you're the reason why i still exist

Why are we still friends? I'm 100% sure we're perfect for each other! (hiatus)
Eun jung's POV
i just came home from school, with bruises. i got bullied by the queenkas and kingkas,again. i tired to hold back my tears, but i can't.
i faced the mirror, and asked myself, Am i that ugly? why do they hate me? why are they so mean to me?
those questions always pop in my mind. wherever i go, people always tease or bully me.
calling me weird,weakiling,stupid,silent,ugly,, and etc!
i'm so tired of my life! i also even tried to suicide but kwangmin stopped me.......he's the only reason why i still do exist in this mean world......
Flashback (yeah people, i love flashbacks! X3)
*this happened when i was still 10 yrs old.*
Eun jung's POV
"umma, don't leave me here! please!"i pleaded. my umma walked towards the gate. i walked towards her but she shoved me.
"go away! i'll leave you here because i don't love you!" my umma's tears fell down, so is mine. those words of her shattered my heart. i just stand there, frozen. tears are forming in my eyes. i looked down. then my umma placed her hand on my shoulder, "look i didn't me-" but before she could continue talking, i interrupted her.
"go away!1 i hate you! i wish i was never born! why did you even gave birth to me, if you'll just treat me like a trash. if you hate me, then i hate you more! i don't wanna see your face again! go away! from now on, i'm no longer your daughter!" i yelled. she was about to speak but i already ran away. they chased after me but i didn't care. i went to the playground and hid on the tree. i climbed on it, sit there and cried my eyes out. i held out my knife and placed it beside my hand. but then, i heard footsteps coming closer. i rubbed my eyes and tried to speak normally. "go away! leave me alone!"
i thought it was my umma, but in my surprise, it's a boy, holding a pikachu plush. "yah, kiddo! go down! pikachu will be sad if somebody will die on that tree!" he shouted. is he kidding? how childish, he's a boy but he's still playing pikachu plush.
"sicko! go away!" i shouted. i waved my hands, motioning him to go away. and in my stupidness, i forgot to grip on the tree so fell, luckily i landed on top of the boy. "hey, are you o- ouch!" he screamed. i got off of him. he held his hand, and it was bleeding. i helped him get up and help him seat beside the tree. luckily, there was a Moringa Oleifera tree on the park so i quickly took some ,grind it, and dabbed it on his scar. he flinched a bit. "please bare with it." i said and dabbed it again.
"mianhae~ it's my fault why you got hurt~" i lowered my head, then tears started forming again in my eyes.
"yah, don't worry. at least it's not on my face, if it's on my face,i'll kill you!" he said. i cried harder.
"yah! i was jut joking! i just wanna cheer you up! don't worry, it's not your fault, it's my fault cause if i didn't disturb you, you wouldn't fall, but iif i didn't disturbed you, you're dead by now. so it's better if i get a scar than somebody will lose a life." he smiled sweetly. it's actually the first time somebody cared about me. it feels so good. i never had friends before... i hugged him tightly and he hugged my back while patting my back.
"please don't cry! pikachu will be sad if somebody's sad or crying!" he chuckled.
i broke free from the hug anf faced him. "you're so nice to me..i'm sorry if i was a bit harsh on you a while a go..."
"you're not harsh,.... very harsh! but please don't cry, i'm just joking!" he laughed. "btw, what's your name?"
"i'm Song Eun jung. how about you?"
"Jo kwangmin, at your service! it's nice to meet you, princess!" he replied and playfully hit him on his arm. "ouch!" he groaned in pain. oh yeah, i forgot, he's got scar on that part ^.^''
"mianhae!" i apologized continuously.
"yah, stop apologizing! it makes me look like i'm a gangster or a bad person. 1 sorry is enough."
"uhm. okay." i blushed abit. i clasped my hands and spoke "what do you want me to do to repay your kindness?"
"promise me you'll always smile, don't cry. always cheer up and let's be good friends from now on!" he cheered. he took out his pinky.
"promise!" i then took out my pinky finger and intertwined it with his.
End of Flashback
reminiscing  the day i met kwangmin makes me a bit happy.
my phone suddenly vibrated. i took it out and saw kwangmin's name on the screen. okay, eun jung, try to act normal. try to act nothing's wrong! i let out a deep sigh and answered my phone.
"yoboseyo?" he said.
"h-hey kwangmin, why did y cal-"
"yah! what happened? why  do you sound like you're crying? who did it to you? just tell me, and i'll kill them all!"
"yah, i'm not. i'm doing fine."
"you sure? i know you eun jung. please don't lie to me."
"why will i lie to my bestfriend?" i lied and faked a laugh.
"okay. if you say so."
"btw, why did you call? is there anything i can do for you?"
"nothing. i just want to check up on you. i'm hanging up now. bye.! take care!"
"okay bye take care!" i said and he hang up. yes, that's my nice and caring bestfriend,for you.
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Hi readers! I made a new story with 4minBoyfriend who happens to be my sister in real life^^ it's entitled, "Oh!MyGODS!" and i hope you'll support us! =)


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That's sad and sort of seems like my life :'(
alliekhot #3
Aaww poor eunjung.. XC
alliekhot #4
So caring i want also a boy bestfriend that is caring just like kwangmin.. Hehe update soon.. ^.^
Taeminblossoms_16 #5
!!!keep updating!!<br />
<br />
I cant wait to know whats gonna happen next, fighting!
Taeminblossoms_16 #6
>i cant wait for this! :)