
other side

a/n : its very short thats its more to a drabble than one shot but i hope you guys enjoy! comment are like thousand of taoris fanservice <3

The door slowly creaked as Tao slowly pushed it open. A familiar room came in his sight as he enter the house, taking off his shoes on his way. He was greeted by the sight of his boyfriend sleeping tiredly on the couch, still in his apron.

Tao walked to the sleeping blonde, stopping just infront of the couch before bending his knees so he's in the same level as the older is. "Yifan, wake up" he slowly caress the other cheeks as an attempt to wake him up.

The blonde only groans slightly before slowly open his eyes, adjusting to the bright light in the room. "I'm sorry for being late" Tao said apologetically. His boss have been a pain in the lately giving him extra work everyday.

Yifan smiled, loving the feeling of Tao hands softly playing with his hairs. "It's okay. You looked tired, are you okay?" The concern in his voice is clear enough for Tao to hears which make him thousand times more grateful for having Yifan in his life.

Tao kissed the place where Yifan's nose and foreheads meet. "I'm okay, just tired i guess" Yifan sighed. Tao probably haven't eat at all today. "I cooked your favorite pasta for dinner" Yifan got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, hands clasping around zitao's.

"Sit down, i'm going to warm it up a bit" Tao only obey, taking a sit on the stool while letting his eyes stick to his boyfriend. Yifan may seems like a manly giant, but this side of him is so adorable. A side he only showed to Tao and Tao is grateful for that.

He doesn't even realized that his meals is done until Yifan place it infront of him and takes a seat right beside him. "Eat up baby, then go take a shower so you can rest" Yifan takes a bite of his cooking. "Yes mom" Tao jokingly said which result of him getting hit on his arm.

While the dish is being eaten, they continued to chat and joke with each other leaving the plates empty in no time. "You should shower now, i'll clean up the kitchen" Yifan stood up and takes their empty plates to the sink.

Tao however only sit there and let his eyes follow his boyfriend. Yifan suddenly felt a pair of hands slide around his waist. "Tao i have to clean the kitchen" Yifan whined at his boyfriend while left Tao to chuckled at his cute reaction.

Yifan stop whining when Tao turned him around and a pair of lips crashed down on his own. The kiss started off sweet and slow but with the hands wandering along their body, they both couldn't deny the lust that's sweeping rapidly in their body as they ignore the world and make love in the kitchen leaving a huge mess for Yifan to clean up.


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Chapter 1: So cute!!! The taoris feels... *3*