Chapter 1

Accidently an Idol
You were sitting in a bank of the park, were feeling the soft breeze in your face and hands. You were so relaxed, that was spending what was spending nothing would make you infuriate, until suddenly you noticed a strong blow in the head, you opened the eyes and saw a ball. Again they were these children, the children of your neighbors, whenever you were relaxed, they were managing to extract you of pivot hole. One of the children approached you and said:
 - I'm sorry I...
 - Do you feel it? It is already the seventh time that you give me this evening with the ball.
You returned him the ball, got up and returned to your apartment going for a walk. Another day had happened, just as the previous one. Your days were monotonous, but you preferred that they were like that instead of chaotic. You came to your apartment, sat down in the couch and lit the television, saw that they were giving You're Beautiful and thought: "It must be chaotic to be in a group of boys being a girl, I would not like being in this situation”. You kept on seeing the drama until you remained asleep in the couch.
The following morning came, you got up of the couch, the back was hurting you and you were up to the kitchen stretching. You looked at the icebox and he had not eaten, one had forgotten to do the buy to you. You took a shower, changed of clothes and went out to look for some meal. You went to a small supermarket and took a coffee boat, you had only to wave it and drink it to you. You paid the coffee and went to the everlasting park and sat down in the bank, while you were drinking the coffee, you did not like, but it was the only thing that you could allow yourself and could not go with the empty stomach. You finished the coffee and threw it there is the wastebasket, as of custom, it fell down in the soil. You got up, took the boat and threw it correctly to the container, while you were thinking:“ One day, I will manage encestar”. You turned to sit in the bank and closed the eyes. The peace and the calmness were flooding your body, you could feel a big relaxation, but in this moment, you noticed something in your head. You turned round yourself and saw the children of your neighbors laughing, tried to maintain the calmness and said:
 - What happens? Why do you laugh?
 - It will be better that you take that thing about the hair from yourself – one of the children Said while he was laughing-.
You touched the part of above of your quiet hair and it was a chewing gum. You tried to relax, but it was useless. You got up and began to chase these children. They entered its apartment, but you began to call to the stamp, the door was opened and she was the mother, it looked at you very astonished and said:
 - What happens? To what does scandal come so much?
 - … - Without saying anything, you turned round yourself and taught the chewing gum given in the hair-.
  - But like...? I am sorry about it, I will punish them, they will not tread on the street again until you are 30 years old.
 - It is the only thing for that I ask, that and that you order it abroad.
 - The fact is that the trip is very expensive – Obviously, he was not saying it enserio, but they were a few very problematic children - If you want I pay the cut of the hair to you.
 - It is not necessary, but that it does not happen again.
You entered your house, put yourself a cap and you were up to a hairdressing salon. When you entered you taught your hair to the hairdresser and without saying anything, the hair began to cut you. When you went out of the hairdressing salon, you began to go for a walk, went on ahead from a shop window and turned out to be reflected in the crystal and thought: "I look like a boy... The truth is that I am not badly at all, but this way... no boy will concentrate on me”. You kept on walking and a man approached you and said to you:
 - He forgives...: do you have a moment?
 - What does he want?
 - Your face... - approached you for or that you passed backwards – Your face... is very feminine, but one notices that you are a boy.
  - Eh?
 - Do you want to be part of a group of boys that is on the point of making debut?
 - Eh?!


I hope you have enjoyed this first chapter and please talk about your ideas, that costs nothing ◕‿◕.
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Chapter 13: sweet~~~ >~<
love the ending~!
Chapter 11: Suga-ah.. Don't do this :'(
Author-nim, your FF is really daebak!! >,<
Continue juseyo ^^
Zeloismyboyfriend #3
Chapter 10: Yesssss!So happy she said she's a girl♥♥
Chapter 3: I like the story, but the bad grammar errors and sentence structures kinda kill it.
You should get a co-author whos native language is english so they can proof read it and fix your mistakes.
Chapter 3: Gosh I'm loving this story *-*
Fighting :3
Chapter 2: aha, cute xD
sorry to correct this D:
"idol on accident"
"accidently an idol"