Chapter 10

Accidently an Idol
It hurt you very much and it was weighing very much, but it dresses Jin was running was doing you and he had no time to stop, so it stumbled and was quiet above also, but with a difference... Jin's lips shocked with yours... both you were looking at the eyes while you were kissing, your heart began to beat hard. They all were looking at you but Jin was not separating, you were feeling very uncomfortable, but in this moment Jimin approached you and separated Jin. You all looked at it very astonished, it took you of the arm and extracted you of the apartment. Jimin approached the stairs, stopped, looked at you and said:
 - From now on...
 - … - you were looking at It very astonished-.
 - I do not want... that you look at anybody more that it is me who is not.
 - … - you Were much surprised by what Jimin was saying-.
 - It does not matter to me that you are a boy... I like – it embraced You-.
 - Jimin...
 - Do not say anything... that you will not like, but think it first before saying nothing: does it cost?
In this moment the manager appeared by the stairs and said:
 - What do you do here?
 - We were going to buy something of ice cream. - Said Jimin-.
 - At 8 a.m.?
 - If, the fact is that the boys do not have a stomach, they have a little bottomless.
 - You cannot go.
 - Why?
 - Soon you will do your début, so I need that you are completely concentrated. And now enter, I need to speak with Alex to alone.
You entered the apartment, the ambience was evident tensely and rarefied. The manager greeted all and you entered your room, it sat down in your bed and said:
 - Such what have you spent these two days?
 - Well.
 - Well? Only that?
 - Very well.
 - What has happened?
 - Why do you think that something has happened?
 - Why are you a girl and are living with many of nice boys, this for a girl of your age must be the paradise. 
 -... but it is strange, that in any moment they are going to discover me... also, already Jin knows it.
 - Already... but: do you already want to retire?
 - No, but...: what happens if the others discover me?
 - Not... 
 - And if...: do I say it to them? This way, I must not worry of that they discover me.
 - And if they get angry?
 - … not that to do.
 - If you feel better and calmer counting it, do it.
 - I believe that I am going to say it, but as soon as I finished the practice of this evening, this way I will have time to think that I am going to say to them.
 - Since you want, I will be there to give you fortitudes.
 - Thank you hyung.
The manager caressed the head to you and said to you:
 - We go, have to go away to the practices room.
You had breakfast and went to the practices room. You were testing during a some time and it was not fine, you were not concentrated, could not. Jimin approached you and said to you:
 - Are you well?
 - If, only I need to practise more.
You kept on practising and you noticed that Jin was slightly cold with you, you had not spoken with from it about the kiss. It spent the evening and you were sitting in the soil, nobody was speaking, it was a very uncomfortable situation. Jin was not stopping looking at you, but when you were looking at it it was separating its look. Jimin was not stopping looking at you either, but when you were looking at him he you was smiling. Rap Monster simply was not saying anything and was looking at the soil. In this moment the manager entered the door, approached you and said to ear:
 Are you ready?
 - If.
 - Boys, listen to Alex, it has something that to say.
You got up and put yourself in front of the boys, they all were looking at you. You were very nervous, knew that it was going to be difficult to say it, but you had to do it:
 - Hello boys, I must say something to you. - You Swallowed saliva – I... I...
Jin was looking at you very astonished and he said:
 - I am hungry, we are going to eat something – it was Trying to turn the attention away-.
 - Boys, I have been concealing something...
 - He knew it! - Said Suga-.
 - I will be quiet, I cannot hear what he says! - He said Rap Monster – It continues. 
 - I have been concealing something and believe that it is time for you to know it. But I want to insure myself about that he should say what he should say, nothing is going to change: in agreement?
 - Nothing is going to change hyung: does anything bad happen? - Asked slightly worried Jungkook-.
They all were looking at you, this was the moment:
 - I am... I am... a girl...
They all looked at you very astonished, you could not prevent a tear from falling down for your cheek.
I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and please talk about your ideas, that costs nothing ◕‿◕.


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Chapter 13: sweet~~~ >~<
love the ending~!
Chapter 11: Suga-ah.. Don't do this :'(
Author-nim, your FF is really daebak!! >,<
Continue juseyo ^^
Zeloismyboyfriend #3
Chapter 10: Yesssss!So happy she said she's a girl♥♥
Chapter 3: I like the story, but the bad grammar errors and sentence structures kinda kill it.
You should get a co-author whos native language is english so they can proof read it and fix your mistakes.
Chapter 3: Gosh I'm loving this story *-*
Fighting :3
Chapter 2: aha, cute xD
sorry to correct this D:
"idol on accident"
"accidently an idol"