chapter one

unexpected meeting
" ok, everyone doing a great job " their manager shout and asked the rest of the people to clean up, packed their stuff. as always the scandal members bows at their staff and say thanks for their hard work. the four of them went to their dressing room and celebrate their successful live performance at osaka jo-hall. once they finish celebrating, all of them went to their dorms tired as always. 
they arrive at their dorm, as always tomomi throw herself on the couch while rina goes to the kitchen. haruna was busy on her phone and mami lays down on the floor, rolling around and says " gosh, im so tired " rina walks back to living room and sits on the other couch, stares at her mami, laughing " can someone turn on the tv please? i couldnt find the remote " mami looked at tomomi, while tomomi pretend to be asleep. and she turn around to look at haruna. haruna just ignore her and play with her phone. mami sighed and lazily crawl to the television, turn it on. " happy? " she look at rina and back away abit. 
rina nodded and look at the tv screen, her jaw drop " oh look, its taemin ! " everyone turn their eyes to the tv. suddenly tomomi break the silence " we never perform at korea .. " she blinks and look at everyone. finally haruna speak " they already have their own idols? probbaly. i dont know " she shrugged and focus on the television. " i want to go to korea.. " rina says and smiles abit . she wonder " hmm.. i wonder hows the environment there.. was it the same as japan? "
all of them look at rina and shrug their shoulders. " maybe not, maybe yes? " tomomi say and yawns, stands up. she walk to her and bid everyone good night. mami stares at the television blankly and sits up, went to her room " night. " rina look at mami and shakes her head " she never change " haruna look at rina for a sec and say " well, thats mami for you. let's go to bed. its pretty late and we have busy schedule tomorrow.. maybe ? " haruna stands up and turn off the tv, went to her room. rina nodded and went to her room. all of them fall asleep. 
exo just finish their dance practice.  luhan sit at the end of the corner and sighs heavily. kai who stand besides him look at him and offer him a bottle of water. luhan took it and drinks it, while kai look at him and asked " whats wrong, hyung? you seem depress lately " luhan stays quiet and shrug his shoulder, even himself doesnt know why he seems so depress. probbaly feel lonely? no, he have s with him. probbaly he missed his parents? not really, he called them every night before he went to bed. he feel something empty inside his heart. and he trying to figure out why. 
he stares at the bottle blankly and sighs " i don't know even why.. " kai looked at him and blink his eyes a few times. he feel bad looking at his hyung sad, he look around and suddenly he got some idea. kai smile widely and turn to luhan " hyung, i got surprise for you tomorrow, better be ready. ok? " kai pat luhan shoulder and went to the others. luhan look at him with confuse look and just shrug his shoulder, mumble softly " might as well, listen to that kid " he drank the bottle of water. 
kai went to the other members with a wide smile, do saw his wide smile and look at him suspiciously " dude, you better wipe off that smile away before i kick your " kai glares at the older boy and ignore him. do smirked and just shrug his shoulder. sehun  just shaked his head and ask him" i bet that creepy smile has some brilliant ideas ? " everyone look at him, except for luhan who was far away from them. 
kai turn to look at luhan and look at the other back. he point at luhan " that ... hyung seems depress.. so i was thinking how about we all take him to some club and celebrate. " suho and kris glare at him, kai shook his head when he notice the glares " i-i mean.. not night club.. what i mean is a cafe. to celebrate and cheer him?  and of course no alcohol? " he rubs his nape and looks around. sehun look at luhan and sighs " sure why not. i agree with kai "  kris walk closer to kai and wrap his one arm around kai's shoulder " you better make sure no alcohol or else will be dead " suho nodd with an agree for what kris say " i'm fine with anything. " the others look at each other and nod 
" so tomorrow right ? " do asked and kai nodded. do smiles " well, i know some good cafe. we shall go there then. " suho sigh in relief and pat d.o back " i trust you man. "
kai look around and smiles " so tomorrow, then ? " the other members nodded. all of them went back home to take a rest.
" ok ! bedtime is over girls. time to get up and come to the living room" their manager shout and knock every door. mami groans and takes her phone on bedside table, check what time is it now " gosh, its 7 am ! " she put her phone away and sits up, sighs heavily.  she went to the living with her sleepy face and looks around, saw her members are already up except for tomomi. she sat besides rina and lay her head on rina shoulder. tomomi came out after mami and asked " what is it? i thought we have a day off today.. " 
tomomi yawn and lay her head on haruna's lap.  " well.. we are going to korea and promote your song. oh probbaly shooting  for your new music video with some idols there " their manager smile. tomomi quickly get up and stares at her manager " say what?! " rina eyes went wide and gasp while mami is still asleep. haruna mouth is open wide and blinks.  their manager shakes head and notice mami who still asleep " mami ! " she is still not waking up.  rina look at her and try to wake mami up. " w-what..? " mami awake and looks around. 
" well,thats mami for you " she laughs and mami just glare at her. " i'm tired, ok ? " mami say and look at her manager " what are you saying just now? " their manager sighs and say it again " i'm saying that, we all go to korea and promote our songs there. probbaly shooting for your new music video with some idols. " mami raise her one eyebrow  " shooting for our new music video with some idols, you say ? " their manager nodded and smiles " and its a boyband " the four of them eyes went wide and their mouth wide open ( like a shape O )  
" what are you waiting for ? all of you got your own bathroom and get ready. " their manager say and all of them went to their except for mami, she ask her manager " may i ask who are we going to be with ? " her manager look at her and shrugs his shoulder " i don't know, this is an order from your boss? " mami look at him suspicious and went to her room, take a quick shower. after taking a shower for a few minutes, mami get dress and pack her stuff. 
after she done packing her stuff, mami went out and saw rina who was the first person done packing her stuff. rina was about to go to the kitchen when she saw mami. she smiles at her and ask " want some hot chocolate ? " mami nodded and follow her to the kitchen. they make some hot chocolate for themselves and eat cereal for their breakfast.
the manager went to the kitchen to drink some water, look at the girls. " are they always late getting ready? " mami blinks and nods slowly. while rina look at the manager " yes " mami finish chewing the cereal and say " they are trying to decide which clothes to bring ? " the manager sighed and drink the glass of water. rina look at mami and smirk slightly " i bet you 500 yen if tomomi come out first " mami look back at rina and think for a while " hmm.. i will choose haruna " the manager look at the girls and shakes his head " you girls, never stop " 
after a few seconds the first who come out is haruna. mami smirk and look at rina, nudge her " where's the money ? " she wiggle her eyebrows and rina pouted, give mami 500 yen. haruna saw what are they doing and she glare at them " you guys, should stop doing that. " mami just shrug her shoulders and went to the living room. rina offer haruna some hot chocolate and yes, finally tomomi came out. she puff her cheeks and went to the kitchen " travelling is hard. i dont know which clothes to choose " 
the manager look around and smiles " is everyone ready ? " all four of them nodded and smiles widely. " ok then, lets go ! " the manager walks out from the apartment, calls their staff to carry the girls lagguage. the girls walks out from the apartment " korea, here we go! " rina say happily and claps her hands happily. 


author note!

hello, guys. yay, first chapter done. so what will be the next chapter like?
will luhan meet mami ? or no? stay tune for the next chatper i almost die typing this.
i hope  you guys like it. sorry for the wrong grammar and all the typos. i'm still
new making fics. so i really hope you guys like. oh yeah! i'm making another
fiction with my friend. i will give you guys the link on the next chapter. 
oh ! and another thing, listen to scandal song called BURN, its soo
dvsjfvbdjbfdsjbfhbdsh. /dies. 
, look at this. LIKE A BOSS  B|
and another thing. i just found out that sehun hair is blue. 
arent that the same as mami hair? XD i'm not sure if that hair is blue or what ouo
so is there any kpop idols who hair is purple? cause mami hair used to be purple. 
ok i better stop now. bye guys.


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indi1hitwaunder #1
Chapter 1: Omg!!! Continue plz!!! Loving it!! Far too short..
SummerChii #2
next chapter please,
scandalous here :3