Meet the Devil

A Forever's Promise

Author's POV

Yeonwoo saw Mina in the hallway.

"Omo, Mina? What happened to you? And why are you wearing a coat?"

"I caught a dumb fish in the beach earlier." she hissed.

"Mwo?" Yeonwoo was confused.

"There is this guy, he was drowning! So I saved him, but instead of thanking me or saying sorry, he said I should've just let him drown instead of saving him! See? He's totally out of his mind." Mina ranted.

"Could it be...Yook Sungjae?" she said.

"Eh? Who is he?" I asked.

"He is Peniel's friend. I saw him in the elevator earlier, I think he's going to his suite. His shirt is also wet but I wasn't able to ask him about what happened. Looks like he's on a hurry." Yeonwoo said.

Suddenly Peniel came.

"Yeonwoo? Did you see Sungjae around? I can't find him- wait Mina, what happened to you?" he asked.

"It's a long story. We will just go in our suite to let Mina change first. Is that okay?" Yeonwoo said.

"Okay. But I want to talk to Mina too later." Peniel said.

"Why?" Mina asked.

"I want to confirm something. I must talk to Sungjae too. I'll be leaving then ok? I'm going back to the party." Peniel hurried back to the venue.

"So, it was really Sungjae." Yeonwoo said while they're walking to ahead to the elevator.

"Mwo? But I don't want to see him again! Yeonwoo, I'm scared." she said.

"Why are you scared of him? He's a good guy and my brother knows him."

"But...I kicked him earlier..." she confessed.

"Jinjja? Why did you do that?"

"Because he's so arrogant and he's a ert. He even look down on my chest!" but instead of getting Yeonwoo's sympathy, she laughed at her.

"Why are you laughing? I'm telling the truth." Mina frowned.

"Okay okay. But let us see him first hmm? I know you will like the guy." she grinned.

But Mina hissed.

If you just knew...that ert even hugged me without my permission!


Mina's POV

Eyes down, Yeonwoo and I reached the hotel's restaurant, it's passed midnight already so it's not crowded anymore. I asked Yeonwoo to go with me because I'm really scared to meet that guy..if he's really the one I met earlier. What if he wants to get even? Somehow I regret that I kicked him.

Without looking, I sat down on the chair across to them along with Yeonwoo. I don't even have the guts to look on his face. What if he's ugly? Or scary? Or he's already in the mid-40's? I wasn't able to see his face clearly earlier. And the fact that he stole my first kiss. I got even more scared...

"So, I'm right. It's you again." his formal and arrogant voice made me frozed. But why it sounds like a music in my ears? WAE? I bite my lower lip.

"You already met each other?" Peniel asked.

"I will tell you later Peniel. But at this moment, I want to get straight to the point." he said.

That made me look up to him. But as just to get surprised.

Omo...this arrogant guy I saved earlier...for real? My heart skipped. That strange feeling... Déjà vu?

His eyes...his stares. Though he looks so serious and formal, I can't take my eyes off him.

In fact, I can stare on his face all day long I guess...

I shook my head. Stop it Mina, you babo!

"Mina? Is there something wrong?" Yeonwoo asked. Feel like I'm awakened from a sudden dream.

"N-ne? Nothing! Uhm, Peniel, what is it? You said you want to talk to me right?" I feel awkward because this guy named Sungjae is staring at me.

"Do you have siblings? A sister as well?" he started. I'm confused. What is he talking about?

"No. I'm an only child. Why?"

Instead of answering, this guy named Sungjae showed me a photo.

I'm shocked.

This lady in the photo...looks like she stole my face. The way she's me! But I don't remember I had a photo like this. And besides, she looks more sophisticated than me.

"Omo, Mina...she looks like you!" Yeonwoo was surprised too.

I'm speechless.

"She's Yoon Mira. You know Yeouido Department Store in Seoul right? They are the owners. But four years ago, she died on an accident and left an important will—"

"Wait, why are you telling this to me? I don't even know her!" I said. I have no idea what's going on.

They looked at each other.

"You might be her lost sister." Peniel continued.

"What? How can you guys say such things? I don't believe this." I stood up.

"Wait, where are you going?" this tall guy beside Peniel grabbed my hand. So strange...

"This is nonsense. How can you possibly think that I am that girl? Is it because I look like her? I was born and raised in Jejudo, and if it's possible, are you saying that my parents lied to me all these years? Are you trying to make fun of my life? This is not funny." I pulled off my hand from him and gave him a sharp look.

"And who's joking anyway? Do you think I would waste my time with you if I'm just playing around? I'm a very busy person, and besides, I'm just confirming something. Perhaps I can give you money if I consumed your pecious time." he said arrogantly.

He hit my pride. I know I'm from a low class level, but money can't buy me.

I laughed sarcastically.

"You're really as dumb as I imagined." I turned to Peniel and slightly bowed my head.

"I apologized for what happened today. I'm so sorry." I turned back and silently leave the place.

I can hear Yeonwoo calling out my name but I didn't respond.

This is the worst day of my life.

sorry for late update Melodies! >>o<< but yay! semestral break hoho~ i will update much soon (:



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nice story ^^
Forever5501 #2
Chapter 3: Hi, continue writing. Sungajae being all arrogant is nice to read