
The Best Friend Zone



“are you sure? Isn’t this plan kinda corny?” he asked and I frowned




“don’t be stupid, I saw this on a music video, it’ll definitely sell.” I said and pushed him.


“are you sure you’re okay with being the … uhm… thing?” he asked and I rolled my eyes


“it’s called a mascot you moron and yes. Now get into position before Yura gets here! I need to change!” I yelled and pushed him to his spot.


You see the plan was, Chen was to call Yura today and to make up for the mess up yesterday Chen and I decided to make up a plan. Though the whole idea came from me.


Stupid right? I love my best friend, yet here I am, hiding my insane feelings and helping him with the one he likes.


But that’s me… I’ll always… always… put Chen first, because I love him so much.


I sighed and put on the costume we rented and waited till 12 noon for Yura to come.




12 noon:




And I can see Chen hiding like an idiot on the corner. So cute. I can tell he’s nervous… but he’s willing to everything just to make it up to her.


“oh well, you’re here already. it up idiot.” I mumbled to myself and walked to a very lost Yura.


“ANNYEONG~” I greeted and she got startled


“ah!! W-what… w-who are you??” she asked


“I’m your messenger.” I replied and she gave me a confused look.


From behind me I took out 3 balloons. It had the words: “I AM SORRY” on them.


“w-what….” She asked


“Jongdae-shii?” she asked me but I shook my head and pointed behind her.


She turned around and there he was, holding a new set of roses for her and some chocolates. A shy and cute smile plastered on his face, he looked down and rubbed the back of his head shyly, making the chocolate box fall.


THIS IDIOT. He’s so adorable when he’s like this.


Just then he was hugged in a flash by Yura.


The mascot I’m wearing was a perfect hiding place, my smile completely turned into a shocked pained expression, but I figured as much.


I knew I’d be hurting once again, I prepared for it… but it would seem like all my preparations were a waste.


“w-what??” Chen suddenly asked and I snapped out of my self-loathing.


“I said YES!!! YES KIM JONGDAE!!! I’LL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND FROM NOW ON!!!” Yura yelled and that did it, the shock was too much… my hand fell to the side, immediately letting go of the balloons.


“ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!?” Chen asked all happy, excited and shocked at the same time. His smile reached his ears and he was laughing. He carried Yura by the waist and twirled her around.


“Kim Yura!!! Saranghaeyo!!!” Chen smiled and I felt the tears form in my eyes.


He looks so happy, I’ve never seen him so happy. I should be happy right?? He’s happy now… he got the girl he wanted.


He’s happy now… I SHOULD BE HAPPY.


“HONEYBEE!!! SHE SAID YES!!!!” Chen suddenly yelled and smiled at me, Yura still in his arms.


“H-HANI-SHII!?!? THAT’S YOU!?!?” Yura asked and I nodded.


I am thanking the heavens for this mascot, because if not for this, Chen would be wondering why my face was full of tears.


“CONGRATULATIONS!!!” I yelled, forcing my throat, wishing my voice would not crack.


“thank you…” Chen said and hugged me.


I closed my eyes and cried silently inside the mascot costume as he did so… you’re happy now… it’s good to know that…


“you’re welcome… what are best friends for?” I asked and pushed him away. I wanted to wipe my tears but I couldn’t show them my face… not yet when I look like this.


“I’ll leave you to it now, I need to change, this thing stinks.” I faked a laugh and play punched him.


“hahaha!! Sure… thanks again Honeybee.” He smiled and I gave a nod before watching him walk back to Yura, circling his arms protectively around her waist and smiling at her like she’s the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to him.


True, Chen found the most wonderful thing ever to happen to him, as for me… I just watch it walk away with something else.






I didn’t go home immediately, I haven’t planned anything for my birthday anyway, besides, dad is in Japan so Jinki and I probably just gonna eat dinner somewhere soon.


I returned the costume and started walking aimlessly at the park.


The park was lonely like me, maybe because it was 7PM already. I’m just sitting here by the swing… staring at nothing in particular.


Every time I close my eyes I remember the moment I had witnessed today, Chen finally had Yura. And they’re both happy… I’m really happy… for him… for them…


For myself? I don’t know what I’m feeling…


I’m stupid, I’m an idiot, I’m the biggest idiot ever. Heck I should be given an award.


Suddenly I heard the skies rumble so I looked up and saw dark clouds, darker than the night.


I wanted to stay but I have no umbrella with me, Jinki would probably kill me if I come home drenched.


I sighed and stood up, not bothering to take the bus back home.




I looked at my watch, it was 9:00 in the evening. But the lights at home were closed. I wonder where Jinki went?


I checked my phone before entering the house. There was a text from him asking where I am.


Just then my phone rang, I was right outside the door.




“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?!?” the other line yelled, it was Luhan’s voice.


“I’m at the foot of my house why?” I answered and then he hung up.


What the hell was that about??


I disregarded the matter, my eyes hurt from too much crying I just want to shut them tight.


I took out my keys and opened the door only to be blinded by the sudden turning on of the lights.













“SURPRISE!!!!!!!” people yelled, I blinked a few times before registering who was in front of me.


Jinki, Luhan, Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Taemin, Minho, Key and Jonghyun.


I noticed the banner and they were wearing party hats and they were holding party poppers, Luhan was holding a cake and he was smiling, but not after he took a good look at my face. He shoved the cake to Sehun making him glare but Luhan was right in front of my face in seconds.


“WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!?” he asked and examined my face, he caressed my eyes and I flinched a bit because they were swollen.


“nothing. I’m fine.” I smiled and took his hands off.


“you’re obviously not fine Hani what happened?” Baekhyun asked


“nothing. I’m tired.” I said and looked down. Everyone was quiet, until I heard footsteps approaching.


“go get some rest, we can celebrate tomorrow.” Jinki’s sweet voice echoed in my ears as he patted my shoulder.


“I’m sorry guys, for going through all this trouble just to waste it.” I mumbled and went up to my room.


This is your fault Moon Hani…. it up.






double update presents a whole lot of heartbreak... 

omg you guys are so amazing with all your comments i love reading them hahahaha!!! and omg people shipping Baekhyun and Hani hahaha!! 

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Chapter 18: UGHH IM STARTING TO SHIP BAEKHYUN WITH HANI NOW T_T cant hani just end up with baekhyun instead ?? ;A;
Chapter 24: Seriously i` m hating chen( gotta watch the real one to get rid of this bitter feeling) cause of this fic and he is my bias in exo along with d.o -.- and hani is so annoying ,just move on and dont let him use you cause the most precious thing is no other than yourself \>o</
haniabdrashid #4
Chapter 1: OMG! the girl's name is Hani?
my name is Hani. wahahaha :P
YunKim #5
Chapter 17: I love this story but do u know who is that girl in the poster?
darkangel715 #6
Excited to read this... I think Chen Chen is really adorable and that there are not enough fanfics about thank you for writing one.
sukasuka #7
Chapter 28: Chen is really super stupid and mean. He knew how she felt yet he asked her to be by HIS side no matter what happens?! even after she said it's difficult he still insisted on PLEASE?! Damn you Chen damn you selfish brats
sukasuka #8
Chapter 24: *killing chen* seriously Chen started to get on my nerves
sukasuka #9
Chapter 22: can Chen please pretty please stop hugging Hani??!!!
sukasuka #10
Chapter 5: no Hani my heart is crushing together with you T________T