one; him

The Pain of December
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NELL "Haven" play on the background, please

one; him 

The fall was almost over, and the whole country was waiting for the first snow. To be honest, I was already living as if it was winter, it only needed the small cover of white on the ground. But it was coming late, like that year. Everything about the end of fall hurt me, and I felt anxious waiting for the snow.

Everyone around me that truly knew me knew that; I was always like this. But for some reason, this year was worse.

"Did you take the trash out yet?", I asked my younger brother who was occupied with whatever game he was playing on our shared computer. The headphones were blocking my voice and I sighed. Reaching out to pull one side from his ear, I called him.

"Taehyun! The trash!", I nagged, fully aware of him disliking my commands. I mean, who wouldn't hate nagging? He pouted and let out a frustrated noise, looking at me with pleading eyes, but I stayed strong. "Fine, I'll go! Is there food in the fridge?", he asked then and I closed my eyes while silently cursing myself in my head. I had totally forgotten to go grocery shopping.

"Noona! Why are you nagging to me when you're the one who's supposed to be yelled at?", he then complained and I pushed him ever so slightly before hurrying to the clothrack.

"I was busy cleaning the house! Be kind and at least vacuum downstairs after you've taken the trash out. I'll go buy some food", I pleaded, doubtful of him even going to touch the vacuum cleaner. He didn't answer and I gave up. I could continue tomorrow before my job started.

Putting on my black leather jacket and sneakers, I left the house. I covered my head with a warm beanie on the way through the apartment building's gate and as I started walking forwards, slightly hurrying because of the late hour, I cursed the cold secretly.

A loud ringing laughter reached my ears and I faced upwards, only to find a group of young males. It was quite dark, so I couldn't see them properly. I sighed as I realized that they were blocking the way almost com

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huhudad #1
Chapter 1: Oh my god!! Why isn't this fic getting proper comments!! I freak'n love this chapter and I'm totaly looking forward for more =)