Anger and Incomprehension

I Can't Hear Your Voice

Heyheyhey dear readers, here is a little chapter for you! Owh, sorry to have kept you guys waiting for so long, pardon me huh? Enjoy and comment! xx. s.y 


      So Eun heard a faint shouting of a girl's name from behind her and turned in curiosity to see what was happening in the gigantic hall. 

She gaped in bewilderment and stepped back when a man -unknown to her- was standing a little five centimeters away from her, a too close proximity between a stranger and herself, she considered. 


What the heck is h-he doing? She found herself stammering because of nervousness. That stranger was staring, uh more like glaring down at her, with his eyebrows furrowed deeply, letting a few well-shaped wrinkles appearing in the gape between both his eyes. She couldn't comprehend that whole situation, simply because it didn't make sense at all.


Worse is that this man wasn't even uttering a single word, nor was he moving a bit from his current -hmm- position. 

So Eun wanted to walk away from him, and thus decided so. Gathering all the courage within her, she strode past him rapidly by the left side. As she was about to heave out a sigh that she was keeping for herself throughout the long two minutes while being scrutinized by a total stranger, she jumped in shock from the touch of unfamiliar hands on her shoulder. She was span around 180° soon after by the same guy. 

AGAIN. So Eun started to grow more annoyed than nervous. What the hell does he want? She glared back this time.

Daehyun seemed to pay no heed at her irritated expression.

Youngjae and Zelo were standing there, watching in a daze until one of them woke up from his trance. Youngjae stepped ahead in an attempt to stop his friend from doing anything stupid. 

      “Daehyun, let's go.” He pulled him by his arm but failed to drag him away. Daehyun rashly yanked his hand free, eyes still fixing So Eun. 

She let out a frail morn out of hurt. Daehyun's grip on her shoulder was too strong as she almost felt his fingers sinking into her skin. 

      “Daehyun, stop it! You're hurting her! Can't you see?” Youngjae hollered, angered by his friend's insensitive behavior. He was doing something hurtful to a girl whom they know nothing about. You don't hurt a girl in the first place, anyway.

      “Don't interfere Youngjae!” Daehyun shrieked back this time, and his voice came out loud, with hints of dangerousness tinting it. It drew all the attention around them. People were giving them inquiring stares, wondering what the fuss was about. Zelo finally snapped out of his daze too, and went to help his hyung out into convincing his other one.

      “Daehyun Hyung, release her first. You're really hurting her..” Zelo's gaze trailed to So Eun, who was bitting her lips. Her hands were balled and started to turn white gradually, since the blood wasn't traveling smoothly in them anylonger.

Daehyun scoffed. 

      “If she's hurt, she would have already tell me to stop, wouldn't she?”A lopsided smirk made its entrance on his face. 

You bastard, who the hell are you?! So Eun wanted to scream at his face. She was struggling to get out of his firm grip, but being the tenacious man he is, Daehyun didn't let go. 

He wasn't thinking straight. His mind was thrown into upper confusion. He was mistaken. 

To his eyes, So Eun was Ji Hye, his late girlfriend. 

Some students were watching the situation in interest, whereas some others were worried over the poor girl, and some, mainly girls, were jealous to beat. Like idiots, they thought that So Eun was one lucky girl to have succeed in attiring one of the new hot guy's attention, even though it wasn't in a good way. 

So Eun grew alarmed as she remarked that whispers were fusing around and about them. Being the center of attention and her personality wasn't a good match.  

She mouthed ‘Let me go!’, shooting daggers at him for him to understand. She wanted to get out of here.

      “What?”, His previous smirk morphed into a frown, “What did you say?”

So Eun put in action her second attempt, but he still couldn't catch what she meant.

Because her voice couldn't be heard.

      “Yah speak louder, I can't hear your voice!” He exploded in an upgraded anger. His friends widened their eyes in astonishment at his outburst and decided to stop him at all costs. 

So Eun stiffened. Wet droplets started filling her big doe eyes. 

Daehyun's hard gaze on her softened a bit at the sight of her watered eyes. Youngjae and Zelo caught a glimpse of his small moment of inattention, and decided to use it to grab him and drag him away from So Eun. They did so.

      “What are you doing?! Let me go! I have things to ask her!” Daehyun was being forcibly dragged out of the hall.

She breathed heavily and it took a while for her heart to find back its normal rhythm. 

Her eyes were set on nothing in particular, her face was wearing a blank expression. She looked lost.

A few students who have witnessed the situation glanced at her worriedly but dispersed soon after Bora came running towards her. 

      “So Eun-ah what happened?! Did you get hurt?? Are you ok??” She asked extra-worriedly and squeezed her. So Eun just smiled weakly at her, attempting to reassure her with a small nod. 

      “Don't lie to me! I heard from some girls that the new student was picking a fight on you! What a bastard!” Bora frowned, she felt a bit disgusted with herself because she once got attracted to the group of new students for their handsomeness.

      “Aish and these gizibes, I'm gonna rip their smile out of their plastic faces.” She glared at the jealous ones from earlier, who were still standing there mocking and chuckling at So Eun, “Yah! Don't you dare badmouth So Eun or you will g-” Bora was stopped in mid-sentence by a pulling on her sweater. She raised an eyebrow at So Eun, “I wasn't finished with them!” So Eun made a pleading face for her to stop. 

      “Alright then..” Bora agreed in putting a stop in her warning but eventually turned around a second time to shot them the scariest glare of hers. The girls gawked at her dangerous stare that was literally screaming fire, and thus quickly walked away. 

So Eun was still dazed at what happened.

As soon as he came, this smirky -like bastard of new student picked a fight on me? What's the matter, is he in need of popularity or attention? So Eun scoffed, Choose someone else to be your victim, stupid.




Exhaustion was starting to be felt by the two adolescents as they were still struggling to keep Daehyun sitting on the bench where Yongguk gave them the order to meet at. 

Daehyun was quite a stubborn boy, strong-willed and pretty muscular too. 

      “Hyungggg, pleaase stop with this! She isn't who you think she is, Ji Hye noona..” Zelo paused in his track, “isn't by our side anymore.” Youngjae finished with an euphemism. 

Daehyun grew more agitated with this one sentence and slapped his hands angrily on his sides. 

      “I don't ing care of what you're saying! I need to see that girl! I need it this instant!” He looked as if he'd gone crazy. The two standing boys glanced at each other, worrisome. 

      “Let me go already! You guys are angering me more.” Daehyun's voice turned colder than before. 

Hyung! Eotteoke! Zelo's eyes were almost pleading. 

When are the others coming? Only Yongguk and Himchan hyungs can stop him. Youngjae responded back with his eyebrows dancing in anxiety. They were interacting with exchanging stares, the emotions emitting from them were so strong that no words were needed to be said to understand each other's thoughts.

I don't know! Zelo replied. 


Aish it's going to make Yongguk hyung really really mad. Zelo thought for himself.


Just as they were talking about them, Jongup and Himchan were approaching the three frustrated -for different reasons, evidently- young boys. Yongguk was trailing behind. 

      “Hyungs, Zelo, what did you guys buy to eat?” Innocently smiling at them, Jongup voiced out a question, not noticing the tensed up mood that surrounded them. 

However, witty Himchan remarked something was off once he saw Daehyun frowning. He could almost imagine a cloud drawn over his head, with droplets of rain falling down from it. 

      “Yah, what's up here? Jung Daehyun, are you sulking again?” Himchan joked around, and looked up to see both Youngjae and Junhong waving their heads frantically. Himchan blinked several times and looked back down at Daehyun. 

       “You guys haven't bought anything?” Jongup questioningly spoke. Junhong hushed him and murmured something in his ear. The latter one had his eyes double-sized in stupor and he stared at Daehyun, silent. 

      “Daehyun, what's w-”

      “Guys, why didn't you eat first? You should be hungry by now.” Yongguk's voice could be heard from behind Himchan as they all diverted their attention on him, except for the angered boy still sitting down. 

      “Hmm, how to say that.. In fact-”

      “Shut the up, don't make me repeat! I have to see that girl!” Daehyun had enough of waiting and stood up to promptly stomp forward, not bothered by the fact that he bumped into Himchan's shoulder. 

Yongguk was bewildered momentarily before his senses came back. He managed to stop Daehyun in time from walking farther away.

      “Uh-oh, Jung Daehyun, what did you just say and do to your dongseang and your hyung?” He referred to Youngjae and Himchan. 

Daehyun twirled around and glared courageously at Yongguk. That made him raising his eyebrow, as he was not startled at all. 

      “What do you think you're doing? You better stop this instant.” Yongguk warned him, and not to exaggerate, he was really scary.  

      “I do whatever I want, and right now, I need to go some-”




Yongguk deliberately punched Daehyun on his good-looking face. The others gaped in awe as they were watching their eldest hyung beating up their friend. 

Daehyun turned around and rolled his eyes daringly at his hyung, scoffing. He was not wavered from the punch at all.

      “It won't stop me to go and see that girl-”

      “WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” Yongguk couldn't contain his anger anymore and exploded, “Who huh? Ji Hye, is that it? Are you ing telling me you're going to see someone who is dead?!”

Yongguk's words felt like being shot on a wound that was still bleeding. They yanked him back down to the painful reality. Daehyun wanted to fight him back out of wrath but was stopped by the following question.

      “Or is it someone who resembles Ji Hye?”

Himchan gaped at his words, and looked at Youngjae for confirmation. The latter one nodded his head defeatedly.

Goodness, how can that happen? No wonder it has Daehyun being so agitated. He thought.

      “Alright guys, stop. We should eat first. Daehyun, we will find a compromise after okay? Why don't you calm down first huh?” Himchan serenely spoke like a mother would do to separate two kids fighting.

The silence was ridiculously awkward. Junhong spoke up, “Mmh, I'll go and buy us things for lunch. Euh, Youngjae, why don't you come with me?” He put on his best acting, even though he wasn't really good at it. Youngjae nodded his head enthusiastically, acting along. 

The boys left, leaving Jongup standing there awkwardly. Himchan indicated him to follow Youngjae and Junhong with a swift and unnoticeable head movement. Jongup magically understood and ran off.

Yongguk had still his back facing Himchan and Daehyun, trying to ease a bit his perturbed heart. 

      “Hmm, Daehyun, why don't you tell us about what happened earlier? You can't just throw a tantrum before us when we aren't even aware of the reason you're behaving like this.” Himchan joked a bit to ease the mood. 

Daehyun, deflated, went to sit on the bench wordlessly. Oh, at least, he isn't arguing about going to the girl anymore.

Himchan, who was standing between them, was actually in a very delicate position. He didn't know if he had to go to Daehyun or Yongguk first. However, his dilemma was resolved very soon, because Daehyun spoke up.

      “Yongguk hyung, I'm sorry for my outburst and my behavior. Himchan hyung, I'm sorry for bumping into you too.” Daehyun genuinely presented his excuses. He knew he did wrong. 

      “O-oh, it's nothing.. Hmm I guess you don't want to talk about that matter right now so.. I'll let it slide for now.” Himchan was a bit surprised to hear his excuses and tried to reassure his dongseang, while Yongguk wasn't fully ready yet to pardon him.


However, I'm not giving up on that girl. She will hear of me very soon. Daehyun smirked inwardly.

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Yoe_chan #1
Chapter 8: Oh god...
He looks really really mad...
Okay fine, he found someone who looks like Ji Hye...
But honestly don't hurt her like that...
Poor So Eun...
Chapter 8: Yeah but it's not like you could hear her
He pissed my off so much
Chapter 8: OHMYGOSH YOU UPDATED ! Please, update soon again, I love your fic ;A;
milkyyy #4
Update soon ~ hehhee its nice :)
Chapter 1: Actually I'm sad toward her, she lost her voice >,< DX
sarahsohn77 #6
Chapter 7: Agh I'm so curious!!
Yoe_chan #7
Chapter 7: Whutt??
So Eun looks alike this Ji Hye girl from Daehyunie's past O.o
Please update soon author nim
Yoe_chan #9
Chapter 6: That's the real daehyunie is....
Hahahahaha i can't stop laughing... XD
Chapter 6: Please update soon :))))