Truth and Lies

A Forever's Promise

Mina's POV


I took a deep breath before entering the said department store. I know I'm so transparent, after what I've said, and did. Besides I only dropped by here to give back his coat. It looks so expensive so I can't bear not to give it back. But I'm a bit curious too. What if he's saying the truth? What if my real family is looking for me? And there...I lost a sister. I feel guilty when realizing these things. My parents are so good to me, I never felt that I'm just adopted, or something like that.

I swallowed as I reached the door where's the store's owner works. I knocked several times before I decided to enter.

I think he's not aware that somebody entered his office because he was too busy reading some folders piled on his table.

"E-excuse me." he look up to me and look straight in my eyes. I felt awkward. He was staring at me for three seconds I guess? What's wrong with him...

"How did you enter my office? Who allowed you to get in here?" his voice was full of authority and arrogance. I gripped the paper bag I'm holding.

"I-I've knocked several times but no one answered so—"

"So you've just entered just like that? I don't have any appointment with anyone today. You should've called me first. So, what is it? Have you confirmed it?"

I'm trying to hold my anger.

Patience Mina. Patience. He's an idiot remember?

"I don't have any plan to confirm it. The reason why I came here is because of this." but I slammed down the paper bag on his table.

"Your coat remember? You might think that I sell this or something."

But he laughed instead.

"What's so funny?"

"You think this coat is that really important? Listen young lady, I never judged people based on their social status okay?"

I was a bit embarrassed.

"Even so, I insist." I said.

"Have you considered what I said few days ago?" he asked.

Here we go again.

"Like I said, I'm not interested with your story. And I don't have any plan to know the truth. I'm contented with what I have now."

"Aww c'mon, don't be so naive. Can't you be just be practical this time? I know your mom is suffering from illness, and you need money. Just consider my offer and she will be secured." he pulled out an envelope from his drawer and gave it to me.

"That's absurd! You already intruded my personal life? How could you! I'm leaving and don't expect to get something from me again!" I turn away to leave the place but—

"What kind of a daughter are you? Your mother is having a hard time, can you just look on the positive things? I'm giving you the life everyone could wish for. Stop using your goddamn pride at this point!"

I turned back and look at him.

"What do you want from me?" I said in a lower tone.

He gasped before he started talking.

"My fiancée...I mean, Yoon Mira, left an important will. She told me I have to find her lost sister. But a part of her father's last will, it was written that if weren't able to find her lost daughter, all of her inheritance will be put in charity."

"So...what's wrong with that? Isn't it better if it will just go to the charity? I think—"

"You don't understand. This company is having financial crisis these past few months. And I need the money to—"

"Are you telling me that you're gonna use me?" why it hurts...

"Somehow, yes." he said without any hesitation. He's too insensitive.

I shook my head.

"Please. What if you're really the one I'm looking for? My search is finally over then. And to tell you, I'm not doing this for my own expenses. This company is worth more than my life."

Those last words. I can sense he's sincere. His mysterious eyes are trying to convince me.

And just as I realized his hand hanging on the air with that envelope.



"What is this?" I asked.

"Those are some informations about Mira. You can think about the similarity. I'm telling you."

"And what if it's still negative? What will you?"

"I have no choice but, okay I'm letting you go."


My face sagged. What if yes? What if no? I'm still not opening the envelope he gave me. I'm scared to know the truth.

As I stepped out from Jejudo Airport, I still have one more hour to travel on bus before I reach our house. And I feel so exhausted too. My heart is filled with confusions, and questions. But I never thought that going back home will be the answer to my doubts...

"Eomma, I'm home!" I stepped in inside the house, but there's no one there. Suddenly our neighbor ahjumma approached me.

"Mina! Thank god you came. Your mom was rushed in the hospital few hours ago, she fainted while parching up those dried flowers outside."



What I have done wrong. Everything just happened in a single blink of an eye.

Why do I have to suffer like this? I'm alone. I'm all alone now.


"Mina, sorry for lying. I think I should've tell you this a long time ago. But your father insisted to keep this until on his grave. But I know it's so wrong. I'm so sorry."

"What are you saying Eomma? I don't understand..." I held her hand tightly, tears dribbling down on my face.

"My daughter Mina, already died. Because I'm too old to bear a child again, your father can't accept it really. But a week after our loss, we found you in the bay. You were wrapped around a vest and it was a miracle when we found out you're still alive. We thought you're the replace for our child, so we claimed you as our own, and move to this far place to keep our secret. And as time passes by, I thought it's okay, but I'm so guilty I never attempted to find your true parents. I was scared I might lose you by then. And now, this is the price I have to pay."

And two days after, she left me. Stage 4 cancer. I never thought it would happen so fast. I wasn't aware, I thought she getting better as I left, I never knew.

It was nearly nightfall and I'm still here, grieving on my parents' grave.

Eomma, Appa, I'm not mad nor hard feelings about what I discovered. In fact, I'm thanking you for treating me as your own in the past twenty five years of my life. I'm so thankful. I will never forget you...

But when I was about to wipe off my tears, there's a hand gently tapped my shoulder, and when I look behind, it was him.


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nice story ^^
Forever5501 #2
Chapter 3: Hi, continue writing. Sungajae being all arrogant is nice to read