Unexpected Love

My One and Only Love (One-shot Collection)


Before reading anything else please understand that i had to change somethings that you wanted and I am sorry but i guess

i just wanted the story to have a nice flow to it.. Oh and one of the major things i changed was your age.. because its sorta feels

like if your 11 years younger than him its like pedofile type... sorry T_T.. im just being honest.. so your like around 5 years younger

than both of them. Sorry T_T..



Title: Unexpected Love

Requestor: Kjw_hhw

Name: Hwang Hyunjung

Parings: Kim Jongwoon <3 Hwang Hyunjung


"Do you remember the day we met jongwoon oppa??" The woman asked while flipping the page of what it seems like a photo album.

"Haha yeah i remember clearly.."

~~Flash Back~~

"Eomma, Appa.. can we go to the park?" The little girl asked her parents, who's eyes were glued to the computer and some paper works.

"I'm sorry hunny.. your dad and i are very busy right now... dealing with work.." The mom apolgized to her daughter not even

taking her eyes off of her work.

The little girl frowned and on her way out the room when her dad said. "Hyungjung... sweetie.."

hearing that her face lit up and turned to her father.  "Yes.. daddy?"

"Im really sorry sweetie... oh and can you pass me the blue folder ontop of the filing cabinet next to you. ?"

She frowned again and took the folder and handed it to him.

"Thanks sweetie" He gave her a smile

"Your welcome.." Hyunjun dissapointed at her parents..

"Oh sweetie, i know your sad and disappointed but why wont you just hang out with your friends?? or do something?"

Her dad told her.

"Umm dad.. Im only 10 years old... Im not allowed to leave the house without an adult.." She felt like no one cared about her.

"Well what about your nanny??" Her dad said finally looking up at her.

"Okay.." Hyingjun said as she left the room.


She ran downstairs grabbed her coat and suddenly ran out side without anyone noticing her.

She ran and ran... tears filling her eyes... and with out knowing it she ended up in a park.

Hyungjung sat down on a bench she saw and cried even more.

Suddely a ball hit her head. "Im really sorry..." a voice said running towards her.. she noticed it was a boys voice..

She looked up to see the boys face, He was calm gentle looking..

"Are you okay??" The boy asked her.

She nodded and stood up and left.. She felt that someone was following her and turned around to see that it was the same boy.

"Are you sure your okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah i guess." She responded.

~~The Boys POV~~

I was playing when suddely hit a girl.. i looked at her and appologized but it seems like she was crying..

'Whats wrong' is what i wanted to ask but she just nooded and left.

I followed her until she turned around and realized that i was following her.

"Are you sure your okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah i guess." She responded.

Even if i didnt know her well i knew that she wasnt fine, So i decided to hand her my hankercheif.

"Here.. your not okay.. your crying.." I said to her

"....thanks." She accepted the hankercheif and wiped her tears.. I noticed there was a ice cream place near where we were at.

"Hold on.." I told her and ran towards the ice cream place and bought two ice creams went back where she was standing and handed her ice cream.

"here.. this always makes my day when im sad." I told her

~~~End of POV~~
~~~Hyunjung POV~~

The boy suddenly left and came back with two ice creams.

"here... This always makes my day when im sad." He said and handed me the ice cream..

He's so nice.

"Oh yeah.. Hi im Kim Jongwoon, 15 years old. nice to meet you." He introduced himself to me.

It made me smile how nice he was.

"Im Hwang Hyunjung. 10 years old.. nice to meet you too." I told him... and he gave me a soft smile.

"There you go.. you look better smiling." He told me which made me blush alittle.

"Thanks.." I said to him..

~~Flashback Ends~~

"I got to say that was a really good day for me." She said.

"Yeah.. your right..." Jongwoon said and fliped the page

The door suddenly opened and comes in another guy.

"Hey! Im here!!" He said very loudly.

"Oh hey Eunhyuk Oppa.. were just looking at som old photos.." Hyunjung said as Eunhyuk sat next to them.

"Oohh i remember that day.. it was the day i met you two." He said pointing at a pic of them Hyunjung and Jongwoon and him in right behind them and the two were giving him a weird look.

"Oppa lets take a pic of that statue!!" Hyunjung asked Jongwoon.

"Sure.. wait." He then asked a stranger to take a pic of them when suddely some one popped out and smiled for the camera.

"Cheese" after the pic was taken the two asked who he was.

"Oh im sorry i was just... um..." He felt emerassed.

"haha its okay..." Hyunjung said.

"Sorry i was just... well anyways.. im Eunhyuk.." He said and gave them a warm smile. 

"Hi im Jongwoon" He introduced himself to Eunhyuk."

"and im Hyunjung nice to meet you.'

~~Hyunjung's POV~~

Jongwoon oppa and I took a picture when suddely someone poped out from behind and got in the picture.

At first i was alittle creeped out but then he seemed so nice and i just couldnt help but laugh.

"haha.. its okay.." I said.

Jongwoon oppa looked at him for a second thinking he was crazy but his face became calm again as the guy introduced him self to us.

"So are you new here ?" Jongwoon oppa asked him.

"Yeah new here in the neighbor hood, i just wanted to make new friends so yeah.. " He said and the two of us smiled at him.

~~POV end~~
The two welcomed Eunhyuk to the neighborhood and talked and talked.

It seemed like they were all ment to be friends.

~~Flashback Ends~~

"Haha... i thought you were alittle creepy that time but it was fine." Hyunjung forwardly said.

"Sorry... its just that ... thats how i make friends. lol" He said in response..

"Anyways... lets go eat?' Jongwoon asked as the other two agreed.

~~Next day~~

Early in the morning Hyunjung came to the cafe where she worked and started her shift

"Hey Hyunjung!!" A girls voice said from behind her.

"Oh hey Hannah your working today?" She asked Hannah.

"Yeah..." Hannah said while getting ready to open up the cafe.

They worked and worked then their lunch break came.

"Lunch break! thank gosh.. im starving!" Hyunjung said in relief.

"Yeah so am i." Hannah said as they both sat down and ate.

Suddenly Jongwoon oppa came in the cafe.

"Hyunjung..." He said and sat next to the two girls.

"Oppa! hey... what brings you here?" Hyunjung asked him

"Oh.. um nothing really just wanted to drop by and see how you doing... and oh Eunhyuk and i are gonna go to this place later on

you want to come?" He asked her.

"'Yeah sure" Hyunjung agreed while blushing as Jongwoon left.

"Okay so i think i know where  this is going." Hannah said out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" She said still red.

"Well you like him duh.." Hannah said forwardly.

"What... no i dont... what are you talking about?!?!... we have been friends since well 10 years now.. what are you talking about.. pft no." Hyunjung denyed.

"Thats probebly why.. cuz you've known each other for so long.. duh.." Hannah said in a matter-of fact tone.

"what?? hes like a big brother to me.. and if so then why dont i have feelings for Eunhyuk?? i known him for like what 5 years now?"  She asked.

"Well because you known Jongwoon oppa longer than Eunhyuk.. i guess.. and Eunhyuk seems like he has strong feelings for you." Hannah said.

"Really?? no he doesnt..."

"Yeah he does"



While the two were arguing Hyunjung's phone rang .. it was Eunhyuk.

"Well answer it!" Hannah said.

Hyunjung answered the phone.

~~Phone Conversation~~

H: Hello?

E: hey its Eunhyuk

H: hey whats up?

E: just wanted to know if Jongwoon told you were going somewhere

H: oh yeah he did..

E: are you coming?

H: yeah..

E: Okay good.. are you free tomorrow? i need to talk to you about something

H: yeah..  what about?

E: just things just meet me in the park at 5pm k.

H: okay... umm bye.

~~Phone conversation ends~~

"So... what happened?" Hannah asked

"He asked me to meet him tomorrow at 5... what do i do?" Hyunjung asked confused

"Go meet him at 5 duh." Hannah said.

Hyunjung sigh and agreed.

~later that day~

The three met up and went to a resturant.

"why are we in a resturant?" Hyunjung asked

"Well...." The two said and entered.

The place was filled with ballons and decorations

"Happy Birthday!!" the two said at the same time.. and other starts to appear even Hannah.

She started to cry.. as the others clapped.

"You guys are the best!" Hyunjung said.

"Happy 21st  brithday!!" all said in sync.

~~next day~~

"are you going to meet with him??" Hannah asked.

"yeah well i have to dont i?" Hyunjung said while getting ready to go to the park. 

While walking she met up with Jongwoon and chatted for alittle bit.

They crossed the road when suddely Hyunjungs phone fell out of her pocket in the middle of the road and didnt notice until she reached the other side walk.

She saw her phone in the middle and ran to it.

Cars suddenly starts moving and jongwoon noticed there was a truck coming towards her as she picked up her phone.

Hyunjung looked up and saw the truck hit her while jongwoon was a second to late to save her.

"HYUNJUNG!!!!!!" jongwoon cried.

As he called the ambulance and picked her up.

In the hospital Hyunjung was unconsious as the doctor told Jongwoon that she was going to be fine just some minor injuries.

He called Eunhyuk and told him that Hyunjung was in the hospital.

Eunhyuk became worried and went his way to the hospital

Jongwoon then sat next to the sleeping face of Hyunjung when suddenly he found himself stealing a kiss from her.

'her sleeping face is like an angel....' He thought.

He fell asleep looking at her face and holding her hands.

Suddenly he woke up because of movements Hyunjung made.

"Jongwoon oppa..." She said while opening her eyes

"Im here dont worry " He whispered.

"Where am i?" She asked

"Your in a hospital.. because of an accident" he said to her.

"i got to tell you something..." She suddenly decided to tell him her feelings, but he cut her off when he suddenly kissed her. 

"I know.." he said and heard the door closed thinking it was s nurse.

~~Eunhyuk POV~~

After hearing what happened to Hyunjung i hurried to the hospital worried about her.

I asked the nurse where her room was at and ran to it.

I noticed that the door was opened and was about to go in when i saw Jongwoon kissing Hyunjung.

I closed the door and sat to a seat near. I took out a box and opened it just to look at a ring.

It hurt me to know that she likes Jongwoon and not me.


Eunhyuk wiped his tears before anyone could see.

After a while he was still sitting there thinking about things when jongwoon cameout of the room.

"Oh your here." Jongwoon said in surprise

"Yeah.." Eunhyuk said as Jongwoon sad net to him

They talk for alittle while when suddenly Jongwoon said that hes going to marry Hyunjung

Eunhuk was suprised and looked alittle sad but said "Take Care of her then."

and left.

The next week Hyunjung got discharged and that same day Jongwoon asked her to marry him.

She said yes and told everyone about it.

Dating someone can hurt another person



Hey you guys! 

I know its been a very long time since i have updated but please understan that i have been very busy lately

because of school, family problems, and even moving.

I have to move back to NC USA in January so its been tough trying to pack things..

and please read my long comment in the bottom. ^_^

sorry and i hope you like this Kjw_hhw

its not very good but i still hope you like it.



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mysteriousaura209 #1
MaddiTeukieTan101 #2
I've just applied! ^^ <br />
Take your time tho, and don't stress out!
rena_95 #3
Dear Readers,<br />
Im really apologize on how im not updating yet... im really sorry... <br />
I have been really busy with school and moving again.. so i have to get though alot... and theres exams this month that i have to get ready for...im not making promises but i will try my very best to update and things but theres a posibility that my dad is going to cancel the internet.. so im really sorry because of moving and things.. during the holidays i will try to update tho.. before he cancels it.. ok?? im sorry i hope you understand... oh and im not able to go to winglin for some odd reason..<br />
I've just applied and subcribe so hope you'll get it done really soon, Thanks :)
I've already commented on winglin. But. .thanks again for writing the oneshot. I love it. It's really cute how we ended up with eachother.
I applied ^^
rena_95 #7
sorry im not really good in making my own plot for oneshots....<br />
so the second oneshot was kind of weird...<br />
sorry...<br />
but i still hope you like it.<br />
rena_95 #8
hero18:<br />
thank you and i have received it... <br />
<br />
TaeJaeLove:<br />
You are so welcome..<br />
and thank you ^_^...<br />
i still cant put the one-shot up in winglin cuz its still not working...<br />
but i will put the other one-shots here... ^_^<br />