I Love You

It's Okay Even If It Hurts

Naeun looked out the window, hoping to see her fiancee at the porch. But, he wasn't there. She sighed and looked at a potrait of her and Myungsoo. We were happy. Now, we're broken. The door opened and Naeun shot up. She smiled and walked towards her fiancee. "Welcome home! How was your day?" She asked as she grinned at him. "Leave me alone." He coldly said and pushed Naeun aside. 

Naeun's smile disappeared and she looked down. She stood there quietly and occasionally glanced at Myungsoo. He went to their bedroom and dozed off without changing. Naeun pursed her lips and prevented herself from crying. Did I do something wrong? Was I a bad fiancee? Those questions were all Naeun could think of. She quietly went to their bedroom and cuddled near the sleeping Myungsoo. She hesitantly put her hand onto his messy hair and it. She stopped it and went to sleep.

- - -

The next morning, Myungsoo woke up from a horrible dream. Or should I say, nightmare. He ran his fingers in frustration through his hair, messing up the already tousled locks. He looked at Naeun and her wavy hair. He sighed. "I'm sorry, Naeun." He mumbled as he got out of bed and got ready for work. After he went, Naeun opened her eyes. She looked at the open bedroom door and stood up. I should bring him something to eat.

Naeun cooked Myungsoo's favourite meal, Kimchi stew. She satisfyingly smiled at it and went to Myungsoo's work place. 

- - -

Naeun took a deep breath as she stood in front of the Kim Building. She didn't really go there often because of Myungsoo's parents. She was terrified of them. She pushed the building door open and went to the counter. "Would you mind taking me to Kim Myungsoo's office?" She hesitantly asked. The woman behind the counter eyed her and chewed on her gum. "...Please." Naeun continued and the woman stood up. "Follow me please." She said as she guided Naeun to Myungsoo's office. 

The woman knocked on the door and peeked inside. " Mr. Kim, there's someone here who wants to see you. " Myungsoo looked up and saw his assistant, Go Woori and Naeun. He gestured for Naeun to come in and rested his chin on the palms of his right hand. " What do you want? " He bluntly asked, showing no emotions at all. " I-I brought you some Kimchi stew. " Naeun stuttered. Myungsoo continued doing his work without looking at Naeun. " Just leave it on the table and leave. I have no time for you. " Myungsoo said and Naeun gulped. 

She nodded slowly and placed the Kimchi stew on his table. She bid Myungsoo goodbye and left without saying another word. Myungsoo closed his laptop and covered his face with his hands. Why am I being like this to her?

- - -

Myungsoo went to the bar after he heard that his parents got into another fight. His life was going to be ruined if his parents divorce. He lazily walked towards the counter and ordered ten bottles of beer. 

He drank half of them and ordered more. A woman walked up to him and looked at him from head to toe. He looked at the woman and smirked. He ran his hands onto her waist and pulled her closer. She chuckled and placed a kiss onto Myungsoo's lips. Her red lipstick was noticeable on his pale lips. She placed another kiss onto his neck, causing a love mark to appear. Suddenly, a muscular guy went up to them and pulled the woman away and punched Myungsoo. He coughed out blood and glared at the man. " What the hell are you doing to my girlfriend, you bastard? " The man asked, putting his fist right in front of Myungsoo's face.

Myungsoo scoffed and pushed the man away. "What are you going to do about it?" He coldly said and the man punched his face once again. From afar, Infinite and A Pink were watching them. "Should we tell Naeun about this?" Yookyung asked. Sungyeol shook his head. "We should stop those two idiots first." Eunji pointed and Hoya agreed. Infinite went to the man and stopped the fight.

- - -

Naeun paced back and forth while biting on her nails. Where is Myungsoo? She looked at the time. 2:59 a.m. She stared at it with disbelief. She ruffled her hair in frustration and sat on the couch. 

My My My You're My.

She picked up her phone.


"Naeun. It's Chorong. Myungsoo, he-"

When Chorong was about to finish her sentence, Myungsoo burst the door open, causing Naeun to flinch. "I'll call you back, unnie." Naeun whispered and hanged up. "What took you so long?" She asked, almost yelling. She noticed the bruise on Myungsoo's face and examined it. "What happened?!" She asked while looking at him worriedly. "None of your business." He said, slapping away Naeun's hand. She scoffed and slapped him. "What is wrong with you?!" She yelled. She noticed the love mark on his neck and she almost screamed. "Making out with another woman behind my back!?" She slapped him once again. "Aish, this ." Myungsoo turned and punched Naeun. He puller her hair and threw her to the floor. "Shut up. I don't want to hear your annoying voice." 

Naeun widened her eyes and touched the bruise on her face. She looked at her hand and it was covered with blood. Tears started falling from her face but Myungsoo didn't care. Her vision went blurry and suddenly everything went black.

- - -

Myungsoo stood there. He looked at Naeun. They were in the hospital. He carressed her once beautiful face, he regretted it. He regretted hitting her, he regretted everything he did to her. Yes, Myungsoo loved her. He looked at the cut on Naeun's face, the cut that he made. "I'm sorry Naeun. I'm sorry for hitting you, I'm sorry for being cold to you everyday, I'm sorry for everything." He said, kissing her forehead. Naeun's lips moved slightly. He looked up and saw Naeun crying. She opened her eyes slightly. "If you're sorry, you wouldn't have hit me. You apologized to me everyday, Myungsoo. None of those apologies were true." She said coldly. 

Myungsoo looked down. He didn't want to see Naeun's crying face. "All those apologies were true!" He shouted. Naeun glared at him. "Get out." She said and closed her eyes. Her voice was shaky and Myungsoo could hear it. He clenched his fist and went out.

- - -

Myungsoo sat outside Naeun's hospital room. A Pink came in and saw Myungsoo, they immediately hated him. "Move." Hayoung, the youngest of them all, coldly said. Her unnies looked at her, they couldn't believe it. Hayoung was the most kindest one of them all. She would never be rude to the people older than her, but, Myungsoo was an exception.

"I said 'move'!" She shrieked, causing everyone near her to look at her. Chorong looked at her worriedly. "Hayoung-ah..." Chorong tried to calm her down. "You know," Hayoung pointed at Myungsoo. "You should be in jail! If you don't move right now, I'll call the police." She said as she pushed Myungsoo aside and barged in the room. She stood there, looking at her most precious unnie. "Naeun unnie, what did he do to you?" She mumbled as she hugged the pale girl. 

Naeun opened her eyes and Hayoung's silky hair. "I'm fine, Hayoung-ah." She calmly said, but her shaky voice was still noticeable. Yookyung looked at Myungsoo and saw tears running down his cheeks. She patted his back and Myungsoo just sighed. "I think... you should leave, Myungsoo oppa." Myungsoo looked at her in disbelief. "Leave? Leave?! How can I leave my wife when she's hurt!?" He yelled at her. "She's not your wife, Myungsoo oppa. She's your fiancee. And, you're the one who hurt her. I don't think she even wants to see you right now." She bluntly said and Eunji nodded. "That's right. You should leave." Eunji said as she pushed Myungsoo gently towards the exit. 

- - -

One week has passed and Naeun still didn't want to talk to Myungsoo. Although she wanted to, she couldn't. Myungsoo was too busy with his work that he didn't have time to go home and spend time with his new wife. Yes, they got married after Naeun got released from the hospital.

Myungsoo opened the door lazily and slouched his back. Naeun looked at him with weak eyes and smiled softly. "Welcome home." She said weakly as she made her way to Myungsoo. "Stay away from me. Do you want me to hurt you again?" He coldly said. What is wrong with me? Myungsoo thought. Naeun stopped amd recalled the times where Myungsoo had abused her. Pulling her hair, kicking her, punching her. Tears started falling again and Naeun passed out. 

- - -

Naeun blinked. For the first time in 3 months, she blinked. Myungsoo woke up from his slumber and looked at Naeun. She looked at him, blinking. She got up but Myungsoo prevented her. "You should lay down, silly. I don't think you're alright to sit up yet." He said as he layed her down. She didn't say a word as she blinked again. "W-Where am I?" She asked while looking at Myungsoo. Myungsoo smiled. "You're at our house." He said as held Naeun's hand. Naeun slid her hand away and Myungsoo looked at her. "Is there something wrong?" Myungsoo asked with a worried look on his face.

Naeun nodded and looked around.

"W-Who are you?" 


Yes, as you can see, it isn't finished! Well, I'm gonna make it into a two-shot fanfic heehee. Anyways, hope you like this chapter. o u o PPYONG =^.^=

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 1: Please update
Update soon author >< i kinda love this fanfic
ploykz-sunny #3
Chapter 1: omo she have amnesia
update soon authornim. this story was good xD
tangtang-pp #5
Chapter 1: update soon ^^
TiaDaniela #6
Chapter 1: update soon! :>
Chapter 1: update soon!!~^^
nurulnatasha #8
Update soon. ....
nice foreword!!~~^^
update soon~~