So you were the one!

I've never thought of us, together.
     One week passed.
     Its early in the morning 6am. I have to get ready for school. Its the first day today, hopefully my class is filled with fun, friendly and outgoinging people, oh please. I wore my uniform grabbed my self made bento and left for school. 
     I arrived in school after taking the bus there. Everyone was looking at me weirdly, yes because i'm a new transfered student and no one has seen me around this area before. I went to the office and waited for further instructions for me to go to my class. After minutes of waiting, my form teacher led me to our class. 
     "Good morning class! Today is the first day of a new term and we will be having a new classmate that will be with us from now on. You may introduce yourself now." my teacher said with a warm and welcoming smile. "He...llo... My name is... Jaemi, Han Jaemi. Nice to meet you, hope to have a wonderful time with you guys!" i said slowly, stumbling between my words. My teacher assigned me to an empty seat beside this guy. Oh well i felt weird cause, i just do. Everyone kept talking among themselves as i walked pass them, all the guys kept staring and giggling at me and the girls just did their own stuff. I felt uncomfortable.
     "Hey! Aren't you the one who banged into me last time? You must be lucky you ran into someone not so petty-minded, if not you wouldn't have gotten away so easily without a sorry." he said. "Hey i did say sorry okay! Its just that, it was kind of soft... And... So you were the one i banged into that day? I'm so sorry!" i couldn't stop apologizing and i felt awkward. He laughed and say it was alright, glad he is. "And i'm Minhyuk, Lee Minhyuk. Nice to have you in our class!" 
     Such a nice name he have, i thought to myself. "I'm going to be your first friend in this school right? Right? Right? Right? Right! Yes i am!" he said enthusiastically. I'm glad he have such a pleasant personality. I smiled to him, nodded my head and focused on lesson. We sat quietly till it was recess.
     "Want to go grab some bite?"
     "Nopes, i brought my bento!" 
     "Wow it looks nice!" an alien voice from beside me said. "Hi i'm Jung Ilhoon, Minhyuk's friend! Can i have some of those, it looks so good omg." 
     "Erms... Erms..."
     "I'm just kidding, lets go to the cafeteria together!" he pulled my hand, grabbed my bento and the 3 of us left for the canteen with Minhyuk strolling slowly behind. I didn't even have time to react to that.
     Ilhoon introduced to me all the food that our school are selling, he sure have a bubbly and fun character. We sat down together on the table and i ate my food. Ilhoon bought an apple juice for me too. Just then a bunch of guys walked towards them said something an left. Although i was curious, i didn't ask since we weren't that close yet. We started chatting happily and i felt comfortable around them, but many eyes were staring at me. I turned around to see and most of the girls glared at me. This just showed me that i shouldn't get too close with Minhyuk and Ilhoon if i don't want any trouble.
     Recess was over and we went back to class. We continued our lessons and decided to go have lunch together later after school. Day one in school ended, i packed my bag and suddenly a group of guys came over to me and asked me many endless questions. I just looked at them confused, talk to them awhile and left with Minhyuk and Ilhoon. 
     We went to a chinese restaurant near my house and we ordered black sauce noodle to eat. It was so delicious but the sauce was all over my mouth. Both of them laughed. I asked them what is so funny but they continued laughing. Then, Ilhoon used a tissue to wipe the sides of my mouth. It was so awkward when he wiped the sauce of my mouth for me, no one has done that for me before. But because they couldn't stop laughing i laughed with them.
     Maybe today isn't a bad day after all!
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nice story ^^
Chapter 5: I like it! Amd im already rooting for minhyuk.
ArabellaKim #3
Chapter 3: author-nim! this fanfic is interesting! please keep updating^^