「 9 」




Sungjong replaced things here and there to set up for painting. It'd been a while since he'd actually had an urge to do so and he sat down, getting started. Tracing outlines with a pencil and drawing it first, but once he'd finished the sketching part, Myungsoo came in the room. "Oh, you're back." Sungjong hummed in distraction, erasing small unneeded ticks and marks. "I went to see hoya." He suddenly spoke and Sungjong wondered why he so urgently was saying this, "Alright?" He muttered, getting up to clean his hands of the lead that had smudged while he was drawing. "He confessed to me--he said he likes me." Sungjong didn't flinch an inch and only continued cleaning, "I see." he simply replied as if it wasn't of importance. "So, are you ready to go?" Sungjong questioned as he finished, turning back to Myungsoo now who nodded and the two walked in silence.
The fact that Sungjong hadn't even made a comment to it was annoying Myungsoo but beneath all of that, Sungjong's mind was racing. "Doesn't bother you?" he questioned and Sungjong simply shook his head as the two walked. "So . . If I respond positively to him--?" Sungjong seemed to sigh now, "Its really not my choice Myungsoo." he spoke, the annoyance was starting to show in his voice. "I don't know what i'll say, I was just thinking of how you'd take it is all." he simply spoke, pestering him farther. "I don't control how you feel, Myungsoo. You can like who ever you want." For this exact reason, it was why he didn't want to let Myungsoo in, and he was feeling glad he didnt. 
Maybe Myungsoo was trying to get his attention but if not-- ". . . And I wish you the best with whomever you chose. I hope you treat them well." He ended the conversation like this, entering the area and Myungsoo seemed a bit ticked but Sungjong chose to ignore it, it was obvious now that Myungsoo was only mentioning this to get a reaction. How long had he been planning that one?  'Myungsoo, You're really such an idiot.' Sungjong sighed to himself, thinking things but decidedly not voicing them as they entered and Sungjong stayed behind as Myungsoo went through a few tests in skill. 
Sports, arts, music, whatever it was that he was good at. Surprisingly enough, Myungsoo was quite good at Guitar and singing as well. When it came his point for photography he did well, better than most and they chose that to be his main attraction; he was skilled in one of the more better things and this allowed him to have more leeway in jobs. He could entertain and also take pictures of things and earn money for it; they provided him with a camera and said they'd help him pick a guitar ro began working
Sungjong felt glad for this, Not only because something good had happened to him, but also because this way, it would help bring Myungsoo out of his shell. Sungjong had always watched Myungsoo carefully and Sungjong was shy, but so was Myungsoo. Their ways of showing it were different but the outcome was still the same. This way, he hoped that Myungsoo would make alot of friends. he was already quite attractive and word of him had spread around well in his time here. Sungjong knew that soon in time he'd probably be quite a 'celebrity' around here. He grinned to himself at this as they walked back. 
"Whats up with you?" Myungsoo questioned,noticing his bubbly mood all of a sudden; taking his attention away from his new camera--Simply a polaroid but he could get something better later. "Nothing, I'm just reallly happy for you, Myungsoo." He spoke with a smile and Myungsoo only seemed to sigh and look elsewhere. Sungjong's smile seemed to disappear at this, "What?" he questioned--did he say something wrong? "Nothing." He simply spoke as they reached the apartment and Sungjong brought his attention back to the painting. If Myungsoo clammed up, it was almost impossible to pry anything out of him until he was ready to speak so Sungjong decided not to dwell on it. 
"It looks good." Myungsoo spoke, "Thankyou." There was a pause."If you only do a few paintings and drawings every once in a while, how do you get money?" Myungsoo questioned after a while, Sungjong had felt his hard stare on him the whole time. "I do other things, normally playing instruments for get-togethers, its a quick way to earn a good amount of money. So you'll be good once you get your guitar." Sungjong explained, but there wasn't too much use for money anymore--at least In Sungjongs thoughts. Myungsoo had got up and snapped a few pictures of him while working and Sungjong paused momentarily. "What're you doing?" Myungsoo only pulled the polaroids and waved them to bring the picture in. "Working." he simply spoke, taking another of Sungjong's curious look to him. "Aish." he grumbled, shaking his head and deciding to focus back on his work. "Do we have to stay here forever? We can't go someplace else?" Myungsoo questioned after a moment of silence and Sungjong nodded. "Its allowed if you want to leave and live outside of the forest civilization, You can go wherever you want and no one will say elsewise." "Then why does everyone stay hidden here?" 
Sungjong sighed, putting his brushes and paint down before turning to Myungsoo. "Its just . . .safer here?" Sungjong slowly spoke, "You can be what you are here without being afraid of being outcasted--don't have to hide nor run and a lot of those here appreciate that comfort. The freedom also of being able to go out and come back to a home comfortable and guarded. Thats why people stay here." He explained and Myungsoo nodded slowly, letting this sink in. "Why? Did you want to go someplace else?" Myungsoo shrugged to this. "Haven't you ever wanted to travel the world, I mean if we have eternity, then why not do all the things you've ever wanted to do?" Sungjong grinned at this, "That sounds good, you should definately do that Myungsoo." he sounded excited but Myungsoo sighed as he didn't really get his hint. "You didn't have any place you wanted to go?" 
Sungjong hummed in thought for a moment, "Antarctica." he cooed with a grin, "I always wanted a penguin!" He spoke with a laugh before turning back to finish his painting. "--Or maybe Paris, Italy, uh. . someplace tropical. Something memorable and beautiful." he spoke as he swiveled his brush around the cup of murky paint water, tapping it on the edge to free some excess water from dripping. "We could go?" Myungsoo questioned and Sungjong chuckled. "What do you mean?" "I mean, us. . . as in . . . You and I? We can go." Sungjong seemed to stop now, turning back to see if he was serious and indeed he was. 
 "Myungsoo . . . " Myungsoo sighed now, feeling a rejection coming on, turning away and Sungjong quickly stopped him from leaving by grabbing his wrist. "I--I'd like to!--but I can barely leave here yet--. . . can we take a raincheck?" He asked giving Myungsoo hopeful eyes and Myungsoo seemed to soften his hardening gaze, nodding as he pulled Sungjong into a hug and Sungjong grew stiff at the close contact, it wasn't so often since they'd talk that they were close. The hug only lasted  a moment before Sungjong laughed uncomfortably. "I-- um. . Gotta finish my painting" he murmured absentmindedly, clearing his throat awkwardly and bashfully breaking free of the embrace and finishing his work and Myungsoo let him work now without saying anything, obviously pleased enough with the answer.
Sungjong stretched and got up to refresh the cup of water and there was a knock to the door. He could heard Hoya's voice and asking Myungsoo if he thought of it--his question. Sungjong simply return back out to his spot, and when Hoya saw him he seemed to look guilty, like he'd been caught in his action but Sungjong only flashed him an uneffected, yet short and awkward grin before sitting down and continuing to paint as Myungsoo left out with him. When tthe door closing leaving him be--he paused taking a moment before breathing in and continuing his work. He didn't think it would bother but it did a little--but it didn't matter, It was Myungsoo's choice. If he was moving onto Hoya after just a little time then that said enough. It didn't hurt any less though, with his brother of all people? He refused to be bitter of it though. Maybe that person for him turned out to be Sungyeol? 
He stopped in his movements, hands stilling as he seemed to think through that thought, no. . . maybe not. It wasn't anything about Sungyeol, he was great but he honestly thought of him as his friend and he couldn't really see him caring for anyone except for Myungsoo; but he didnt mind it. All that mattered was who Myungsoo chose. Honestly if he'd have tried a bit harder with him he'd have got somewhere. He wants everything to be right now and doesn't want to wait when they have all the time in the world and a part of him could understand that but then another part of him wished he was more patient. It was really difficult for a maker because Yes, You love your maker beyond a doubt and you'd do anything for them, but its simply because they're your maker and in this, they'll do what ever you want, but Sungjong doesnt want that. He want's what Myungsoo wants. Really wants--needs, not just a fleeting emotion he feels just for now. Because Sungjong knows that if he opens that part of him to Myungsoo he'll expect a lot. That's just how he his.
In this thoughts, he'd smuged the paint over and sighed, cursing to himself. "Jeez," he muttered, going to get some else to fix it but noticing he had only a odd number of paints remaining. Placing his paintbrushes down, he figured he could just go pick up a paints real quick and coming back, it couldn't be such a problem, could it? Sungjong streteched before Heading out and closing the room behind him--Bumping into Myungsoo on the way. "Where ya going?" Myungsoo questioned. "Ah, To get paint, I'll be right back." He simply spoke and Myungsoo seemed to be in such deep though that he barely questioned and simply continued on. Sungjong shrugged and simply headed out to the woods now, It was still light out--but growing dark now and so he didn't worry much of his appearance, it was simply direct sunlight and so he was fine as he headed out.
Luckily enough, there was the paints he needed all on the last stock, he grinned to this before buying it. The cashier seemed to give him an odd look, staring without shame seeing his coloured eyes and questioned him if he was mixed and Sungjong grinned, "Ah, Yeah." he simply spoke before taking his paints and leavin before any further questions, a simple escape. "I should really invest in contacts." he murmured under his voice as he headed back torwards the forest to head back. 
Interestingly enough, he was stopped quickly as he felt his arms being pulled behind his back. "Ow, What the heck!?" He yelled angrily now, trying to struggle free from it and he felt  someone lean to his ear. "Now funny this," That same voice, That odd guy from the tzimisce that smelled him the other time; Sungjong sighed, quietly grimacing, did he not see the last of this guy? Obviously not. "The one who was scaring away all the food turned out to be that kid's brother. How lucky am I?" He questioned, voice low and hoarse and Sungjong seemed to slowly register what it was that he was speaking of. "Man you're fast--Hey, Woah, is that him?" Another voice questioned, he sounded dumb and unintelligent as he neared over, walking around to see him from the front, taking a good look at Sungjong who simply glared at him. 
"Wow, what a looker." he murmured with a laugh--A human? He couldnt quite understand what it was. "You sure he's--?" "Why not test it out then?" he questioned moving his hands some but still gripping tight enough as he tried to struggle free and the other seemed to go into his pocket and pull out a simple necklace and Sungjong wondered what they hoped to accomplish with this, What really could they do with that but as it made contact with his skin it burned and Sungjong yelped in pain. "Wow." the human guy spoke in an awe, laughing a bit to see how he seemed to stop struggling now and simply not move. The pain was enough now that his movements, his struggling only made it worse. 
He was bascially forced to walk and moved into a van; it was gross--smelled and had blood in it.  The silver necklace was then exchanged with handcuffs that were pure silver, he could feel his tears pouring from his eyes at the pain, glaring at The kindred sitting to the back with him as the guy exchanged the metals and left them be to begin driving, all the while the kindred across from him had a large smile. "Think of how funny it'll be when that bastard finds out where i'm taking you." He hummed with a grin, making sure to show his fangs. "You think I won't tell them, you're like me too?" Sungjong spat at him and the other just laughed, leaning forward to pat the younger boys cheek. "Now now, Who're they gonna believe? The tied up vamp, or the one who's helped them get one? Hmmm." he seemed to visibly weigh his choices before smirking. " you." Sungjong growled low and the other just laughed. "No, I'm pretty sure its you thats ed. " he spoke, delight coursing through his voice as he leaned in to whisper to his ear. "You're not coming back." he spoke with a laugh as Sungjong tried to kick at him and he simply laughed at him attempt.
 "Fiesty, but i'm much older than you and I know much more kindred secrets." He spoke, leaning back into his seat now. "All i'm doing is securing that you get to the destination." "Where." Sungjong spoke with a icy tone. "Awh." he cooed laughing at Sungjong's misfortune. "Where big brother used to work. Did he ever get the chance to tell you about that?" He questioned now and Sungjong felt his stomache turning. "Hmm I guess so~" He hummed before standing up as they arrived. "No hard feelings to you child, Its not so much you that I want to suffer, but your dear brother. yet, You're my only playing card, Guess I'll have to use it." he muttered with a smile as he left the back, Sungjong's glare on him.
It was dangerous to be in a sittuation such as this, but then it even more dangerous when a vampire himself was feeding secrets that he even didn't know. He was starting to feel helpless and everytime he tried to move, it burned, Seethed and he felt almost as if his hands would be disconnected at the wrists. . . maybe that would be a good thing though, he wondered. His thoughts were growing outrageous and when the dumb guy who's cuffed him came back he only glared at him something fierce. He seemed to chuckle at this. "Seems a shame to put you down." He muttered before pulling an unmarked bottle from a bag and poured some liquid into a cloth. Sungjong couldn't tell what it was, nor did he want to find out and as a last attempt he tried to kick the other which the other seemed to quickly grab his legs. "Nope." he spoke before pressing the cloth to his face and as he'd suspected, his consciousness began to slip out, until it faded.  
Probably he was the unluckiest in the word and misfortune seemed to follow him even to the afterlife. He started wondering if everything happened for a reason like Myungsoo said it did--and if it did, really what did he do to deserve it? What reason was this for? 

A knock on the door seemed to pull Myungsoo from his thoughts and he placed his camera down, heading to answer it. "Is Sungjong here?" Hoya questioned and Myungsoo seemed curious of his urgency. "No, He went to go buy more paint I think." Hoya seemed to be in thought for a minute and then nodded, "Alright." he muttered absentmindedly. "Why?" He questioned and Hoya shrugged, "I thought I felt something was wrong but then it faded." "That's weird." Myungsoo muttered, thinking with his as well. "Its probably nothing." Hoya eyed him over a bit uncomfortably, obvious that he couldn't make eyecontact with him and Myungsoo, noticed it. "Well. . .He's been gone for a while, I don't think it takes that long to get paint." "How long?" Myungsoo looked back to the clock. "Uh. . " he murmured, trying to think of when Hoya and him had finished their talk, and when he came back, what time was all that.". . . Four hours?" he finally spoke and Hoya sighed, "You didn't notice he was gone for four whole hours?" he spoke now and Myungsoo shrugged, "He said he'd be right back, maybe he got sidetracked. . " Myungsoo spoke, really what was it that could go bad? He was pretty sure that Sungjong could handle most people. "Lets check just incase." Hoya spoke, just cause his intuition was telling him so.
The two walked in an awkward silence. "Don't feel bad about your choice." Hoya spoke after a bit And Myungsoo quietly, looked to him frowning slightly. "Sorry hyung." he murmured quietly and Hoya only nodded. "I understand, Really, and i'm fine with it." Myungsoo grinned just a bit uncomfortably, When Hoya had confessed to him, he told him to give him some time to think, and he did. When he came back, the answer was obvious. "It's Sungjong, right?" Hoya asked and Myungsoo noddded just a bit. Hoya nodded as well, "Thats good." Hoya replied thoughtfully before the two came across a lone bag. "Whats that?" Myungsoo questioned as the two neared it and upon seeing it was paint was enough to set a uncomfortable air between them. "Lots of people come in here, its probably some other person's." There was some blood on it though which seemed to be rather foreboding. "Besides, Sungjong doesn't really have any enemies, why would--" "Oh !" Hoya shouted now, realizing some as he seemed to pace for just a momnent--cutting him off and Myungsoo simply stared at him with bewilderment at his outburst. "Sungjong doesn't have enemies, but I do."
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Thank you!
everyone was like noo for what I had planned soo im gonna try to think of a way to end it next chapter, sorry for delay ;;/


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32bella #1
Chapter 17: Love the story, beautiful and those moments MyungJong, the best. I've read it several times and I still love. Thanks for such a beautiful story
bine84 #2
Chapter 17: i luv infinite vampire storys...this one was pretty good too. thank you for writing it.
Chapter 17: I loved this story author-nim! The fluff was such great~~
Chapter 17: im confused >__< what happened to their vampire life? its like un-complete ending~ what happened to you author-nim~ its a good story but its like you rush things. kick that author block!
Chapter 17: I was shocked when i see 'complete' sign :(
Well actually i don't really like the ending author-ssi..
But i like jealousy myungsoo ㅋㅋ
Thanks for the fic and make more! :)
Chapter 17: aawchi I have tbh, im dissapointed...sorry :( 6-10 more chapters O.o that was alot...I'd love to read some dramas involving that Jongsuk guy in between MJ but oh well its your fic anyway. thank you :)
InspiritYuki #7
Chapter 17: Cute>< I really enjoy your fluffy endings! they are the best
InspiritYuki #8
Chapter 16: I really hope you don't have another writer'a block. If you do I can wait though...