heart thumping in your rib cage.

You: No… I’m not in love! He’s an idol for goodness sake! He wouldn’t go for a normal person like me…

You spent awhile like this, lying on your bed and thinking of him. If it weren’t for your friends coming to ask you to hang out you would have defiantly spent the day like this.

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Yehet_143 #1
Chapter 3: I love it author-nim~~ You're the best!!!! ^_^
natachafdl #2
Dongsaeng-ah, i miss you and this story! Still praying you haven't forgotten about this yet. :)
natachafdl #3
Chapter 3: Oh my god yaaayyy! :D I consider this update as your christmas present for me and it's one of the best presents yet!! >< Jaejin's definitely superhero worthy. Hahahaha! :))) I'm so excited on what'll happen next as usual. Gonna be waiting for it!
natachafdl #4
I hope you haven't forgotten about this fic yet. >< Miss you my pretty sister! :D
natachafdl #5
Chapter 2: I was so surprised when I read about the banana Melona bar. Hahahaha! You remembered my favorite ice cream! :))) I became sad as well when he said 'it's just a friendly gesture.' I was really affected. Hahaha
natachafdl #6
Chapter 1: I'm overly happy from reading the first chapter. :D You are so fast writing fics and it's super impressive! The best thing is that I'm actually a real teacher and I was so surprised you made me one in the story too! You are awesomeeeee!
natachafdl #7
And more importantly, thank you for taking the time to write this since I think I can never make one myself. :)
natachafdl #8
Hiiii!!! My smile went so wide after I saw you've already posted! hahaha And as for the last name I don't mind whichever you'll give me. :D I can tell I'll love it already. :)))))