
The Best Friend Zone



“COME ON!!! WHY WON’T YOU TELL ME??!” Chen whined, I told you he’d act like this.


He’s been trying to pester me about that thing that happened during Baekhyun’s birthday. I don’t want to tell him cause I know he’ll freak out and then get mad and then stick to me like glue just to make sure I won’t trip over my own foot.


“geez it was nothing okay? We were just playing and I slipped but then regained composure after.” I lied and he frowned.


“you really should be careful.” He said


“I am careful, the floor was slippery.” I said and he laughed before patting my head and messing with my hair.


“ARGH!!! JONGDAE!!!!” I smacked his forehead


“YAH!!! WHY ALWAYS THE FOREHEAD!?!?!” he yelled and rubbed his head while pouting. He’s really cute gaddamit. Why D:


“oh by the way!! I survived!!” he suddenly said and I gave him a look.


“what are you talking about?” I asked


“the meeting with Yura’s father!!” he yelled and my mind went blank. I completely forgot about that.


How can I forget about it when it was the cause of my almost drowning incident!?


“oh. H-how’d it go?” I asked with a smile.


Have you noticed? I’m good with fake smiles (though sometimes he sees right through it)


“well at first I was dead scared! I mean… I don’t know what her father would be like and she didn’t even brief me on it for a bit!!” he flailed and I chuckled at his cuteness.


“and then I was really panicking while we were waiting in their dining hall. Did you know how much I wanted to bail??” he asked and shook me


“AISH!!! I GET IT!! STOP SHAKING ME LIKE A MARACA!!!“ I yelled and pushed him away


“goodness I wish you were there!!!” he suddenly blurted out that I felt my heart flutter again, the same feelings I always feel whenever he says something out of the blue.


“if you were there I wouldn’t be so panicked and I’d be able to think straight!! I had no one to calm me down!! Of course I can’t tell Yura do you realize how lame that would be??” he asked and banged his head on the table.


“idiot.” I mumbled and sighed.


“anyway I was like that until her father came. Of course I was all smiles and professional but then the strangest thing happened, her father turned out to be a very bubbly guy!!! So we had a lot of laughs and he personally said he likes me!!!” he ended and can you please just imagine the smile on his face?


It was so pure, so happy, so charming, so innocent, so Jongdae.


My heartbeat went rampant at his smile, he looks so happy. He IS very happy. I’ve never seen him like this. And I’m happy for him believe me …. But at the same time, I felt so sad.




Days passed and I am such a failure, Luhan hit me so many times (playfully of course)  because of my failing attempts to push away Chen.


I just can’t do it.


When he needs me, in a flash I’ll be there. When he asks me to do something or him, I do it (even if it involves his moves to impress Yura).


I always end up going to him. Every. Single. Time.


This is so sad, it’s even pathetic now. Why am I like this?? Do I love him THAT much??


Maybe I do.


“HONEYBEE!!!” I sighed and cursed in my mind. I turned to him with a smile and he was grinning like an idiot.


“what’s your problem creep?” I joked


“YAH!!! THIS LITTLE---- BE THANKFUL YOU’RE MY BEST FRIEND OR ELSE YOU’D BE DEAD BY CALLING ME CREEP.” He said and I didn’t know if I should laugh or be hurt cause he labeled me again as “Best Friend”


“anyway, you like white roses right??” he suddenly asked that I felt my cheeks burn.


Why was he asking all of a sudden??


Could it be for my birthday???


My birthday was in a week and I don’t know why but I felt very excited, especially when he asked.


“yeah why?” I asked, the smile on my face was evident.


“oh nothing.” He said and then looked away.


What’s he planning?? I can tell he’s planning something special… could it really be for my birthday?


He’s never given me flowers on my birthday, always gifts of every kind but not flowers.


I could feel my heart flutter, isn’t giving flowers… SWEET?? :”>




“so what’s your plan??” Luhan asked as soon as he saw me


“my birthday? I don’t know yet.” I shrugged


“where’s Chen?” Sehun asked and I sighed


“with Yura.” I replied


“geez. I told you to push him away but NOOOOOOO!!! You just HAD to be the best best friend huh???” Luhan said and rolled his eyes, just then I was strangled to death by two giant arms.


“ACK!!! CHANYEOL!!!” I yelled and he laughed before sitting on my right, Baek followed suit and sat on my left.


“wassup??” Chanyeol asked


“it’s Hani’s birthday this coming Thursday!!!” Luhan beamed


“really!?!? Why didn’t you say so???” Baek pouted and I laughed


“you didn’t ask.” Came my reply as always.


“did Jinki sunbae plan something?” Luhan asked but I shrugged.


“you should plan your birthday soon you know?? It’s bad to cram.” Baek said


True, but… I don’t know…. I feel like I don’t want a huge party. I just want Chen to be there… and maybe those roses he was asking me earlier about :P


Call me assuming but that’s really what I feel in my gut.



It’s Tuesday… I still haven’t planned anything.


When Jinki asked what I wanted I just shrugged and said: ICE CREAM


He gave me a weird look but I just shrugged… again


I went to my room and laid down the bed. I wonder what Chen’s doing?


He’s been really busy with Yura… they’re always together now. I’m getting used to seeing them together, but I’m still not used to the pain.


They look so perfect with each other. They laugh and would play like actual lovers even if they still aren’t. when Yura is down, Chen would always be there to make her smile.


Chen then, only needs Yura’s smile, presence and words to make him smile.


I like seeing him smile, but now… it hurts too much. Knowing someone else is already capable of giving him so much more than I can.


ring~ ring~ ring~ ring~


my phone suddenly vibrated and I looked to see Chen was calling, I smiled… it’s been a while.




“HONEYBEE I NEED YOUR HELP!!!” he suddenly yelled before I could even finish. His voice sounds so desperate that I panicked.


“why?! What’s wrong?? Are you okay?! What happened???” I asked


“tomorrow I’m going on a date with Yura and I’ll be late cause umma is in the hospital!!!” he yelled


“what!?!? What happened to auntie?!?” I asked


“just a mild , she’ll be fine according to the doctor but HONEYBEE help me!! Appa can’t come and watch over her till his shift at work ends and that’s not until 6PM!! My date with Yura is at 5!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GO AND BUY THOSE FLOWERS I WAS ASKING YOU ABOUT BEFORE AND GIVE IT TO HER AT OUR MEETING PLACE!! Ask her to wait for a bit with you and then I’ll definitely come!!!” he said and that’s when I realized…






aigoo Hani~ why are you so assuming huh? look at where that got you now...

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Chapter 18: UGHH IM STARTING TO SHIP BAEKHYUN WITH HANI NOW T_T cant hani just end up with baekhyun instead ?? ;A;
Chapter 24: Seriously i` m hating chen( gotta watch the real one to get rid of this bitter feeling) cause of this fic and he is my bias in exo along with d.o -.- and hani is so annoying ,just move on and dont let him use you cause the most precious thing is no other than yourself \>o</
haniabdrashid #4
Chapter 1: OMG! the girl's name is Hani?
my name is Hani. wahahaha :P
YunKim #5
Chapter 17: I love this story but do u know who is that girl in the poster?
darkangel715 #6
Excited to read this... I think Chen Chen is really adorable and that there are not enough fanfics about thank you for writing one.
sukasuka #7
Chapter 28: Chen is really super stupid and mean. He knew how she felt yet he asked her to be by HIS side no matter what happens?! even after she said it's difficult he still insisted on PLEASE?! Damn you Chen damn you selfish brats
sukasuka #8
Chapter 24: *killing chen* seriously Chen started to get on my nerves
sukasuka #9
Chapter 22: can Chen please pretty please stop hugging Hani??!!!
sukasuka #10
Chapter 5: no Hani my heart is crushing together with you T________T