It's just one week.

I've never thought of us, together.
     Well, everything was going perfectly fine for the pass one week in school. Daily routines, hanging out with Minhyuk and Ilhoon, it was fun!
     Just one peaceful day in school during recess, i was having snacks with them, as per normal, my classmate Siyoung approached me and said that our homeroom teacher was looking for me. And the rest of her clique that is with her nodded together in harmony, it felt weird at first since they have never talked to me before and i believe the teacher would personally approach me instead but i just followed them. They led me to the narrow walkway of the school at the corner and said that she was in the science lab. I never knew there was one here but... 
     Suddenly Siyoung pushed me to the ground hard. I was confused for that second. I knew that something bad is going to happen to me just sooner or later. "Wow wow wow. One week in school and you're trying to get both our princes attention. How great can you get. If you're such an attention seeking and cheap person, i guess you have come to the wrong place. I'm warning you to stay away from them and i mean it. You better be careful." she said harshly. Now, i guess i was wrong about coming here. 
     Her friend grabbed my collar and pushed me back down again. I got so scared i just sat quietly in the walkway. 10 minutes passed and i snapped out from my thoughts, i am so worried. I knew that hanging out with Minhyuk and Ilhoon from the start will definetly bring something bad to me. But never did i know that just in a short period of one week would bring me such trouble already.
     I walked back slowly with my petrified face. "Hey, what happen to you?" Ilhoon asked. I just sat still and daze off staring into space.
     "Hey? Hey! Jaemi!"
     "Oh? Oh yeah why?"
     "Are you alright? You're so deep in your thoughts we thought you became a zombie."
     Minhyuk felt something was wrong and gave me the worried face while Ilhoon continued asking. Soon after they finished their meals, we walked back to the class quietly, they just stared at me. Not to get them suspicious of anything, i told them i was just joking. Pulling that worried face away, Ilhoon hit me in the arm and told me not to do that again cause he thought our teacher scolded me badly. In fact, not the teacher actually.
     After class i told them i couldn't have lunch today together with them as i had something on. Not suspicious of anything they said okay and we walked in seperate ways. "See you tomorrow!" they both said. I waved and went straight home. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened in school today, it made me feel like locking myself up in the room and not going anywhere. I'm so stressed over it, other then them i had no other friends in school. Being alone is tough, i hate it.
     Decided to take a short nap, i don't want to think anymore.
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nice story ^^
Chapter 5: I like it! Amd im already rooting for minhyuk.
ArabellaKim #3
Chapter 3: author-nim! this fanfic is interesting! please keep updating^^