New start

One Too Many Chances

Author's POV

In Class: 

"Class you will have assigned partners for your next assignment. You will have to perform a dance routine together." Said the teacher. 

"I'm so excited, I love dancing. I hope that I don't get one of those girls who are obssesed with me."Nickhun thought.

"Okay, here are your partners... and Nickhun will be paired up with Victoria. We will not have too much time for the assignment in class, so you will have to make time for practicing." The teacher said. 

When the teacher said that Nickhun was going to be Victoria's partner, all of the girl's expressions were annoyed and angry. They even complained to the teacher about it and tried to change their partners, but the teacher didn't change them. Nickhun was very excited, but he didn't show his feelings in his experssion, instead he just acted cooly. But inside, he was screaming like a fan boy. Victoria was also very happy, she is a very skilled dancer and has been dancing for a very long time. After class they stayed behind and talked. 

"Umh, so we're dance partners." Nickhun said a little embarrassed. 

"Yeah," Victoria said awkwardly. 

There was a awkward silence until Nickhun decided to start the conversation. "So, where should we practice?"

"Uhh, We could practice at my house, I have a dance studio." She offered 

"Yeah that sounds good" Nickhun said and smiled at her. 

She smiled back and they both just laugh at eachother. 

"Let's start today. I just have to call Jieun and tell her I can't walk home with her." Nickhun explained.

She nodded and waited until Nickhun called Jieun. As she waited, she fixed her hair and quickly applied some make up on her face. When Nickhun turned around he saw what she was doing, he chuckled and waited until she was done fixing her makeup. Then he walked in and told her that they could leave now. She agreed and they started walking to her house. They tried to start several conversations on the way to her house but it always ended in an awkward silence. They both felt weird and hoped that they would understand eachother better. They finally reached her house and Nickhun was amazed and he gasped at how big her house was, it was almost twice the size of his house. Victoria saw Nickhun gasp and she smiled at how cute he looked, she even blushed a little. They got inside and they went straight to the dance room, it was very nice and it seemed like someone usually danced in it once a day. They started to warm up when Victoria's mother walked in with some snacks and water. 

"Woah, I'm so happy that Victoria finally has someone to dance with, so she doesn't always have to dance by herself." 

"Omma, can you just put the snacks down and leave us alone, we have to start practicing." She said with and embarrased expression. 

Her mom set the snacks down, said bye, and then she left. Nickhun thoguht she was cute when she was embarrased. After they finished warming up, they got started. 

"So what kind of routine do you want to do." Victoria asked.

"I don't really know, I guess the music just moves my body." He replied 

"Okay, well then let's play a song" She said. 

She put on "Gee" by SNSD. When the song came on she gestured Nickhun to show her how he dances. So he stepped up and freestyled to the song. Nickhun danced very well and when he was done he added some silly dance moves. While he was dancing Victoria was amazed and surprised. At the end she giggled at his silly movements. Nickhun finished and he also gestured with a playful expression, to Victoria to dance. She danced very skillfully and at the end sheadded some y dance moves, that left Nickhun mesmerized again. Nickhun was surprised because he didn't know that she could dance so well. Then she stopped the music and the both shared a laugh. Nickhun checked his cell phone and it was already getting late, because they were having so much fun. He said to Victoria that he had a great time and they should practice again tomorrow, but he had to leave. She understood and walked him outside. When they walked outside, It was dark, and Victoria tripped on the step. As she was falling, she felt Nickhun catch her. He caught her right in time, but they ended up in a weird situation. His face was close to her face and their lips nearly met. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Until her phone rang, then they got up and Victoria thanked him and they said bye to each other. As Victoria walked inside, her heart was pounding fast and her face was red and was getting hot. She put her hands on her lips and smiled then she went to her room. Nickhun continued walking home, while his heart was beating because he kept thinking about what happened earlier. He touched his lips with his hands and smiled. Then he continued walking home. 

Nickhun's POV

When I got home I was going to go apologize to Jieun because she had to walk home by herself today. But she was in the shower so I knocked on the door of the bathroom, it sounded like she was frightned by my knock so I asked if she was okay. She replied yes, but in a very low voice, I knew something was wrong, it wasn't the cute and bright Jieun that I knew. So I went to the kitchen and ate something while I waited for her to come out. When she finally came out, I went to the kitchen and saw her. I was surprised and shocked, I ran to her. 

"Jieun are you okay? What happened to you? Are you hurt anywhere?" I screamed.

She just said that she was fine and that she fell down the stairs at school. She was my only sister, so I knew that she was lying, but I didn't want to stress her out more, so I didn't ask anymore questions. She wasn't hungry either, I was very worried for her and was on the verge of having tears when I walked to the kitchen. Then I went to sleep. In the morning we went to school, I was still very worried for her but I knew she was strong, I also wanted to talk to the guys to see if they knew what was going on with her. When I got to class I saw Victoria and remembered what happed yesterday. I went and sat next to her and built up the courage to ask if she wanted to sit with me at lunch. She slowly looked at me and smiled, then she replied yes. I smiled back and felt my heart race. 

Jieun's POV


 I said bye to Nickhun and I went straight to my class. On my way to class some girls stared at me and one girl even tried kicking my knees. But I managed to reach my classroom without falling. Yet all the girls continued staring at me and I knew this was just the beginning.

When I was sitting down staring outside the window, I heard some people calling my name. I turned around and saw Junho, Junsu, Chansung, Taecyeon, and Jiyeon. The yelled my name and waved to them, the  boys smiled until they saw my bruises, then they had worried faces, but I gave them an ensuring smile that I was fine. They all nodded their heads as they left but they stil had worried faces. Then Jiyeon came and sat next to me.

"Jieun-ah! What happened to you?" She said worried.

"Ahh. I'll tell you after class" I said calmly.

"Huuhh. Fine" She replied, then she went and sat in her seat.

After class I carefully explained everything to jiyeon, she was shocked and wanted to teach them a lesson. But I told her that they're not worth getting in a fight for, and she was better then them. I told her that she couldn't tell Nickhun and she agreed, though I knew she looked worried for me. 

Wooyoung's POV

I went to meet Taeyeon at lunch after she sent me a text message.

Flash Back: 

Before Lunch. 

RING.RING. I took out my phone and looked at the text message. 

From: Taeyeon <3

Wooyoung Oppa, Meet me at the garden at lunch. <3


I went to the garden and saw Taeyeon. I hugged her when I reached her, she hugged me back, but she held on to me longer then usual. 

When she let go, I asked "Is everything okay?" 

She held my hand and we walked to a bench. 

"Aniyo, w-we have to br-break up". She said with a shaky voice. 

"Wae! What am I doing wrong? I'll do anything for you." He said desperatley. 

"It's because of my dad, he's sending me Paris for six months. I'm leaving tonight and we can't have a long distance relationship." She said 

"But Taeyeon, I I Love you." He said. Now crying.

"Well, I don't love you" She said, then she gave Wooyoung the necklace that he gave her for her birthday. She turned and walked away, Wooyoung grabbed her hand and told her to wait but she seperated their hands and walked away. When she turned around it started raining and she let her tears roll down her face, and she said I love you too, Jang Wooyoung, too quiet for Wooyoung to hear. She knew this is what she had to do. When she was gone Wooyoung just stayed at that bench crying, not knowing what to do. 

Author's POV

After Nickhun and Victoria had lunch together they met up with Jieun and Jiyeon, when it started to rain, they decided to go hang out at Jieun and Nickhun's house. But Jieun's phone rang, she answered it, then she hung up. 

"That was Taecyeon, they can't find Wooyoung and they're worried about him."Jieun explained

"Let's split-up and go find him. Victoria can go with Nickhun, I'll meet up with Taecyeon, and Jieun are you going to be fine by yourself?"Jiyeon Said.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Jieun said

Then they all split up and Jieun ran in to the classrooms to check if he was in there. Then she thought about the bench that they talked at. She ran there and saw thathe was there, she walked and sat nextto him. He looked up and saw her, they both looked at eachother. 

"You know everyone is looking for you right." jieun explained

"Oh. Really i'm sorry." He said

"It's okay, but if we don't leave now, then we'll probably be sick"She said kindly.

"Yeah, Well can we go to your house? I don't really want to go home yet."He asked.

"Umh, Sure" She said

Jieun called everybody and told them that she found him andd that they could come over to her house. When she and Wooyoung got to her house Taecyeon, Nickhun, Jiyeon, Junho, Chansung, and Junsu were already there. 

"YAH! Wooyoung, where have you been?"Taecyeon asked.

"Sorry, I was just a little busy, I'll tell you guys later" He replied weakly.

"Well, we should get going now, Wooyoung we'll take you home." Junho said.

Wooyoung agreed, and as they left the boys each thanked Jieun. She said bye and then closed the door. She said goodnight to Nickhun and went her room. She layed on her bed thinking about Wooyoung and why he looked so sad. "Yah! Jieun it's not your problem, you should just leave it alone." She thought to herself and then eventually went to sleep. 


Author's POV

Jieun and Jiyeon met up with Nickhun, Victoria, and the other guys. The school day went by really fast and it was already time for lunch. They all sat together at lunch, Jieun noticed that Wooyoung wasn't there and asked Junho if he knew where he was. 

"Aniyo, I don't know where he is but yesterday he was out in the rain because his girlfriend, Taeyeon, broke up with him and left to Paris."Junho explained 

"Ahh, no wonder."  she replied

She finished eating and took a walk, in the garden, she was always very calm when she went there. When she got there, she saw a familiar face, it was Wooyoung. 

"Wooyoung, I heard what happened" Jieun explained.

"Yeah, well she's gone now." He said sadly.

"It was her loss, I think you're a really great guy" Jieun said truthfully

"Really? Well thanks, but I don't think i'll ever get over her." He said as he started walking away.

"I'm sure you will, you just need to have a good time when she's gone. I'll be here when ever you need me." jieun said and smiled

"Yeah, thanks I'll keep that in mind." He said as he continued, but then he suddenly turned around and ran towards Jieun. 

He ran towards Jieun and grabbed her hand, he continued running until he reached a place. When Wooyoung took Jieun, she knew that he needed to have some fun, so she just went with him. Jieun actually felt relaxed when she was running, it felt like she had no worries at the moment. She also felt like it was a new start. When they stopped Jieun looked at where it was and she was excited. Wooyoung stopped at the amusment park.  

"Why did we stop here?" Jieun asked

"Ahh! Me and Taeyeon used to come here a lot."He explained

"Ohh." Jieun said with a kind of depressed face. 

"Ahh. Sorry, this must be weird. We should go back, were going to miss our next class." He said

"Aniyo, it's okay. I understand and remember, I said that I'll always be her efor you when you need me." She said with an ensuring voice. 

"Thanks. Then let's go have fun." He said with a hurt smile. 

They went on scary rides and they ate ice cream together. They finished going on the rides and they started walking. They both had smiles on their faces. Wooyoung almost forgot about Taeyeon until they walked up to this game booth. Woooyoung remembered when he won a stuffed animal for her and they shared their first kiss as a couple. Wooyoung couldn't control his emotions, his tears just kept flowing down his face. Jieun saw him, and she felt very sad, and she felt like crying with him. But she stayed strong, she looked at him and smiled. They both walked to the exit and Wooyoung thanked Jieun for accompanying him. She grinned and they both went thereseperate ways. While Jieun was walking home, she kept thinking about Wooyoung. She knew that in her heart she liked him, she liked him a lot. She wanted to get to know him better though, so she planned to hang out with the guys more, since it was the weekend already. Wooyoung had fun, but he still had a difficult time when he thought about Taeyeon. He decided that having Jieun as a friend would be good for him. When he got home he went straight to sleep. When Jieun got home, Nickhun asked her why she skipped class, she just replied that it was something important. Nickhun trusted her and let her go to bed. He was still very curious about what happened to her when she lied that she fell down the stairs. But he didn't think about it too much because he was spending a lot of time with Victoria and he liked her alot. Both Jieun and Nickhun were happy yet still worried at the same time, but they thought the first week of school went very well. Nickhun found someone that he liked a lot, and also Jieun. They also had many great friends that look after them. 



Author's Message

Thanks for reading! I haven't updated in a few days because i was busy. I tried to make this chapter a little longer then the first few. I hope you like it. :] I will update again shortly. Enjoy reading. :D

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exobacon #1
plz make a couple with junho and jiyeon.plz I'm begging you.
Viets07 #2
AWESOME ! <3 update soon (:
keep on updating!! i love it :))<br />
btw were did you do our posters?
Hello! New Reader her, and you know what your story is Awesome! :D<br />
Please do more Updates! :DD
Viets07 #5
I love this too ! update soon .. btw; thanks for your comment <3
I hope your finish this fanfic til the end! FIGHTING! ;)
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